Program Attendance

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The Reception Desk module Program Attendance feature is used to enter, update, and delete program attendance for day programs in order to record who visited each program each day.

Required Permissions

Unless you have been granted access as a permitted user, use of the Program Attendance feature requires the following permissions:

Program Chart Access
Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Display Chart Records Reception Desk Button
Display Lock Dates Button (optional - only required if you will be using the optional Lock Dates feature)

  NOTE:  Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need a permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Entering Program Attendance - Learn to enter program attendance information for a day program.

Updating Program Attendance - Learn to make changes to existing program attendance records.

Locking Dates to Program Attendance Data Entry - Learn to lock specify dates to program attendance data entry.

Deleting Program Attendance - Learn to remove program attendance for a given day, or for a single client on that day.

Viewing a Program Attendance Report - Learn to generate a basic sortable report of program attendance information.

Using the Reception Desk ReportBuilder - Learn to generate customized reports of basic client demographics and program attendance information.

Additional Program Attendance Reports 

The following report, while not located within the Program Attendance feature itself, can be a useful tool for analyzing attendance-related information.

Course Completion Milestones - Located in the Reports module.  Used to generate course completion milestones info based on program attendance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Attendance Frequently Asked Questions