Copy FormBuilder Data

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The AWARDS FormBuilder is a powerful tool which enables users to build their own forms and assessment instruments, as well as to create reports based on the fields in those forms.  To aid in the data collection process for FormBuilder created forms, AWARDS contains a Copy FormBuilder Data feature.  This helpful feature, accessible on client intake forms after intake/admission has been processed, enables staff from one program to copy the form data for a specific client in that program from the same form completed for him/her in another program.  The Copy FormBuilder Data functionality is available for forms located in the Intake/Admission and Profile modules which have been designated during form configuration as being available for copying.

  TIP: The Allow option to copy over preexisting form data?"option that controls which forms Copy FormBuilder Data is available for is set using the FormBuilder Configuration component of FormBuilder feature.  For more information on configuring and working with forms, including the setting of this option, click here.

The Copy FormBuilder data feature requires access to client intake records in the Intake/Admission module.  Users with this access can copy form data immediately after an intake/admission is processed for a client, or at a later time as needed.

Required Permissions

Use of the Copy FormBuilder Data feature requires the following permissions:

Program Chart Access (required for both the program INTO which form data is to be copied, AND the program FROM which it is to be copied)
Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Display Chart Records Intake/Admission Button
Referrals Data Entry
Program Admission/Discharge

  NOTE:  Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need a permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Copying Form Data - Learn to complete the copy process from start to finish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Copy FormBuilder Data Frequently Asked Questions