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To view a read-only report version of checklist information, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner of the page and select the program associated with the individual for whom the report is to be generated.
    2. Click Charts from the left-hand menu, and then click Services.  The Individual Services menu fly-out is displayed.
    3. Click Res/Day Hab Daily Checkilst.  The Res/Day Hab Daily Checklist page is displayed.

  NOTE: The label of this feature and the pages within it vary based on the type of program being worked with; for example, the feature is typically shown as Res Hab Daily Checklist for Residential Habilitation programs, and Day Hab Daily Checklist for Day Habilitation programs.  Other programs may have a more generic label in place for all programs, such as Hab Daily Checklist.  Regardless of the label used, the functionality is the same as that described in this portion of Online Help. 

    1. Click the Individual drop-down arrow and select the individual for whom the report is to be generated.

  TIP: If the checklist report to be viewed is for a former (discharged) individual, first click the Roster Archives checkbox.

    1. Click the Database drop-down arrow and select "Reports."
    2. Click the Display drop-down arrow, select the type of checklist to be viewed, and then enter a Date or Month/Year for the checklist to be worked with, as specified here:

  Daily - When selected, in the Date field type the date for which checklist is to be viewed, using mm/dd/yyyy format or selecting the date using the available date picker.

  TIP: If you will be writing progress notes against the checklist data from within the report, the specified date must fall within the program's standard note editing window, as set under System Setup > Business Rules > Service Records Editing Rules.  The default window is 10 days.

  Weekly - When selected, in the Date field type the date of the first day of the week for which checklist is to be viewed, using mm/dd/yyyy format or selecting the date using the available date picker; for example, if February 1st is specified here the weekly checklist will cover February 1st to February 7th.  If today's date or any dates in the past six days are specified here, the checklist will include the seven days surrounding (and including) it, not including future dates.

  TIP: If you will be writing progress notes against the checklist data from within the report, the specified dates must fall within the program's standard note editing window, as set under System Setup > Business Rules > Service Records Editing Rules.  The default window is 10 days.

  Monthly - When selected, click the Month and Year drop-down arrows and select the month and year for which checklist is to be viewed. 

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Res/Day Hab Daily Checklist page is displayed,  Each piece of attempt/accomplishment rating scale data entered on the checklist appears as a link in report mode with the worker's initials next to it. 
    2. To enter a progress note linked to one of the goals/services, click the corresponding link.  When doing so the Progress Note Data Entry Settings page is displayed.  The service type and date on that page carry over from the checklist, but the Duration and Start Time can be updated as needed before clicking CONTINUE to proceed.

  NOTE: If it's not necessary to write notes against the checklist at this time, this and the remaining steps can be skipped.

    1. In the Staff Action and Consumer Response and Enter General Narrative Note in Text Box text fields, enter progress note information as needed.
    2. Click SAVE NOTE.  The progress note is saved and the checklist is once again displayed.

  TIP: If it's ever necessary to access/edit the progress note you've just written in the future, you can do so using the Services - Individual module's Progress Notes feature.

The process of viewing a checklist report is now complete.