Client File Cabinet

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The AWARDS Client File Cabinet enables users to upload client-specific files to AWARDS, from where they are accessible via the "Client File Cabinet" portion of a client's face sheet, from within the Services-Individual module, and the Client History Report

  NOTE: Each agency refers to its clients in a different way, and the terminology in AWARDS can be adjusted accordingly.  As a result, the Client File Cabinet may be labeled Consumer File Cabinet, Member File Cabinet, Resident File Cabinet, Participant File Cabinet, Individual File Cabinet, Patient File Cabinet, or something similar.  Regardless of how it is labeled, the functionality behind the feature is the same as that described in this section of Online Help.

Uploaded Client File Cabinet files are viewable and editable by all users with the permission to access the face sheet to which they have been attached, and/or who have chart access to the corresponding program and the authority to use the Services-Individual module.  Uploaded files are also included in the Client History Report, where users are able to view and download them for any client they have access to through Client Searches.

Uploaded Client File Cabinet files open in a new window, outside of AWARDS, using the software that was used to create them (i.e., Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word).  If changes are made to a file once it has been opened, and the updated file is saved on a user's computer, the updates made will not be reflected in AWARDS.  Rather, the updated file must be uploaded in place of the original version. 

IMPORTANT! Clients in multiple programs have a single face sheet and Client History Report within AWARDS, and therefore a single Client File Cabinet.  File Cabinet files can be viewed by anyone with the proper permission, and not all files may be appropriate to add/share.  For that reason, please exercise caution when dealing with client files containing private and sensitive information not already displayed on the face sheet, Client History Report, or other cross-program records.  Foothold Technology does not review the files added to the Client File Cabinet feature, and cannot take responsibility for the content of those files.

  TIP: In addition to the Client File Cabinet, separate Agency and Employee File Cabinets are also available in AWARDS.  The Agency File Cabinet enables users to attach files to a central AWARDS file cabinet rather than to individual client records.  The Employee File Cabinet enables staff with HR record access to attach files to individual employee file cabinets. 

Required Permissions

The Client File Cabinet feature is available to users with the following permissions:

Program Chart Access
Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Display Chart Records Profile Button (required for accessing the Client File Cabinet from a client's face sheet)
Display Chart Records Services-Individual Button (required for accessing the Client File Cabinet from the Services-Individual module)
Delete Client File Cabinet Documents (required only if you will be deleting files from a client's file cabinet)

  NOTE: Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need a permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Working with the Client File Cabinet - Learn to upload, make changes to, delete, and view Client File Cabinet files.

Configuring the Client File Cabinet Categories List - (For AWARDS Administrators) - Learn to set up and make changes to an agency-wide list for file categorization.

Using the Client File Cabinet ReportBuilder - Learn to generate customized reports of File Cabinet data for individuals or groups of clients in one or more programs

Frequently Asked Questions

Client File Cabinet Frequently Asked Questions

Tips & Tricks

Optimizing Client File Cabinet Files

Service Agreements

File Cabinet - Additional Storage Space Information & Pricing Guide