Program Attendance Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Program Attendance feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Can I enter program attendance for "pending" clients?

Can we prevent program attendance data entry for specific dates?

How do I enter Reception Desk Program Attendance data for dates earlier than those on the selection list?

How do I remove program attendance hours for a specific client?

What determines which workers are available for selection when running a Program Attendance Report?

What does a consumer have access to when added to the permitted users list under Program Attendance?

Where does the data come from when using the "Apply Services Attendance Data" feature in data entry mode?

Why are some attendance dates shown in red in the program attendance report when sorted by name?

Why are the names of some clients shown in italics in the program attendance report when sorted by date?

Why does the "Last Updated" column in the program attendance report sometimes have blank cells?

Can I enter program attendance for "pending" clients?

Yes.  In programs that use both Process Intake and Process Admission, a client will be included on the attendee selection list after his or her intake has been processed.

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Can we prevent program attendance data entry for specific dates?

Yes, optional "Lock Dates" functionality is available to lock specific dates to program attendance data entry.  For more information, click here.  Please note that use of this feature will prevent manual editing of program attendance records; however, the Apply Service Attendance Data feature can still be used to apply data from activities, group notes attendance and individual face-to-face progress note clock times to existing program attendance information, even if the selected date has been locked.

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How do I enter data for dates prior to what the "Backdated Reception Desk Log Data Entry" permission allows?

Backdated reception desk program attendance data entry is controlled by the "Backdated Reception Desk Log Data Entry" permission assigned under System Setup > Permissions Maintenance.  If you have this permission but are still unable to select the required date, use System Setup > Business Rules > Service Records Editing Rules to verify that the backdating window is set back far enough to include that date.  (If you do not have access to the Business Rules feature, please contact your supervisor for assistance.)

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How do I remove program attendance hours for a specific client?

While in data entry mode for the date in question, you can remove the attendance hours for a specific client by removing his or her in/out times and updating.  For more information, see Deleting Program Attendance.

  TIP: If an attendance record's In and Out times have been used to generate an invoice using the BillingBuilder, those times cannot be deleted.  In order to delete attendance records, all associated invoices must be deleted, or you must have the Unlock Reception Desk Records permission assigned under Permissions Maintenance.  If you have the permission an Unlock option is available to the right of the client's name on the previous page, which, upon clicking, unlocks the attendance record and allows it to be deleted.

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What determines which workers are available for selection when running a Program Attendance Report?

Only workers with an assigned caseload in the program(s) selected in step 2 are available in the Worker selection list.  Caseloads are assigned using the Service Coordinators feature located in the Services - Individual module.

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What does a consumer have access to when added to the permitted users list under Program Attendance?

A consumer on the permitted users list for the Program Attendance feature will have access to the Reception Desk module from his or her AWARDS Home screen.  Within that module, he or she will have access to the Program Attendance functionality, as well as a button with which to access the Group Activities feature.

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Where does the data come from when using the "Apply Services Attendance Data" feature in data entry mode?

Services data is applied to reception desk records (for those programs set up to use that feature) from three places:  group activities attendance data, face to face progress notes, and group notes.

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Why are some attendance dates shown in red in the program attendance report when sorted by name?

When the program attendance report is sorted by name, attendance dates for pending clients are listed in red.  Note that the names of those same clients are shown in italics if the report is instead sorted by date.

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Why are the names of some clients shown in italics in the program attendance report when sorted by date?

When the program attendance report is sorted by date, the names of pending clients are listed in italics.  Note that the attendance dates for those same clients are shown in red if the report is instead sorted by name.

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Why does the "Last Updated" column in the program attendance report sometimes have blank cells?

The last updated information may be blank for data entered prior to February 15th, 2010, as that information was not captured by AWARDS prior to that date.

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