Staff Information Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Staff Information feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Are any additional steps necessary when terminating an E-Prescribing user in AWARDS?

Can a report be generated that contains aggregate human resources information from the staff information records?

Can all of a supervisor's supervisees be re-assigned at once?

Can an employee's work schedule be set up to show he/she works at a different worksite each day?

Can I assign more than one work supervisor to a single employee (for ex if he/she works at more than one worksite)?

Can I attach multiple employee file cabinet files at one time?

Can I limit access to a file attached to a staff information record to specific staff?

How do I add a new employee to the system?

How do I add a worksite missing from the selection list in the work schedule portion of the staff info records?

How do I correct a misspelled employee name after I've created a staff info record and login for that employee?

How do I edit a Messages module custom list created by a terminated employee?

How do I enter partial hours in the Hours/Week field in the "Payroll Group Status" portion of staff info records?

How do I re-activate a former employee who has been re-hired?

How do I make changes to the staff information record of a terminated employee?

How do I remove a duplicate staff information record?

How do I remove a job title from the selection list on the staff information record page?

How do I remove an employee from the system?

How do I update the records of an employee who has transferred from one program to another?

If an employee was terminated using a future end date, should he/she still be able to login to AWARDS?

What does being assigned as a work supervisor impact in AWARDS?

What happens when an end date is entered for an employee on his/her current payroll group status record?

Why can't a re-activated former employee login to the system using his/her old login information?

Why did I receive a "24 hour or more work shift" error when entering/updating an employee's work schedule?

Why did I receive a "name entered already exists" error when entering a staff info record for a new hire?

Why did I receive a "payroll group mismatch with hours" error when entering/updating a staff info record?

Why doesn't anything happen when I click a link to download a file or attachment from AWARDS?

Why is a user whose payroll group is "On Leave" still able to log in to AWARDS?

Why is a terminated employee still showing up on the organization chart?

Are any additional steps necessary when terminating an E-Prescribing user in AWARDS?

When terminating (removing access for) an AWARDS E-Prescribing user, contact the Foothold Help Desk after you've completed the AWARDS termination process. We will then remove the user from the E-Prescribing system.

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Can a report be generated that contains aggregate human resources information from the staff information records?

Yes, to view aggregate information from staff information records, use the Employee ReportBuilder.

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Can all of a supervisor's supervisees be re-assigned at once?

No.  At present each supervisee must be re-assigned to another supervisor individually from within the individual supervisees' staff information records.

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Can an employee's work schedule be set up to show he/she works at a different worksite each day?

Yes.  Each shift must be entered as a separate line within the work schedule, and a different worksite can be selected for each shift.

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Can I limit access to a file attached to a staff information record to specific staff?

No. The File Cabinet tab of staff information records, including any attachments, follows the same data entry and viewing rules as the full staff information record itself.  Additional protections or limitations cannot be imposed on specific attachments.

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Can I assign more than one work supervisor to a single employee (for ex if he/she works at more than one worksite)?

No.  At the present time it is not possible to assign more than one work supervisor to a single employee, and we do not recommend creating multiple logins for an employee to work around this limitation.  In the event that an employee has more than one work supervisor, we recommend maintaining a single login for him or her and assigning as the work supervisor the one with whom the employee has the most interaction.

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Can I attach multiple employee file cabinet files at one time?

No, files can only be added individually.

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How do I add a new employee to the system?

To add new staff in AWARDS, you'll need to create a staff information record for each, along with a login.  You'll then need to assign permissions to each and test the logins to confirm they provide the proper access.  For detailed instructions on each portion of this process, please see the Creating an Employee Login instruction sheet accessed by clicking here.

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How do I add a worksite missing from the selection list in the work schedule portion of the staff info records?

If a worksite is missing, please contact the Help Desk for assistance.

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How do I correct a misspelled employee name after I've created a staff info record and login for that employee?

If only the name on the staff information record is incorrect and the login ID will remain unchanged, the correction can be made within the staff information record and no other action need be taken.  To make that type of change, follow the instructions under Updating a Staff Information Record.

If the login ID also needs to change, first correct the staff information record, then follow the instructions under Changing an Existing Login ID to correct the login ID.

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How do I edit a Messages module custom list created by a terminated employee?

When a terminated employee is an author of a custom list in his or her Messages Address Book, the list is automatically updated to the "Sharers can update" status, allowing other workers sharing that list (and consumers, if applicable) to edit and update it. 

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How do I enter partial hours in the Hours/Week field in the "Payroll Group Status" portion of staff info records?

Partial hours should be entered using a decimal value; for example, for 35 and a half hours, enter 35.5.

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How do I make changes to the staff information record of a terminated employee?

This can be done by accessing staff archives.  After clicking the Human Resources button and selecting Staff Information, check the "Staff Archives" checkbox on the worker selection page.  This will provide access to those archived records.  For more information on updating staff information records, click here.

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How do I re-activate a former employee who has been re-hired?

When re-hiring someone who previously worked for the agency, go into the Human Resources module's Staff Information feature and check off the Staff Archives on the worker selection page.  From there, select the former employee and open his or her staff information record.  Create a new payroll group status record for the employee (leaving any old records as is), make any other changes needed to the staff information, then update.  You will then be able to create a new login for the employee and assign permissions to him or her as needed.  For detailed information on this process, see Re-Activating a Terminated Employee.

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How do I remove a duplicate staff information record?

Duplicate staff information records must be removed by the Help Desk.  Please contact them for assistance, and be sure to provide them with the name of the employee and details on which of the two records should be kept.

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How do I remove a job title from the selection list on the staff information record page?

The list of job titles contains those currently assigned to one or more active employees.  To remove a job title from the selection list, update the job title information in the staff information records of those employees for whom the job title is currently selected.  Select or enter a new job title for each, and the unused job title will automatically be dropped from the list.

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How do I remove an employee from the system?

To remove staff from AWARDS, you'll need to create an employee termination process.  That process is outlined under Terminating an Employee.

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How do I update the records of an employee who has transferred from one program to another?

When an employee transfers from one program to another within the agency, several steps need to be completed:

  Update Staff Information - Use the Human Resources module Staff Information feature to make changes as necessary to the employee's payroll group, job title, supervisors, work schedule, and/or compensation information.  For more information, see Updating a Staff Information Record.

  Reassign Supervisees - If the employee has any supervisees at the original program, use the Human Resources module Staff Information feature to update the records of each of those supervisees and assign them to new supervisors using the "Supervisor Information" options. For more information, see Updating a Staff Information Record.

  Reassign Caseloads - If the employee has a caseload at the original program, use the Services - Individual module's Service Coordinators feature to assign those caseloads to other staff members.  For more information, see Reassigning a Caseload.

  Director/Deputy Director Reassignment - If the employee was a program director or deputy director for the original program, use the System Setup module, Agency Program Information, Configure Administration feature to place other employees in those roles.  For more information, see Maintaining Program Director Information and/or Maintaining Deputy Director Information as needed.

  Charting Events Reassignment - If the employee has open service plan events assigned to him/her in the original program, use the Update Schedule tool  in the Services - Individual module's Service Plans feature to reassign them to another staff member.  For more information, see Service Plans.  If the employee has other chart events assigned to him/her in the original program, use the Services - Individual module's Charting Timetable feature to reassign them to another staff member.  For more information, see Entering / Updating a Chart Event.

  Appointment/Events Reassignment - If other future appointments and events are assigned to the employee in the original program, use the Calendar feature to either cancel them or reassign them to another staff member. 

  Group Schedule Leader Reassignment - If the employee is set as the leader for any scheduled groups in the original program, use the Services - Group module's, Group Schedule Setup, Group Schedules feature to reassign those groups to other staff members.  For more information, see Maintaining Group Schedules.

  Update Permissions - Use the System Setup module Permissions Maintenance feature to remove the employee's chart access permission to the original program, and to assign chart access permission to the new program.  For more information, see Updating User Permissions.

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If an employee was terminated using a future end date, should he/she still be able to login to AWARDS?

Yes.  The login of a terminated employee is not de-activated until the end date is reached.

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What does being assigned as a work supervisor impact in AWARDS?

Work supervisor information is displayed in various places throughout AWARDS (for example, on discharge forms) and it also gives the supervisor the ability to complete various report viewing and data entry tasks for their supervisees (for example, changing a supervisee's password).  For a detailed walk through of related abilities and privileges, see Understanding Work Supervisor Privileges.

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What happens when an end date is entered for an employee on his/her current payroll group status record?

If an end date is entered for an employee's current payroll group status record and another payroll group status record is not entered at that time, the employee is terminated.  After entering the end date and clicking elsewhere on the staff information page termination information options are displayed with which details can be entered regarding the termination.  When update is clicked to save the record, the employee's staff information record is moved to the staff archives, and his/her AWARDS login is de-activated as of the end date entered on the payroll group status record.  For detailed information on the termination process, see Terminating an Employee.

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Why can't a re-activated former employee login to the system using his/her old login information?

Re-activation of the staff information record is only the first step in a multi-step process when a former employee returns to the agency.  After the record is re-activated, a new login must be created for that employee (the old one will not work), and permissions must be assigned to him or her as needed.  For more information on creating logins, see Creating an Employee Login.  For more information on assigning permissions, see Updating User Permissions.

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Why did I receive a "24 hour or more work shift" error when entering/updating an employee's work schedule?

This error is received when a shift of more than 24 hours is entered on the work schedule.  In many cases this happens when the employee's weekly schedule is entered on a single line in the work schedule as, for example, Monday 9:00AM to Friday 5:00PM instead of on five separate lines where each day worked is entered individually. 

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Why did I receive a "name entered already exists" error when entering a staff info record for a new hire?

This error is typically received when a former employee is re-hired and a new staff information record is entered for him or her.  Rather than create a new staff information record in cases like this, the existing archived record should be re-activated.  To do so, go into the Human Resources module and check off the "Staff Archives" option, then go into the Staff Information feature.  From there, select the former employee and open his or her staff information record.  Create a new payroll group status record for the employee (leaving any old records as is), make any other changes needed to the staff information, then update.  You will then be able to create a new login for the employee and assign permissions to him or her as needed.  For detailed information on this process, see Re-Activating a Terminated Employee.

If you were unable to find a previously existing record for this staff person in the archives, the error was generated as the result of having another active staff person with that same name already in the system.  In that case, enter the name for the new employee as completely as possible (for example, using a middle name as well as the first and last names), or make changes to the name of the existing employee so that each is unique.

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Why did I receive a "payroll group mismatch with hours" error when entering/updating a staff info record?

The value entered in the Hours/Week field must match the Payroll Group selection made.  Specifically:

  If the payroll group is Per Diem, the Hours/Week must be 0.

  If the payroll group is Full Time, the Hours/Week must be 35 or more.

  If the payroll group is Part Time w/Benefits, the Hours/Week must be between 34 and 24.

  If the payroll group is Part Time w/o Benefits, the Hours/Week must be 23 or less.

For partial hours, use a decimal value; for example for 35 and a half hours, enter 35.5.

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Why doesn't anything happen when I click a link to download a file or attachment from AWARDS?

Clicking a link in AWARDS to download a report/export file, message attachment or file cabinet file is designed to generate a "PHI Download Alert" pop-up notification to inform you that the content of the download may contain confidential or protected information and should be handled accordingly.  If you have a pop-up blocker turned on in your browser's settings and have not exempted * so that it is always allowed to open pop-ups, it will seem as if nothing is happening when the AWARDS link is clicked.  Please see the instructions for your browser to adjust the settings related to the pop-up blocker.

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Why is a user whose payroll group is "On Leave" still able to log in to AWARDS?

The "On Leave" payroll group does not prevent a user who has been placed into that group from logging in to AWARDS.  To prevent AWARDS access while someone is on leave, you can use the Block Login Access feature, which keeps the login intact for future use, but prevents the user from logging in while the block is in place.  Alternately, you can add a payroll group end date under Staff Information with no new start date, however that will close the login entirely so that it will need to be recreated if the user returns from leave in the future.

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Why is a terminated employee still showing up on the organization chart?

A terminated employee will continue to show up on the organization chart (with an asterisk next to his or her name) if there are one or more supervisees still assigned to him or her.  To re-assign those supervisees, open the staff information record for each and change the supervisor assignments as appropriate, then update to save your changes.  For more information on updating staff information records, click here.

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