Making Program History Corrections

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The Program History Corrections (PHC) feature, located in the Client Search module, enables users to change program history records that previously had to be sent to the Foothold Help Desk to process.  These changes include editing intake, admission, and discharge dates, removing program admission records, deleting clients, undoing discharges, and changing or removing residence history records.  Changes made to program history records using this functionality will appear in the Audit Trail ReportBuilder.

In addition to allowing users access to make these corrections themselves, the feature includes the following logic checks to help enforce the entry of accurate information into AWARDS:

  No gaps in bed history should be allowed for a single residential stay.

  No bed overlaps should be allowed.

  Clients should not be in more than one residential program at a time.

  Discharge dates should be on or after admission dates.

  The final move out date for a residential stay should match that stay's discharge date.

Required Permissions

IMPORTANT! Program History Corrections is advanced functionality intended for use by select individuals within each agency/Continuum of Care.

The Program History Corrections feature is available to AWARDS users with the following permissions:

Program Chart Access *
Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Program History Corrections

* Foothold Technology highly recommends that users with access to the Program History Corrections feature are also Internal Help Desk workers within their agency, with chart access to ALL agency programs.

  NOTE: Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need the permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions 

Changing Intake, Admission, and Discharge Dates - Learn to edit these dates on a client record.

Changing a "Withdrawn" or "Rejected" Intake Status - Learn how to change these statuses.

Removing Program Records (Undoing Admissions) and Deleting Clients - Learn how to remove a program placement and/or delete a client record.

Maintaining Residence History Records - Learn how to correct housing history.

Undoing a Discharge - Learn how to reverse a discharge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Program History Corrections Frequently Asked Questions

Training Films & Demonstrations

  NOTE: Films marked with a red asterisk (*) were made prior to deployment of significant AWARDS enhancements and do not reflect those changes; however, the overall content is still relevant and useful.

  TIP: At the time the following Program History Corrections film and quiz were created, access to the Program History Corrections tool was granted only by Foothold Technology. As of November 2019 Program History Corrections access is instead controlled by a permission assigned using System Setup > Permissions Maintenance.  A passing quiz score, while recommended, is no longer required to be granted Program History Corrections access.

Program History Corrections Training Film (26 min) *

Program History Corrections Quiz *