Deleting Program Attendance

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To delete all program attendance for a specific sign-in date, or for a specific individual on that date, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner of the page and select the day program for which program attendance is to be deleted.
    2. Click Charts from the left-hand menu, and then click Reception Desk.  The Reception Desk fly-out menu is displayed.
    3. Click Program Attendance.  The Reception Desk Data Entry page is displayed.

    1. Click the Reception Desk Sign-In Date drop-down arrow and select the date for which program attendance is to be deleted.
    2. Click CONTINUE.  The Reception Desk Data Entry page is displayed.

    1. Click ENTER CLOCK TIMES.  The Reception Desk Data Entry clock times page is displayed.

    1. To delete the full day's worth of program attendance data, clear all In and Out fields for each consumer listed on this page.  To delete only the attendance for a specific consumer, clear only the In and Out values for that consumer

  TIP: If an attendance record's In and Out times have been used to generate an invoice using the BillingBuilder, those times cannot be deleted.  In order to delete attendance records, all associated invoices must be deleted, or you must have the Unlock Reception Desk Records permission assigned under Permissions Maintenance.  If you have the permission an Unlock option is available to the right of the client's name on the previous page, which, upon clicking, unlocks the attendance record and allows it to be deleted.

    1. Click UPDATE & FINISH.  The program attendance information is saved and a read-only report version of the information is displayed on the Reception Desk Report page.

  TIP: To make additional changes to the program attendance at this time, click DATA ENTRY to return to the Reception Desk Data Entry page.

The process of deleting program attendance is now complete.