Electronically Signing a Monthly Checklist

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IMPORTANT! Currently, only the monthly checklist component of the Res / Day Hab Daily Checklist feature is available for e-signing.  The daily and weekly checklists cannot be e-signed.

To access and electronically sign a monthly checklist, or to assist a client or other individual in doing so, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner of the page and select the program associated with the client whose monthly checklist is to be e-signed.
    2. Click Charts from the left-hand menu, and then click Services - Individual.  The Individual Services menu fly-out is displayed.
    3. Click Res/Day Hab Daily Checklist.  The Res/Day Hab Daily Checklist settings page is displayed.

  NOTE: The label of this feature and the pages within it vary based on the type of program being worked with; for example, the feature is typically shown as Res Hab Daily Checklist for Residential Habilitation programs, and Day Hab Daily Checklist for Day Habilitation programs.  Other programs may have a more generic label in place for all programs, such as Hab Daily Checklist.  Regardless of the label used, the functionality is the same as that described in this portion of Online Help. 

    1. Click the Individual drop-down arrow and select the individual for whom the monthly checklist is to be e-signed.

  TIP: If the checklist to be e-signed is for a former (discharged) individual, first click the Roster Archives checkbox.

    1. Click the Display drop-down arrow and select "Monthly."  The page is automatically refreshed to replace the Date field with separate Month and Year options, as shown here:

    1. Click the Month and Year drop-down arrows and select the month for which the monthly checklist is to be e-signed.
    2. Confirm that the Database selection is set to its default - "Data Entry."

IMPORTANT! Typically e-signatures are applied in AWARDS in report mode; however, the monthly checklist can only be e-signed when accessed from data entry mode.  If "Reports" is selected here the monthly checklist is displayed with signature lines but NO e-signature capability, enabling those programs that are required to print out the monthly checklist and manually sign it to do so.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The monthly checklist page is displayed for the selected month.  The top of this page contains a read-only table of data for the month as previously entered on the daily and weekly checklists.  It is followed by the monthly checklist data entry table with a row for each goal/service, and then the signature lines.
    2. Review the existing data in the monthly checklist table, and if needed make changes or additions using the following fields and options:

  NOTE: If this monthly checklist has already been e-signed, the data entry table is locked from editing.  If this is the case, or if the table is not locked but no data changes are needed, skip ahead to step 10.


  Criteria to Meet (may be labeled differently)


  TIP: For more information on these fields/options, see Completing the Daily Checklist.

    1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and review the signatures section.  If the monthly checklist has been configured to include one or more "Employee" e-signatures, the individual employee names must be selected for each during the data entry process.  Confirm that the correct individuals have been selected here and, if not, do so at this time.

  NOTE: Although signing a monthly checklist lists the content from further edits, an employee selection can still be made and changed as needed after signing as long as the employee signature line itself has not yet been used for signing.  In this context, a record of refusal/unavailability is NOT considered a signature and does NOT prevent selection of a new/different employee at this time.

  NOTE: When the monthly checklist page is saved in data entry mode for the first time, an AWARDS message is automatically generated and set to any employee(s) configured to sign the checklist as part of the first order level.  For more information on signing order levels and workflow, click here.

    1. Click CONTINUE to apply your changes, if any, and to continue with the signing process.  A read-only report version of the monthly checklist is displayed.
    2. If no additional changes are needed, scroll down to the signature lines at the bottom of the page.

Based on how your agency has chosen to configure monthly checklist e-signatures, along with who has or has not already signed the monthly checklist, you will see one or more signing links:

  TIP: For more information on the ways in which monthly checklist e-signatures can be configured, click here.

  Click to Sign - Available for staff that are eligible to sign the monthly checklist if they have not already done so. 

  Allow Client to Sign - Available when staff are assisting eligible clients with the signing process, as long as the staff member is also eligible to sign that checklist him/herself.

  Allow Other to Sign - Available if the monthly checklist was configured to include an electronic signature line for someone other than an employee or client.  Displayed for all staff with access to the checklist so that they can assist the applicable "other" with the signing process.

  Click for Refused/Unavailable - Available if the monthly checklist was configured to allow for recording of a signature refusal or signer unavailability for a given signature line.

IMPORTANT! If, in place of one of the above links you see the note "Other Signatures Required Before Signing is Available," it is an indication that the monthly checklist has been configured in such a way that one or more other signatures are required before action can be taken.  If you are assigned to an employee signature line not yet available, you will be notified via AWARDS Messages when your signature is required.

  NOTE: When viewing this page, please keep in mind the following:

  If a default authority level was specified for a particular signature line when the monthly checklist was created, and the "other" option was not made available, the default level is displayed on the page; otherwise, no authority level information is shown.

  Until a signature line has been used to electronically sign the monthly checklist, a default blank line is displayed to allow for a manual signature in case the  checklist needs to be printed before e-signing takes place.  (To print out the checklist for manual signing at any point, access it by selecting the "Reports" option from the Database drop-down on the Res/Day Hab Daily Checklist settings page in step 7 instead of "Data Entry" as is required for e-signing.

  Signature titles are only required during note configuration for the "Employee" signer type.  If one was not specified for a "Client" or "Other" signature line, that line is identified by the signer type only.

    1. The monthly checklist can now be electronically signed.  To do so, click the appropriate signing link and complete the corresponding signing process, or assist the client and/or other individual in doing so:

Click to Sign (for use by staff)

 Allow Client / Other to Sign (for use by staff assisting clients/others in signing)

 Click for Refused / Unavailable (for use by staff or by staff assisting clients/others)

    1. Click SIGN NOW or have the client do so, if applicable.

IMPORTANT! Clicking the SIGN NOW button is an acknowledgment that the individual doing so is the authorized signer.  An electronic signature constitutes a legally binding symbol that authenticates the document to which it is attached.

When SIGN NOW is clicked, the following takes place:

  The monthly checklist is signed and the electronic signature is displayed with that checklist (replacing the default blank signature line).  The signature for staff members is composed of authority level, follows by signer name and credentials (if included), job title, the signature or initials image if one was selected or the image captured with a touch device, and the date and time on which the note was signed if that information was set to be included.  For clients and others, the signature includes the signature or initials image if one was selected or the image was captured with a touch device, the signature title (or relevant label if a signature title was not set up), and the date and time on which the monthly checklist was signed.

  NOTE: Job title information is taken from your Staff Information record in the Human Resources module.  If you are a staff member the signature will always display your job title as of the time the monthly checklist was signed, regardless of whether that title changes in the future.

Keep in mind that the signatures will display on the monthly checklist in the same order in which they were configured.

  The monthly checklist is locked from further edits. 

The process of electronically signing a monthly checklist is now complete.
