FormBuilder Field Types

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Each field on the forms you create and maintain must have a field type selected for it.  The field type selection determines how the field looks on the form, and whether it will be automatically populated with data.  A definition for each available field type is provided here.  These definitions can also be accessed in AWARDS by clicking the magnifying glass icon on the add or update a field pages.


Displays a single checkbox labeled with the value entered as the "Field Label."


Displays a series of checkboxes where one or more of the checkboxes can be checked off during the form data entry process.  When this field type is selected, the page refreshes.  In the Field Options fields that are then displayed, enter the list of checkboxes to be used.  If necessary, click the corresponding Show "Other" option and text fill in for "other" detail checkbox as well.

  TIP: Initially a maximum of 26 items can be entered for a checklist.  Upon saving the field and re-opening it, you have the option to add 14 more.  An additional 14 items can be added after saving and re-opening the field again.

By default, each of the specified checkboxes is displayed on a separate line on the form.  If each checkbox should instead be displayed on one line (wrapping onto multiple lines as needed), click the Display all field options on one line checkbox.

Keep in mind that using the Advanced Settings described in the instructions for the Building a Form process, a code can be associated with each of the listed checklist options.  When codes have been associated with each value, those codes are automatically saved behind-the-scenes when a user selects the corresponding values on the form during the data entry process.  The code and/or value can then be included in reports as needed.

Close Table Tag

Closes the current open table.  This field type is used to visually separate different parts of the form.

Computed Field

Completes a computation of a specified type for the responses in other fields and displays the read-only value in report mode. 

IMPORTANT! Only one computation can be made in a single field.  If you would like to perform multiple computations, you must create a separate field for each.

When this field type is selected, the page refreshes to display the following additional settings:

  Computation Type - Click this drop-down arrow and select the type of computation to be used.  Available options are:

  COUNT - Calculates the number of times a certain response is given to the selected computation items on the form.  When this option is selected, Computation Count Value is required.  In that field, enter the value to be counted; for example counting the number of "yes" responses to a series of questions.

  DIFFERENCE - Subtracts the value of one form field from another.

  NOTE: When this computation type is used, any fields without values in them will act as zeroes.  Additionally, if the first number in the equation is less than the second number or zero, the computed value will be a negative number.

  PRODUCT - Multiplies the value of one form field by another.

  NOTE: When this computation type is used, any fields without values in them will act as zeroes.  Additionally, if any of the field values are zero, the computed value will also be zero.

  QUOTIENT - Divides the value of one form field from another.

  NOTE: When this computation type is used, any fields without values in them will act as zeroes.  Additionally, if the first value in the equation is zero, the computed value will also be zero.  If the second value in the equation is zero, no calculation will be done and the computed value will be blank.

  SUM - Adds together numeric responses to the selected computation items on the form, for example adding together the total "score" for a series of questions.

  TIP: When the SUM, DIFFERENCE, PRODUCT, or QUOTIENT computation types are used, a Round to Whole Number option is available under "Computed Fields Setup."  Check off that option if you would like any computed values resulting in a decimal to be rounded to a whole number; otherwise, the value will be rounded to two places after the decimal.

  Computation Items - Click Computed Fields Setup to configure the specifics of the computation to be performed.  You'll be choosing from existing form fields of the following types:

Checklist (SUM only)

Computed Field


Dynamic Text Field


Radio (codes/values)

Selection List (codes/values)


  TIP: If the computation type is set to SUM, DIFFERENCE, PRODUCT, or QUOTIENT, an "Other" option is also available for selection.  When selected, a field is displayed in which a numeric value can be entered (either an integer or a decimal with no more than two decimal places) for inclusion into the computation equation. 

The way in which the computed field setup options are displayed and set is based on the computation type you've chosen.  For instance, you will either see an equation with multiple drop-downs that must each be set, or a checklist where selections must be made.

Configure the setup options as appropriate, and then click Close.

  TIP: Once a form field has been selected here, you will not be able to edit that field without first de-selecting it as a computation item. 

  Computation Count Value - Only available if "COUNT" is selected as the computation type.  In this field, enter the value to be counted for the selected computation items.  (For example, if you want to count the number of "Yes" responses to the selected fields, you would enter "yes" here.

  TIP: This field is NOT case-sensitive.  AWARDS will count any values matching what is entered here, regardless of case. 


Displays a text box, including a date picker, for entry of a date value. 

  TIP: When this field type is selected, the "Initial Default Value" option can be set to a specific date such as today's date.


Displays a text field that accepts numeric values, including partial numbers where decimals are used.

Dynamic Section

  NOTE: This field type is not available for employee forms (those with an "Employee" location) , those located on group notes or incident records, or those with the location "Admission - as an embedded form in the single-step admission form."

Displays a section of the client's chart on the form in report mode.  The contents of that section are automatically updated when the corresponding portion of the client's chart is updated, unless/until the form is electronically signed.  After a form is completed and signed, updates to the information in the corresponding records will not impact the version of the information shown on the form.

When this field type is selected, the page refreshes to show a "Select from the following selection list" option that includes all sections available on the client's face sheet.  Select one of the following from that list to indicate what type of information should be included on the form:

Allergy Information


Child Care


Diagnosis Report

Diagnostic Test Information

Diet Info

Education History



Entitlements Notes

Functional/Cognitive Status

Hospital Episodes

Household Information

Immunization Information

Implantable Devices

Income-Generating Entitlements

Initial Service Plan - Client Assessed Needs

Initial Service Plan - Goals

Insurance/Subsidized Payments Info

Job Placements

Laboratory Orders

Medical Info

Medication Information

Misc Entitlements/Eligibilities/Subsidies


Provider Appointments (Future)


Psychotropic Medical Information

Service Referrals

Substance Abuse Information

Support Services Contacts


Training Enrollments

Vital Signs

  NOTE: When reviewing the dynamic section selections, please keep in mind that:

- The "Entitlements" selection includes all entitlement types in the section - income-generating, insurance / subsidized payments, and miscellaneous entitlements / eligibilities / subsidies.
- The "Child Care" and "Initial Service Plan - Client Assessed Needs" selections, while available to everyone, apply only to Tier II programs.
- The "Initial Service Plan - Goals" selection relates specifically to education and employment goals.

IMPORTANT! Some dynamic sections, while available to everyone in FormBuilder, only work correctly when the corresponding optional fields are turned on in AWARDS.

IMPORTANT! By default, all available information in the selected dynamic section is included on the form (with few exceptions); however, in most cases the option is available to de-select specific pieces of information to exclude them, as well as to modify the labels on included information to better meet your needs.  To make such changes, click the Modify Fields link to the right of the section drop-down.  On the dialog box that is then displayed, check/uncheck specific pieces of information to indicate which should be displayed/hidden on the form.  To re-label a selected piece of information (on the form only, not at the point of origination), type a new name in the corresponding field.  Click close to complete the modification process.

In addition to the above-described option used for choosing which dynamic section to display on the form, two other options may also appear on the Add/Update a Form page when a dynamic section is added to a form:

  Display Section Button - When this option is checked off (which it is by default), an update button is included beneath this dynamic section on the form.  When the update button is clicked, it takes the user to data entry mode for the portion of the client's chart from which the section was pulled.  Once there, updates can be made to the data as needed, and after an update is made the user is automatically returned to the form.  If the "Display Section Button" option is not checked off, the dynamic section is displayed on the form in report mode only, with no button to take the user to data entry mode.

  TIP: When using this option, the field works best as its own FormBuilder section, or at the end of a FormBuilder section.  Were it to be placed in the middle of a section you'd have a button for updating the section, then a button for updating the dynamic section, and then another button for updating the remainder of the section.

IMPORTANT! Use of the update button available when this option is checked directs the user away from the form being worked with.  As a result, dynamic section updates should be performed BEFORE data is entered into any other fields in the same FormBuilder form section.  Likewise when the form is embedded in a location such as the service plan coversheet or discharge form; dynamic section updates should be performed BEFORE entering data on the remainder of the page, whether in the embedded form or elsewhere on the data entry page.

  Display Household Information - This option is included on the Add/Update a Form page when "Educational History," "Job Placements," or "Support Services Contacts" is selected as the section type.  When this option is checked off, any information entered for the client's household member(s) in the selected section is included in that portion of the form.

Dynamic Section Report Format

  NOTE: This field type is only available for forms where the location is set to one of the following:

Admission - as embedded form for Single-Step programs
Charting Timetable - listed as a charting event under Services-Individual
Discharge - as a link on the Discharge fly-out,
Discharge - as a link on the Process Discharge menu
Discharge - to be included on the Process Discharge form
Employment - as a link of the Jobs fly-out
Intake/Admission - as a linked form on Intake/Admission form
Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out
Medical - to be included on the Provider Appointment form
Profile - as a link at the top of client Face Sheets
Program Status - to be included on the Program Status form
Progress Notes - to be included on the progress notes form
Services - as a link on the Services -Individual fly-out
Services - to be included on the Service Plan Coversheet

Displays a customized report format in the form in read-only report mode. The contents of that embedded report are automatically updated when the corresponding data is updated, unless/until the form is electronically signed.  After a form is completed and signed, updates to the information in the corresponding records will not impact the version of the report information shown on the form.

Examples and Use Cases

Basic Dynamic Sections included in FormBuilder forms typically display all records with a certain set of fields made available and in a prescribed order and format.  The Dynamic Section Report Format option is different in that it allows you much greater flexibility in what data you display in the form and how you display it, as you have access to all the same filters, sorting, grouping, footer options and even summary tables that you can configure in ReportBuilders.

Additionally, some ReportBuilders available with this new feature are not available as a dynamic section such as Client Identifiers, Client File Cabinet, Medication Administration, Medication Scheduled Times, Transportation, Cascading Authorizations, and more. 

The use cases of including a report of records in a form for the client with this field type are endless. Examples of requests we have received that can be met using this form field include:

Adding a Field of this Type to New or Existing Forms

To add a field of this type to a new or existing form in one of the locations listed above, use the FormBuilder's configuration tool along with the Dynamic Section Report Format field type.  When that field type is selected a configuration "wizard" is displayed on the page, prompting you to select the relevant ReportBuilder and then to configure the report format, telling AWARDS the specific details you want to have displayed dynamically on the form.  

As you design form fields of this type, and as you later work with forms containing dynamic section report formats, keep in mind that:

Dynamic Text Field

  NOTE: This field type is not available for employee forms (those with an "Employee" location) or those located on group notes or incident records, or those with the location "Admission - as an embedded form in the single-step admission form."

Displays a field from the client's chart on the form.  The information in this field can be updated on the form, and the data entered will populate the same field in the client's chart unless/until the form is electronically signed.  After a form is completed and signed, updates to the information in the corresponding records will not impact the version of the information shown on the form.

When this field type is selected, the page refreshes to show a "Select from the following selection list" option that includes available fields from the client's face sheet.  Select one of the following from that list to indicate what field should be included on the form.

Charting Done Date

Charting Due Date

Documents Needed

Education Level

Homeless Cause

Homeless Duration

Primary Language

  NOTE: The "Documents Needed" selection, while available to everyone, applies only to Tier II programs.   Additionally, the "Charting Done Date" selection, while available for any form, will only hold a value if the form's location is Charting Timetable, listed as a chart event.

Dynamic Text Field (read only)

  NOTE: This field type is not available for forms located on group notes or incident records. 

Displays a read-only field/data from the client's chart or the employee's records on the form (based on whether the form is client-centric or employee-centric, respectively).  The contents of that field are automatically updated when the corresponding portion of the client's chart is updated, unless/until the form is electronically signed.  After a form is completed and signed, updates to the information in the corresponding records will not impact the version of the information shown on the form.

  NOTE: When the form's location is "Admission - as an embedded form in the single-step admission form" the value will not populate at the time of admission; however, if data is entered and this form is later viewed/edited, the value is populated at that time.

When this field type is selected, the page refreshes to show a "Select from the following selection list" option containing fields from the client's face sheet and including all client characteristic variables available when running the Demographics ReportBuilder (including those placed there from FormBuilder forms).  Other information, such as "Agency Name," is also available for selection from this list.


Displays a read-only section header on the form.


Inserts a break into the form.


Displays read-only instructional text on the form.  When this field type is selected, the page refreshes to display related field options.  If display of this instructional text should be limited to data entry mode only - excluding it from report/printable versions of the form where it is otherwise shown by default - click the available Display in data entry mode only checkbox.


Displays a text field on the form that only accepts a numeric value.


Displays "Yes" and "No" radio buttons of which only one can be selected at any given time.

Open Table Tag

Opens a new table.  This is used with the "Close Table Tag" field type to visually separate different parts of the form.

Phone Number

Displays a text field that only accepts a ten digit number.  In report mode it is formatted as a phone number.


Displays a series of radio buttons where only one value may be selected on the form.  Once a value is selected, it cannot be de-selected; instead, a different value must be chosen from those that are available.

  TIP: For more tips on when to use the Selection List field type as opposed to a Radio or vice versa, please see our FormBuilder Design and Creation Tips.

When this is selected as the field type, the page refreshes.  In the Field Options fields that are then displayed, enter the list of radio button options to be used.  If necessary, click the corresponding Show "Other" option and text fill in for "other" detail and/or Display each field option on a new line checkboxes.

  TIP: Initially a maximum of 26 items can be entered.  Upon saving the field and re-opening it, you have the option to add 14 more.  An additional 14 items can be added after saving and re-opening the field again.

Keep in mind that using the Advanced Settings described in the instructions for the Building a Form process, a code can be associated with each of the listed radio button options.  When codes have been associated with each value, those codes are automatically saved behind-the-scenes when a user selects the corresponding values on the form during the data entry process.  The code and/or value can then be included in reports as needed.

Selection List

Displays a drop-down list of values where only one value can be selected from the list.  When this field type is selected, the page refreshes. In the Field Options fields that are then displayed, enter the list of items to include in the selection list.  If necessary, click the corresponding Show "Other" option and text fill in for "other" detail checkbox.

Alternately, if your selection list should be comprised of a list of agency programs, skip the above and instead click the Default List drop-down arrow and select "Programs."

Keep in mind that using the Advanced Settings described in the instructions for the Building a Form process, a code can be associated with each of the listed checklist options.  When codes have been associated with each value, those codes are automatically saved behind-the-scenes when a user selects the corresponding values on the form during the data entry process.  The code and/or value can then be included in reports as needed.

  TIP: For tips on when to use the Radio field type as opposed to a Selection List or vice versa, please see our FormBuilder Design and Creation Tips.


Displays a basic signature line on the form in report mode, intended for manual signing when the form is printed, or allows the form to be electronically signed from within AWARDS using Electronic Signatures functionality.  Basic signature lines can be added to any form as needed.  Electronic signature lines are limited to placement on forms for the following locations only:

Listed as a Charting Event, available under Outcomes

Profile - as a link at the top of client face sheets

Intake/Admission - as a linked form on Intake/Admission Form

Employment - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out

Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out

Discharge - as a link on the Discharge fly-out

Employee - as a button on the Human Resources menu

The configuration options when adding a signature field to a form are based on the signature type you are adding - basic or electronic:

When adding a BASIC signature line:

  Electronic Signature - Leave this option unchecked if available.  (It is only displayed in the event that the form has been configured for one of the above listed locations.

  Enter the signature line to display on the form - In this field, enter the signature label to be used.  The default value is "Signature:_________________________  Date: __________."

When adding an ELECTRONIC signature line:

IMPORTANT!  As you consider the use of electronic signatures on the form you are working with, please keep in mind that e-signing a form will lock it from further edits, and once signed forms cannot be unlocked or deleted.  As a result, we recommend only using e-signing in forms that do not need to be updated on an ongoing basis, such as might be the case for some face sheet forms.

  Electronic Signature - Check this checkbox.

  TIP:  If this option is not available, it is an indication that the form as been configured for a location other than one for which electronic signatures are available.  In such cases you will only be able to add a BASIC signature line.

  Signer Type - Click this drop-down arrow and select the type of individual who will be signing this electronic signature line on the form.  Available options are:

  Client - When selected, only the client for whom a form has been filled out can sign that form, either with staff assistance, or on his/her own with a client login (please keep in mind that the latter does not automatically grant access to all forms).

  TIP: This option should not be selected when the form location is not client-based; for example, it should not be used if the location is "Employee - as a button on the Human Resources menu."

  Employee - When selected, an employee selection list is placed on the form when it is opened in data entry mode.  A selection must be made from that list to enable the selected individual to sign there electronically.

  TIP: The employee selection list in these cases is comprised of staff with chart access permission to the program in which the form is being completed.

  Other - When selected, someone other than a client or employee can sign the form.  In order to do so, that individual must be assisted by a staff member with access to the form.

  Signature Title - In this field, type the label to be placed on the form for the electronic signature.

  TIP: A title is not required if the signer type has been set to "Client."  If one is not entered, the signature label defaults to the terminology set up for the program behind-the-scenes - ex: client, consumer, member, etc. 

  Authority Level - In this field, enter a description of the selected signer type's authority level.  If the signer should be allowed to enter his or her own authority level information, check the corresponding Allow signer to enter other Authority Level checkbox.  If an authority level is not entered and the "other" option is not checked, the signer will have default options of "I am the author and I approve this document," "I am the reviewer and I approve this document," or "This document is accurate."

  Display - If the date and/or time (at e-signing) should be included with the electronic signature, click the Date and/or Time checkbox(es), respectively.

  TIP: For more information on signing electronic signature lines on forms configured with them, click here.


Displays a text line fill-in field on the form.

  TIP: When this field type is selected, the "Initial Default Value" option can be set to a specific text; for example, a user's name.

Text Area

Displays a text area fill-in field on the form where up to 10 rows of text can be entered.

URL Address

Displays a link to a specified Web site that, when clicked from within the form, opens the site in a separate browser window.  When this field type is selected, the page refreshes.  In the URL Address field that is then displayed, enter the Web site's address (URL).  Keep in mind that the URL specified here is not displayed on the form; rather, it is shown as a link named using the value entered under Field Label.

  NOTE: URL links are not included when viewing FormBuilder reports.