FormBuilder Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the FormBuilder feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Can a client's form data automatically be copied when a client is placed into a program from a Waiting List?

Can a client's form data automatically be copied when he/she is transferred from one program into another using Client Transfers?

Can a form field be set to display conditionally?

Can a form have reminder messages generated for it?

Can a form have the same name as another form?

Can a form listed as a chart event be scheduled automatically?

Can a form located on the face sheet be filled out more than once?

Can a form located with progress notes be filled out more than once?

Can a form section be duplicated if there are two sections that will have the exact same content?

Can a form's done date automatically be dropped into the charting timetable when the form is completed?

Can data entered in FormBuilder forms be used to generate invoices using the BillingBuilder?

Can I add more than eight sections to a form?

Can I add tables to a form?

Can I change a form's location to the Charting Timetable without losing previously entered data?

Can I combine two forms into a single form?

Can I create an ongoing schedule for a form if I don't want AWARDS to automatically schedule the initial instance of that form?

Can I have AWARDS automatically schedule a charting event that does not have a FormBuilder form associated with it?

Can I have more than 24 items in a list of checkboxes or radio buttons?

Can I include form values in HMIS CSV uploads?

Can I insert page breaks into a form?

Can I run a form report without FormBuilder access?

Can I use a form in more than one location?

Can sections of a FormBuilder form be hidden for printing purposes?

Can the appearance of form text be changed?

Do electronic signatures copy over when using the Copy FormBuilder Data feature?

Does form data entered for a client in one program carry over when that client goes into another program?

How can I delete a completed form?

How can I tell which events in the charting timetable have FormBuilder forms associated with them?

How do I lock a form so that its contents cannot be changed after it has been completed?

How do I make an existing form available to more programs?

How do I remove existing data from a form I want to delete?

How do I review data for an assessment administered several times over the course of a year?

How do I schedule a FormBuilder form listed as a charting event?

How do I turn off a form so it's no longer available for data entry?

How do I unlock a signed FormBuilder form?

Is electronically signing a FormBuilder form captured in the audit trail?

Is FormBuilder data entered for discharged clients available on FormBuilder ReportBuilder reports?

What determines which fields display on the form index when a form is located on a module fly-out?

What does "No Saved Forms" next to a program's name in FormBuilder Configuration mean?

What "form dates" is the FormBuilder ReportBuilder settings page looking at?

What happens if I change the parameters of the saved report format used as the filter when scheduling a form?

When are FormBuilder fields available for inclusion in a ReportBuilder or an ExportBuilder export file?

When there are multiple signatures on a form, which date populates "Locked by E-Sign Date" on the ReportBuilder?

When using computed field types, can more than one computation be made in a single field?

Which of the two admission-related form locations should be used for single step programs?

Which ReportBuilders will form fields display on when the "Available on Related ReportBuilders" option is used?

Which version of a form displays on the face sheet if it has been filled out multiple times over multiple program episodes?

Why are future dates allowed in the date range for form reports?

Why are the dynamic section headings missing from a printed form?

Why aren't codes I added to a checklist/radio/selection list field showing up in reports?

Why aren't things like form names and field labels saved correctly when they contain quotation marks (")?

Why can't I change the sections or fields for a particular form?

Why do I have the option to add dynamic sections and fields to some forms and not others?

Why does a new field added to an existing form only appear on some instances of the completed form but not all?

Why does my form display correctly in one browser and not another?

Why doesn't the date/time stamp change when making updates to a client's form data under the Jobs/Services/Medical fly-out?

Why don't I see my saved report format in the ReportBuilder Filter list on the FormBuilder Schedule - Data Entry page?

Why is a field whose value was set to "Other" displaying as blank on the form?

Why is there data in a new form I just opened?

Why isn't the conditionally required field option always available?

Why isn't the profile form location always available for selection?

Can a client's form data be copied automatically when a client is placed into a program from a Waiting List?

When a placement is made from a Waiting List, the most recent FormBuilder forms filled out in the client's source program - the program that placed the client onto the Waiting List - can be copied to the destination program.  Form data will automatically be copied from the source program to the destination program only when ALL of the following are true:

  The "Allow option to copy over pre-existing form data" option available during FormBuilder configuration is set to "Yes" - This drop-down must be set to "Yes" for the form in order for form data to be automatically copied from one program to another.

  TIP: If the source and destination programs are in different divisions (when working in a divisional database), the optional Copy Across Divisions? form setting must also be set to "Yes."

  The location is set to intake/admission (as a linked form), face sheet, as a charting event, on the Services fly-out, the Medical fly-out, or the Employment Jobs fly-out - Form data does not copy over when the forms are located anyplace other than the following:

- Intake/Admission - as a linked form
- Profile
- Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out
- Listed as a Charting event, available under outcomes
- Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out
- Employment Jobs - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

  The location and form are the same for both the source program and the destination program - For example, if both programs have the same assessment form located on the face sheet, data will copy over.  If that same form is located under intake in one program and the face sheet in the other, data will not copy over.

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Can a client's form data be copied automatically when he/she is transferred using Client Transfers?

When a client is transferred using the Client Transfers feature, the most recent FormBuilder forms filled out in the client's transferring-out program can be copied to the transferring-in program.  Form data will automatically be copied in this scenario only when ALL of the following are true:

  The "Allow option to copy over pre-existing form data" option available during FormBuilder configuration is set to "Yes" - This drop-down must be set to "Yes" for the form in order for form data to be automatically copied from one program to another.

  The location is set to intake/admission (as a linked form), face sheet, as a charting event, on the Services fly-out, the Medical fly-out, or the Employment Jobs fly-out - Form data does not copy over when the forms are located anyplace other than the following:

- Intake/Admission - as a linked form
- Profile
- Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out
- Listed as a Charting event, available under outcomes
- Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out
- Employment Jobs - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

  The location and form are the same for both the transferring-out program and the transferring-in program - For example, if both programs have the same assessment form located on the face sheet, data will copy over.  If that same form is located under intake in the transferring-out program and the face sheet in the transferring-in program, data will not copy over.

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Can a form be set as the default for data entry in a location?

Yes, a form can be set to be selected by default in the "Include" drop-down list for data entry if it has been configured for one of the following locations:

- Discharge - to be included on the process discharge form
- Group Notes - as an option to be included on a group note
- Incidents - to be included in Incident Reports
- Medical - as an option to be included on the Medical Appointment Form
- Program Status - as an option to be included on the Program Status form
- Progress Notes - as an option to be included in a progress note
- Services - to be included on the Service Plan Coversheet

To set a form as the default do the following during form configuration:

    1. On the General tab - Set the Should this be the default form for this location? option to "Yes."  When that selection is made a For which programs? multi-selection list is automatically added to the page.  Select the program(s) in which the form should be pre-selected for users in the specified location.  (Press <Ctrl> while making your selections to assign this form as the default for multiple programs.) 
    2. On the Programs tab - Make sure that the form has been turned on for the programs specified to use this form as the default; a Check Defaults option is available for this purpose, or the appropriate programs can be chosen manually.  (Note that if the form was previously used for a program, that program will already be checked here and the form will remain in effect for that program regardless of any changes made at this time.  If the form was not already filled out for a program however, using Check Defaults clears its selection from the Programs list unless it is one that was selected to use this form by default.  Any de-selected programs can be manually re-selected as needed.)

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Can a form field be set to display conditionally?

Yes, certain field types can be set to display conditionally based on specific response(s) to another field/option in the same section of fields on the form.  This can be configured using the Conditionally Displayed FormBuilder configuration option.

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Can a form have reminder messages generated for it?

If a FormBuilder form's location is the charting timetable, listed as a chart event, chart review reminder messages will be generated for that form automatically.  These messages are sent 3 weeks/21 days, 2 weeks/14 days, and 1 week/7 days prior to the form's due date.  Once the due date has passed, a reminder is sent every third day until the form's done date is entered in the charting timetable.

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Can a form have the same name as another form?

No, each form MUST have a unique name.  If forms share the same name it will cause unintended consequences such as missing fields and data in those forms.

  TIP: When cloning a form the new form defaults to the same name as the original form. Please be sure you replace or adjust the default name so that it is unique!

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Can a form listed as a chart event be scheduled automatically?

Yes.  For instructions on scheduling a FormBuilder form listed as a charting event, click here.

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Can a form located on the face sheet be filled out more than once?

Each face sheet form can only be completed once per program episode.  If the client is in a program, the form is filled out, and the client is discharged and later re-admitted, the original form data is available in the form for the new program episode and can be overwritten with new information; however, the historical information from the original episode is not available for editing purposes.  From that point you would only be able to see what was in the form for the initial program stay by using the Demographics ReportBuilder with a date range that overlapped that stay.  You could also use that ReportBuilder to see what was currently in the form as long as the date range overlapped the current stay's dates.

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Can a form located with progress notes be filled out more than once?

Any FormBuilder forms for which progress notes is the specified location are available for data entry multiple times per day per client, as long as the notes the form is attached to are distinct.  For example, if a single staff person writes two notes for a given client on a single day, those notes would need to have different clock times in order to be distinct and allow for the form to be completed more than once for that day.

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Can a form section be duplicated if there are two sections that will have the exact same content?

No.  The section would need to be manually created each time - it is not possible to duplicate sections during the FormBuilder configuration process.

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Can a form's done date automatically be dropped into the charting timetable when the form is completed?

If a FormBuilder form's location is the charting timetable, listed as a chart event, it is possible to have the done date for that form dropped into the charting timetable automatically.  To do so, include in the form a "dynamic text" field with "Charting Done Date" set as the dynamic variable from the client's chart.  During the data entry process for the form, if the user enters a done date in that field, it will automatically populate that same field in the charting timetable and the specified done date will appear in both data entry and report modes there.

IMPORTANT! The "Charting Done Date" dynamic variable can be added to any form; however, values will only be saved in that field in the event that the form's location is the charting timetable.

Alternately, if a form's location has been set to "Listed as a Charting Event, available under Services - Individual" using the FormBuilder tool, you also have the option to auto-populate the charting event Done Date with the date on which the form was locked by the first electronic signature, if configured to use e-signing.  For information about setting the form to auto-populate in this way, click here.  For information on configuring electronic signatures on forms, click here.

IMPORTANT! We strongly recommend using EITHER the "Charting Done Date" dynamic text field variable OR the option to auto-populate the charting event Done Date.  If both features are used for the same form, the date the form is locked by the first electronic signature will overwrite the date entered in the Charting Done Date dynamic text field.

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Can data entered in FormBuilder forms be used to generate invoices using the BillingBuilder?

In general, data entered in FormBuilder forms does not interact with the BillingBuilder; however, there are two exceptions:

    1. You can generate invoices in BillingBuilder based off of a FormBuilder form that is associated with a Charting Timetable event for which a done date has been entered.

  NOTE: In such instances you are not billing based on the contents of the form, but rather on the fact that the form has a done date entered.

    1. You can generate invoices in BillingBuilder based on the selection made for the E&M Code option in the E&M Code FormBuilder form when it is included in a progress note.

  NOTE: The E&M Code FormBuilder form is not turned on by default, but it can be downloaded using the Download Shared Forms component of the FormBuilder.

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Can I add more than eight sections to a form?

Yes.  While initially up to eight sections can be added at once, the maximum number of sections that can be added to a form in total is 15.  Begin by entering the first eight sections, and then click NEXT to save your work.  Circle back around to the Sections data entry tab (FormBuilder Menu > FormBuilder Configuration > Click the form name > Sections), and you will be provided with space to enter up to seven additional sections for a total of 15.

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Can I add tables to a form?

No.  It is not possible to add tables to a form.

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Can I change a form's location to the Charting Timetable without losing previously entered data?

Yes, though only in rare instances; specifically, when the form's original location is Intake/Admission (as a linked form) or the Face Sheet.  In those instances if you move the form to the charting timetable and then schedule the events with due dates that match the client admission dates, any previously entered data will carry over.  Keep in mind that the scheduling must be done manually - it does not happen automatically when the form location is changed.

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Can I combine two forms into a single form?

No.  At present there is no way to automatically combine multiple forms.  The sections/fields from one of the forms must manually be re-created in the other.

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Can I create an ongoing schedule for a form if I don't want AWARDS to automatically schedule the initial instance of that form?

Yes.  The first event would need to be manually scheduled on the Charting Timetable, but subsequent events would schedule automatically based on the criteria you specified during the scheduling process.

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Can I have AWARDS automatically schedule a charting event that does not have a FormBuilder form associated with it?

Yes.  You will still need to create a FormBuilder form with the same name as the charting event you want to schedule, but you do not need to add any fields to the form.  For instructions on scheduling the charting event, click here.

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Can I have more than 24 items in a list of checkboxes or radio buttons?

Yes.  Initially a maximum of 24 items can be entered, but upon saving the field and re-opening it, you will have the option to add 24 more.

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Can I include form values in HMIS CSV uploads?

Yes, if the Is this form a system format? option is set to "Yes."  For system formats a read-only Include in HMIS CSV Upload option is available that can be set to "Yes" by Foothold Technology so that the form's values are included in a .csv in your Full+ uploads.  To have this option turned on, please contact the Help Desk for assistance.

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Can I insert page breaks into a form?

There is not a formal page break option for FormBuilder forms; however, the "HTML Br Tag" field type can be used to insert a general break into the form and in some cases may be utilized as a page break.  For example, if the first page of your form is going to be a consistent size (for instance, if it's all selection lists or checkboxes and not comprised of fillable text fields that could contain information of varying lengths) you can insert an HTML Br Tag field (or multiple fields of that type) between form sections to act as a page break and move the next section onto the following page.

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Can I run a form report without FormBuilder access?

Yes.  The FormBuilder ReportBuilder - located in the Human Resources module or Outcomes modules for employee and client forms, respectively - enables users without FormBuilder access to run reports on form data.  In addition, this ReportBuilder can be accessed via the Reports module regardless of FormBuilder access or form type.  (Note that employee forms are located at the bottom of the form selection list when running a report via this module.)

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Can I use a form in more than one location?

Yes.  In order to do so, you will need to select a single location for the form, clone it (being sure to edit the name of the cloned form so that it is distinct from the original), and then select the second location for the clone.

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Can sections of a FormBuilder form be hidden for printing purposes?

When "Instructions" is selected as the field type, an available "Display in data entry mode only" checkbox can be used to prevent the entered instructions from being displayed in report mode.  This is an exception however, and at this time there is no way to customize printing for other portions of the form by hiding them or otherwise altering the appearance of the form.

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Can the appearance of form text be changed?

Yes.  When adding or updating a field, the field name can be formatted as needed using the formatting options located above the "Field Name" text box.

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Do electronic signatures copy over when using the Copy FormBuilder Data feature?

No, forms that are copied into another program must be manually electronically signed in that program.

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Does form data entered for a client in one program carry over when that client goes into another program?

The movement of form data when a client is placed from one program into another program happens AUTOMATICALLY only when ALL of the following are true:

  The "Allow option to copy over pre-existing form data" option available during FormBuilder configuration is set to "Yes" - This drop-down must be set to "Yes" for the form in order for form data to be automatically copied from one program to another.

  The location is set to intake/admission (as a linked form), face sheet, as a charting event, on the Services fly-out, the Medical fly-out, or the Employment Jobs fly-out - Form data does not copy over when the forms are located anyplace other than the following:

- Intake/Admission - as a linked form
- Profile
- Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out
- Listed as a Charting event, available under outcomes
- Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out
- Employment Jobs - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

  The location and form are the same for both programs - For example, if both programs have the same assessment form located on the face sheet, data will copy over.  If that same form is located under intake in one program and the face sheet in the other, data will not copy over.

  The intake or admission is made using Central Intake, Transfers, or Waiting List functionality - When a placement is made into a new program using Central Intake, Transfers, or Waiting List functionality, any form data entered for the client in one of the available locations (listed above) in the original program is copied over to the new program.  When Central Intake, Transfers, or Waiting List functionality is NOT used to make a new placement (for example, when a client is discharged from one program directly into another), no form data is carried over automatically; instead, a manual copy must be completed using the Copy FormBuilder Data feature, as noted below.

In ALL other cases, the Copy FormBuilder Data feature must be used to MANUALLY copy form data for the client from one program into the same form for that client in another program.  Keep in mind that the Copy feature is only applicable for forms specifically configured to use it and whose location is one of the available locations (listed above).  For more information on copying FormBuilder data, click here.

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How can I delete a completed form?

If a form is located on a module menu page (in Employment, Medical, Discharge, or Services), that form can be filled out more than once per client.  To delete a specific instance of the form (if it has not been electronically signed), you must have the "Delete FormBuilder Form" exception override permission assigned using the System Setup module Permissions Maintenance feature.  Users with this permission will see a red "x" icon next to saved forms in the form index for each client.  Click an "x" to delete the corresponding form.  When prompted, click OK to confirm the deletion.  Electronically signed forms are locked and cannot be deleted, regardless of permission.

The form deletion process is similar if the form is included in a client record in one of the following locations:

- Discharge > Process Discharge
- Incidents

- Medical > Medical Appointment Form

- Services > Group Notes

- Services > Program Status

- Services > Progress Notes

- Services > Service Plans

To delete an included form from one of these locations (if the associated record has not been electronically signed), you must access the relevant client record from data entry mode and click the red "x" icon next to the read-only name of the included form.  (In some cases, "Delete Form" may be shown with the delete icon instead of the form name itself.)  The "Delete FormBuilder Form" permission is not required to complete this process.  Once an embedded/included form has been removed, you can then include a difference form if needed, or re-include the same form if you'd like to start it from scratch.

  NOTE: Form deletions are captured in the audit trail and can be viewed using the Audit Trail ReportBuilder.

Completed forms located in other places in AWARDS (for example, within client face sheets) cannot be deleted in their entirety, though individual pieces of data can be manually cleared from the forms of specific clients if needed.

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How can I tell which events in the charting timetable have FormBuilder forms associated with them?

At present there is no built-in way to distinguish between chart event types associated with forms and those for which no form exists.  If this is a concern, your agency may want to consider including "Form" in the names of FormBuilder forms - for example, "Daily Activities Form."

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How do I lock a form so that its contents cannot be changed after it has been completed?

We don't have the option to have forms automatically lock after a certain period of time, or to manually lock them when data entry is complete; however, we do have the option for staff to electronically sign forms, which would have the same effect.  Once a form has been signed it is automatically locked from further edits by any users.

To allow staff to e-sign forms, you'd need to add a signature field on the form, and use the "Electronic Signature" option.  For more information on this electronic signature option, click here.  And for more information on signing forms that have electronic signature functionality set up for them, click here.

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How do I make an existing form available to more programs?

Follow the instructions provided under Making Changes to a Form.  During step 5 of that process, click the 2. Programs tab and check off the additional programs to which you want to make the form available.  If the location for the form is set to "Listed as a Charting Event, available under Outcomes," be sure to contact the Help Desk after completing your changes so that the form can be added as a charting timetable event for the newly selected programs.  Be sure your request indicates the program type for each of the programs you just selected for the form.

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How do I remove existing data from a form I want to delete?

Forms cannot be deleted if there is data associated with them.  If you have completed a form for a minimal number of clients, you can remove the data so that the form can be removed without Help Desk intervention.  To do so, open the form using the FormBuilder Configuration tool in the FormBuilder.  Click the name of the form, and then click NEXT to access the form's fields.  Open each required field and change the "Required?" selection to "No," then update.  Next open each radio button field and change the field type to checklist, then update.  Lastly, open the forms with data in them and delete that data.  Once all form data has been deleted, you will see the red "X" next to the form in the FormBuilder Configuration tool and can use that to delete the form.

The above instructions are not applicable if any instance of the form in question has been electronically signed.  Electronic signatures lock forms and prevent any of the data they contain from being removed, or from deleting the form in its entirety.

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How do I review data for an assessment administered several times over the course of a year?

Use the FormBuilder ReportBuilder feature and select a date range for the report that covers the full year.  When running the report, you'll see the progression of the administered assessments over the time period specified.  You won't be limited to just seeing the latest values for the assessment as you would were you to use other report functionality such as the Demographics ReportBuilder.

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How do I schedule a FormBuilder form listed as a charting event?

For instructions on scheduling a FormBuilder form listed as a charting event on the Charting Timetable, click here.

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How do I turn off a form so it's no longer available for data entry?

If the form does not have data associated with it (indicating that it was never used), that form can be deleted entirely using the process detailed under Deleting a Form.  Otherwise, the form must be inactivated as detailed under Inactivating a Form.

To determine whether one or more programs have used a form so that you know which of these processes to use, go to Administration > Builders & Tools > FormBuilder > FormBuilder Configuration.  Locate the form in question on the form index.  If a red x icon is present the form hasn't been used and can be deleted.  If there is no red x, the form must be inactivated instead.

  TIP: Alternately, you can make a determination from the 2. Programs tab for the form in question.  "(No Saved Forms)" next to a program's name on this tab indicates that the program was set up to use the form, but that to date it has not been used.  The form can be deleted rather than inactivated when:

  ALL of the checked programs have no saved forms
    - AND -
There are NO unchecked programs with inactive dates recorded for them

If both of those criteria are not met, please proceed with Inactivating a Form.

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How do I unlock a signed FormBuilder form?

At the time a record is electronically signed it is locked and can no longer be edited.  However, we understand that in rare instances staff utilizing electronic signatures may not be careful in confirming that they are signing the right document for the right client before proceeding, and that it may occasionally be necessary to correct such errors.  As a result, we have made available to agency staff functionality that can be used to remove electronic signatures from specific records at their discretion.  This functionality is only available upon request and must be turned on behind-the-scenes by your Senior Project Manager or the Foothold Help Desk.  For more information, please refer to our Removing Electronic Signatures - Instruction Sheet.

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Is electronically signing a FormBuilder form captured in the audit trail?

Yes.  When a form is electronically signed that action is recorded in the audit trail and can be viewed using the Audit Trail ReportBuilder.

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Is FormBuilder data entered for discharged clients available on FormBuilder ReportBuilder reports?

Yes.  Please note though, that if you're running the FormBuilder ReportBuilder for a form located on the Charting Timetable, the due date of the scheduled for must fall within the Form Date Range.

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What determines which fields display on the form index when a FormBuilder form is located on a module fly-out?

When a client has existing forms displayed on the form index, each is listed with the date and time at which the form was entered into AWARDS.  The index also includes a column for the first three fields located on the form, excluding dynamic sections and computed fields.  (In other words, if a dynamic section or computed field is listed among the first three fields on the form, those fields are "skipped over" when it is determined what displays on the form index.)

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What does "No Saved Forms" next to a program's name in FormBuilder Configuration mean?

"(No Saved Forms)" next to a program's name on the 2. Programs tab in the FormBuilder Configuration tool indicates that the program was set up to use the form, but that to date it has not actually been used there.  This information can be helpful in making a determination on whether to delete or inactivate a form whose usage is being discontinued.

When turning off a form so that it is no longer available for data entry, it can be deleted entirely if the form does not have data associated with it (indicating that it was never used) - a process detailed under Deleting a Form.  Otherwise, the form must be inactivated as detailed under Inactivating a Form.

Note that if you uncheck a program for which there are no saved forms, and save the configuration, the "(No Saved Forms)" indicator will go away. This contrasts with the checked programs without this designation; for them, once you uncheck the program name and save the configuration, an Inactive Date will display.

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What "form dates" is the FormBuilder ReportBuilder settings page looking at?

By default, the report will include only those forms whose data dates and due dates fall within the last 30 days as indicated with the Form Date Range on this page.  In this context, the "form date" varies based on the location of the form you have selected.

When the form location is:

The "Form Date Range" looks for forms where:

Face Sheet or Intake/Admission linked form

The client was active within the date range

Charting Timetable

The client was active within the date range and the due date or the scheduled event falls within the date range


The client was active within the date range and the admission date (not the discharge) falls within the date range

Service Plans, Progress Notes, Group Notes, Incidents, Medical Appointment Form

The client was active within the date range and the date of service falls within the date range

Single-Step Admission embedded form

The admission date is within the date range

All Other Client-Based Locations

The client was active within the date range and the date the form was created falls within the date range

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What happens if I change the parameters of the saved report format used as the filter when scheduling a form?

All future schedules will be based off of the new parameters set for the previously selected filter.  Any events that were already scheduled prior to making changes to the filter will not be impacted, and must be updated manually on the Charting Timetable, if needed.

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When are FormBuilder fields available for inclusion in a ReportBuilder or an ExportBuilder export file?

In addition to the types of information available in each ReportBuilder/ExportBuilder, reports and data files may also include information entered in FormBuilder fields.  In order for a FormBuilder field to be available as a variable when generating ReportBuilder reports or ExportBuilder files, that field must have been configured for inclusion on related ReportBuilders.  Which ReportBuilder (and corresponding ExportBuilder) is "related" to a given form field is based on the form's location.  For example, if a form is available for inclusion when writing progress notes, the form's fields (when set to do so) will be available for inclusion when using the Progress Notes ReportBuilder, and therefore when using the Progress Notes ExportBuilder.  For more information on configuring form fields click here to navigate to the FormBuilder component of Online Help.

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When there are multiple signatures on a form, which date populates "Locked by E-Sign Date" on the ReportBuilder?

If multiple electronic signatures have been applied to a form, the ReportBuilder's Locked by E-Sign Date data variable populates with the date on which the first of those signatures was applied.  It is that date on which the form was locked from further edits.

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When using computed field types, can more than one computation be made in a single field?

No, only one computation be made in a single field.  If you would like to perform multiple computations, you must create a separate field for each one.

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Which of the two admission-related form locations should be used for single step programs?

Either of the two admission-related form locations can be utilized with the single step admission process.  Your selection should be based on when the form needs to be filled out (during or after admission), as well as what the form should look like and contain.  Specifically:

  Intake/Admission - as a linked form on the Intake/Admission form - Displays a link to the form on the intake/admission form AFTER admission is processed.  Requires you to circle back into the admission form after the client is admitted.

  Admission - as an embedded form in the single-step admission form - Integrates your form directly into the admission form, where it will be accessible at the bottom of the page under a heading labeled with the form's name.  This placement allows for completion of the form DURING admissions processing.  When using this location, keep in mind during  the form configuration process that Dynamic Sections and Dynamic Text Fields are not useful, as they will not have data to populate in them at the time the form itself is filled out. If Dynamic Text Field (Read Only) is selected,  the value will not populate at the time of admission but if data is entered and later this form is viewed/edited, it will populate. Additionally, while Initial Default Values do work for Date (which can populate with Today) and Text (which can populate with User) Field Types, the Default Value feature does not work for this location.

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Which ReportBuilders will form fields display on when the FormBuilder's "Available on ReportBuilders" option is used?

If the Available on Related ReportBuilders option is checked off for a form field during FormBuilder configuration, that field will be available on a variety of ReportBuilders based on the form's location.

Form Location

Related ReportBuilder(s)

Admission - as an embedded form in the single-step admission form

Demographics ReportBuilder, Intake/Admission ReportBuilder

Discharge - as a link on the Discharge fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Discharge - to be included on the process discharge form

Demographics ReportBuilder

Employee - as a button on the Human Resources Menu

Demographics ReportBuilder, Employees ReportBuilder

Employee - as a tab on the staff information form

Employees ReportBuilder

Employment - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Group Notes - as an option to be included on a group note

Group Notes ReportBuilder, Service Contacts ReportBuilder

Incidents - to be included in Incident Reports

Incidents ReportBuilder

Intake/Admission - as a linked form on Intake/Admission form

Demographics ReportBuilder, Intake/Admission ReportBuilder

Listed as a Charting Event, available under Outcomes

Demographics ReportBuilder

Medical - as an option to be included on the Medical Appointment Form

Demographics ReportBuilder

Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Profile - as a link at the top of client face sheets

Demographics ReportBuilder, Medical Appointments ReportBuilder

Program Status - as an option to be included on the Program Status form

Demographics ReportBuilder, Program Status ReportBuilder

Progress Notes - as an option to be included in a progress note

Demographics ReportBuilder, Progress Note ReportBuilder, Service Contacts ReportBuilder

Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Services - to be included on the Service Plan Coversheet

Demographics ReportBuilder

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Which version of a form displays on the face sheet if it was filled out multiple times over multiple program episodes?

The face sheet displays the form completed during the latest admission, even if you access the face sheet and form via roster archives.  For example, if a client had a 2014 program episode and form ABC was completed at that time, he was then discharged and later re-admitted in 2015 when form ABC was once again completed, it's the form completed in 2015 that is displayed when accessed from the face sheet via roster archives for the 2014 episode.  There is no historical record for multiple versions of forms located on the face sheet when accessed from within the face sheet.  If it is necessary to see what was entered in the form during the earlier program episode, you must use the Demographics ReportBuilder with a date range that overlaps that stay.  (Using that ReportBuilder you can also see what is currently in the form as long as the date range overlaps the current stay's dates.)

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Why are future dates allowed in the date range for form reports?

Future dates are allowed in order to accommodate things like chart events which may be scheduled with future dates but be completed now.

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Why are the dynamic section headings missing from a printed form?

Dynamic section headings are excluded form printable versions of forms by design.  Printed forms with dynamic sections will only ever display the data in those sections itself.

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Why aren't codes I added to a checklist/radio/selection list field showing up in reports?

If you use the "Code" advanced setting for a checklist, radio, or selection field type to add codes to an existing field, those codes are only included in reports if the associated values are entered into the form after the code configuration date.  In other words, if, on 8/1/2012 I configure a field to have both codes and values, the codes themselves are only going to be included in reports if I enter the corresponding value into the form field after 8/1/2012.  Codes will not be determined for any values entered prior to that time.  Likewise, if I add a computed value field to a form to count codes, only codes entered after 8/1/2012 are counted.

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Why aren't things like form names and field labels saved correctly when they contain quotation marks (")?

This is a programming limitation.  Due to how the code works behind-the-scenes, single (') or double (") quotation marks should never be used in form names or field labels.

  NOTE: While quotations using " or ' (for example, 'Client Form') are not allowed, a single ' used as an apostrophe is (for example, Client's Form).

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Why can't I change the sections or fields for a particular form?

Under FormBuilder Configuration, take a look at the bottom of the General tab.  If, under "Is this form a system format?," it states "Yes," it is an indication that this is a system report added to AWARDS by Foothold Technology.  As a result, your ability to adjust the form is limited to general settings and program selections.  You can also see a preview of the form by clicking NEXT while viewing the form's settings, and then clicking on the preview icon.

  NOTE: Please keep in mind that cloned system formats are also limited in regard to a user's ability to make changes to them.  Cloning (making a copy of) the form does not remove the system format designation.

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Why do I have the option to add dynamic sections and fields to some forms and not others?

Dynamic Section and Dynamic Text Field field types pull data from individual client records, and so can only be added to forms associated with individual clients.  Forms with a location in group notes or incident records are not specific to individual clients, nor are those with employee-centric locations in the Human Resources module.  As a result, these field types cannot be used in forms in those locations.

Similarly, the Dynamic Text Field (Read Only) field type pulls data from individual client or employee records, based on whether the form is client- or employee-centric, respectively.  As a result, this field type cannot be used in forms that record data on multiple individuals; specifically, those with a location in group notes or incident records.

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Why does a new field added to an existing form only appear on some instances of the completed form but not all?

You may run into this if the form you're working with has been configured to include slots for electronic signatures.  If the existing version of the form has been filled out for a client and electronically signed, any new fields added to the form at a later time will not be displayed in the signed version of the form.  The new fields will only be displayed on existing instances of the form that were unsigned at the time the fields were added, and on new instances of the form moving forward.

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Why does my form display correctly in one browser and not another?

AWARDS supports the most recent version of most browsers, such as Edge, Firefox, and Chrome.  If your browser is not up-to-date, some items in AWARDS - including forms - may not display correctly.  As a result, whenever possible we recommend that you work with the most recent version of your chosen browser.

  TIP: For more information on supported browsers for AWARDS, see our System Requirements.

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Why doesn't the date/time stamp change when making updates to a client's form data under Jobs/Services/Medical?

When a form already filled out under the Jobs, Services, or Medical menu is opened and updated, the date and time stamp for that form do not change and the data is overwritten, not archived.  Please open a new instance of the form if you want it to reflect the current time it was filled out.

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Why don't I see my saved report format in the ReportBuilder Filter list on the FormBuilder Schedule - Data Entry page?

The ReportBuilder Filter drop-down list includes only those saved Demographics ReportBuilder report formats that:  1) are shared with other agency users,
2) are saved for all programs, AND 3) have at least one filter set

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Why is a field whose value was set to "Other" displaying as blank on the form?

When you make the selection of "Other" for a form field, the corresponding text field beneath the drop-down selection must also be filled in.  If a value is not entered in the other detail field, the "other" selection does not save with the form data.

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Why is there data in a new form I just opened?

During the form configuration process, forms located on a module menu page, as charting timetable events in the Outcomes module, or on service plan coversheets can be set so that they are pre-populated with data.  Which data is pulled into the form is based on the specific form location in question.  For more information, see Building a Form.

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Why isn't the conditionally required field option always available?

The Conditionally Required option is only available if there is at least one other field in the form section.

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Why isn't the profile form location always available for selection?

When "Profile - as a link at the top of client face sheets" is selected for the form configuration question "Where will the new form be located?" the form is not linked to the charting timetable in the Services - Individual module.  As a result, that location selection cannot be used for recurring forms and is only available if the question "How often will this form be administered?" is set to "Ongoing."

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