ReportBuilder Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the ReportBuilders feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Are the contents of ReportBuilder reports limited to information for active consumers?

Can additional fields be added to a ReportBuilder?

Do "All Agency Programs" and other "All" groupings include test and training programs?

How do I delete a saved report format?

How do I filter out data for a field when using the ReportBuilder's "All Clients" option?

Is it possible to use dynamic date filters in ReportBuilders?

What is the difference between "hiding" fields as part of a report's settings or using the show/hide icon on the report itself?

What is the difference between "Last Contact Date," "Last Service Contact Date," and "Last Visit" on ReportBuilders?

When there are multiple signatures on a record, which date populates "Locked by E-Sign Date" on the ReportBuilder?

When should the "All Clients" ReportBuilder setting be used?

Which ReportBuilders will form fields display on when the FormBuilder's "Available on Related ReportBuilders" option is used?

Who can save ReportBuilder formats for other users?

Why can't I run a ReportBuilder for a date range of more than two years?

Why do functions such as "count" not work when viewing summary table information in Excel?

Why does the total for a multiple value field when using the grouping option exceed the number of records in the summary tables?

Why doesn't anything happen when I click a link to download a file or attachment from AWARDS?

Why doesn't my report yield any results when I apply a date filter?

Why don't I see the "add additional filters" link?

Why don't I see the "Hide Detail Rows" option when configuring a ReportBuilder?

Why is a change I made to a client's record not immediately reflected in a ReportBuilder report?

Why is text being cut off for some ReportBuilder data variables?

Why isn't individual detail or summary table sorting I do on the report page reflected in the Excel version of a report?

Why isn't there always a "Program" report variable when running a ReportBuilder for a group of programs?

Are the contents of ReportBuilder reports limited to information for active consumers?

Which consumers are included in the report contents for consumer-centric ReportBuilders is based on the program history type chosen on the initial report settings page using the Roster Date Range selection option.  Specifically, when "In Program" is chosen, the report will only include clients with program history records indicating they were enrolled in the program at some point during the specified date range.  When "Admitted" is chosen the report will only include clients with program history records indicating they were admitted to the program at some point during the specified date range.  And when "Discharged" is chosen the report will only include clients with program history records indicating they were discharged from the program at some point during the specified date range.  Current program episodes will not be included.  "Admitted or Transferred In" and "Discharged or Transferred Out" are additional options available in databases set up to use the Transfers module, and "In Program Including Pending Clients" is an additional option available in databases set to use Process Intake functionality.

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Can additional fields be added to a ReportBuilder?

Fields available for inclusion on the Demographics ReportBuilder (including FormBuilder fields) can be pulled into the:

- Budgets ReportBuilder
- Calendar Events ReportBuilder
- Diagnoses ReportBuilder
- FormBuilder ReportBuilder
- Group Notes ReportBuilder
- HMIS ReportBuilder
- Incidents ReportBuilder
- Service Contacts ReportBuilder
- Transportation ReportBuilder

To request such an addition, contact the Help Desk for assistance.  Be sure to list the exact field names to be pulled from the Demographics ReportBuilder, and specify which report they should be placed onto.

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Do "All Agency Programs" and other "All" groupings include test and training programs?

No.  When you choose an "All" selection from the program drop-down list for a ReportBuilder (or any other AWARDS reports), programs that begin with the word "test" or "training" are not included in the resulting report.

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How do I delete a saved report format?

A saved report format can be deleted if it is one you originally created.  If you have the ability to save report formats for other users, you also have the option to delete the format even if it is one you did not personally create.  To do so in either instance, complete the following steps:

    1. Open the ReportBuilder in which the format to be deleted was originally saved.
    2. From the report format drop-down option at the bottom of the page, select the format to be deleted.
    3. Click the Provide option to modify settings of saved report format checkbox.
    4. Click CONTINUE.
    5. Click CONTINUE.
    6. Click DELETE REPORT FORMAT at the bottom of the page.
    7. Complete the deletion process by clicking OK on the confirmation dialog box that is subsequently displayed.

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How do I filter out data for a field when using the ReportBuilder's "All Clients" option?

When the "All Clients" option is used, data cannot be filtered out of a report; the report will always include all clients. Clients with data in the fields you selected or that match the filter criteria entered will display on the the report, plus all other clients on the roster. If you wish to remove a certain portion from the report, based on a filter, we suggest the following workaround: Instead of using a filter on the report, use the "Sort By" option, grouped on the field you wish to exclude a portion of. The report will display all data in the report but it will be grouped together for easier reading. Then, if you want to remove a certain grouped on section, use the Excel Link and delete that portion of the report.

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Is it possible to use dynamic date filters in ReportBuilders?

Yes!  One of the most common uses for filters is to place limits on date fields; for example, if you want a report that shows you notes written since January 1st, you can add a filter that days "Contact Date is Greater Than or Equal to 1/1/2018."  But what if you want that date to change?  For instance, you may want a report to show you all of the notes that were written in the last two weeks, regardless of when you choose to run that report; that's where dynamic date filters come in!

AWARDS allows you to add filter options on date fields that include keywords such as "days," "weeks," "months," and "years," as well as qualifiers such as "next" and "last."  AWARDS will also recognize days of the week and months of the year.  You can place a number in front of any of those keywords and use plus or minus signs to specify whether you want the filter to go in the future or in the past that many units. 

Here are some examples of filters you can use that take advantage of these dynamic options:

- Admission Date is Greater Than or Equal to "-2 Weeks" (will show all clients admitted in the past two weeks)
- Date Modified is Between "-30 Days" and "-7 Days" (will show notes modified more than 7 days ago, but less than 30 days ago)
- Contact Date equals "Last Tuesday" (will show you notes with a date equal to the previous Tuesday)
- Date is between "tomorrow" and "+4 Weeks" (will show all appointments up to four weeks in the future when used on the Provider Appointments ReportBuilder, for example)

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What is the difference between "hiding" fields as part of a report's settings or using the show/hide icon on the report itself?

There are three primary differences between these two methods of "hiding" detail information from a ReportBuilder's contents.  First, when you hide fields as a part of a report's settings that configuration is saved when the report format is saved, and it is also applied to the Excel file version of the report.  Conversely, any information hidden using the show/hide icon is applicable only to that specific viewing, and does not carry over to the Excel file or to the report format if saved.

Second, while you can hide individual detail for a field in a report's settings and still use that field for filtering of the report's contents, the same is not true for fields that have been used for grouping and/or footer information purposes.  In such cases you would need to use the show/hide icon on the report itself, as hiding it via the report's settings is not permitted (because it would cause display issues).

And third, the show/hide icon allows you to hide detail that is part of summary tables.  The hidden fields option that is a part of a report's settings can only be applied to individual detail.

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What is the difference between "Last Contact Date," "Last Service Contact Date," and "Last Visit" on ReportBuilders?

Last contact date is the latest contact recorded via admission date, face to face progress notes, group notes, contacts log (actual contact), outreach encounter, service referrals, group attendance, reception desk, transportation, or HMIS info updates in the program for the client.

Last service contact date is the latest contact recorded via face to face progress notes, group notes, or contacts logs in the program for the client.

Last visit is the latest date from Reception Desk > Program Attendance or for a scheduled activity within the Activities feature for both expected and unexpected members.

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When there are multiple signatures on a record, which date populates "Locked by E-Sign Date" on the ReportBuilder?

If multiple electronic signatures have been applied to a record, the ReportBuilder's Locked by E-Sign Date data variable populates with the date on which the first of those signatures was applied.  It is that date on which the record was locked from further edits.

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When should the "All Clients" ReportBuilder setting be used?

The All Clients option is intended to assist in viewing clients who do not have specific data entered in AWARDS. This option allows users to view reports containing all clients on the program's roster, whether they have records that match the report criteria or not. Even when applying filters to reports using this view, all clients are displayed on the report.

The following are some examples of use cases for the All Clients option:

  Progress Notes ReportBuilder - You can create a report that displays all clients with notes written and all clients who do not have notes for the specified date range. Using the filter functionality, you can also create a report that allows you to easily identify all clients who have a Periodic Summary Note (or any other specified note type) and all clients who do not meet that filter criteria.

  Providers ReportBuilder - You can create a report that displays all clients with active providers and all clients who do not have a provider assigned. Using the filter functionality, you can also create a report that displays a specific Provider Type and include all clients who meet the filter criteria and clients who do not. For example, you may want to see all clients who have a primary care physician and all clients who do not.

If you wish to view only clients matching the report criteria, select the All Clients with Records option instead.

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Which ReportBuilders will form fields display on when the FormBuilder's "Available on Related ReportBuilders" option is used?

If the Available on Related ReportBuilders option is checked off for a form field during FormBuilder configuration, that field will be available on a variety of ReportBuilders based on the form's location.

Form Location

Related ReportBuilder(s)

Admission - as an embedded form in the single-step admission form

Demographics ReportBuilder, Intake/Admission ReportBuilder

Discharge - as a link on the Discharge fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Discharge - to be included on the process discharge form

Demographics ReportBuilder

Employee - as a button on the Human Resources Menu

Demographics ReportBuilder, Employees ReportBuilder

Employee - as a tab on the staff information form

Employees ReportBuilder

Employment - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Group Notes - as an option to be included on a group note

Group Notes ReportBuilder, Service Contacts ReportBuilder

Incidents - to be included in Incident Reports

Incidents ReportBuilder

Intake/Admission - as a linked form on Intake/Admission form

Demographics ReportBuilder, Intake/Admission ReportBuilder

Listed as a Charting Event, available under Outcomes

Demographics ReportBuilder

Medical - as an option to be included on the Medical Appointment Form

Demographics ReportBuilder

Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Profile - as a link at the top of client face sheets

Demographics ReportBuilder, Medical Appointments ReportBuilder

Program Status - as an option to be included on the Program Status form

Demographics ReportBuilder, Program Status ReportBuilder

Progress Notes - as an option to be included in a progress note

Demographics ReportBuilder, Progress Note ReportBuilder, Service Contacts ReportBuilder

Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out

Demographics ReportBuilder

Services - to be included on the Service Plan Coversheet

Demographics ReportBuilder

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Who can save ReportBuilder formats for other users?

Users with the Save ReportBuilder Formats For All Staff permission (assigned under System Setup > Permissions Maintenance) have the ability to save report formats to be used by others.  Users without this permission can only save report formats for themselves.

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Why can't I run a ReportBuilder for a date range of more than two years?

In order to maintain a high level of system performance for all AWARDS users, each ReportBuilder in AWARDS (with the exception of the HMIS History ReportBuilder) is limited to being run for a two year period of your choice.  If it's necessary for you to generate data for a longer period of time we recommend running the report multiple times for consecutive date ranges, using the Excel File link to open the data outside of AWARDS for each instance of the report, and then copying and pasting the data from each into a single Excel file.

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Why do functions such as "count" not work when viewing summary table information in Excel?

Those cells in the Excel version of ReportBuilder reports for which functions will not work are noted as such with a green triangle in the top right corner.  If you click on a cell that has one of these green triangles in it, an exclamation point is displayed.  Click the exclamation point for an explanation of why the function is not available.  In the case of the summary portion of ReportBuilder reports the functions such as "count" do not work in many cases because the number values are stored as text rather than numbers.

The summary information included in ReportBuilder reports is provided so that the types of manual calculations that can be completed using Excel functions are unnecessary.  In the event that a manual calculation  is still required, you will need to convert the text values to numbers.  To do so, click the exclamation point mentioned above and select the corresponding option.

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Why do I sometimes get a message that records will be exported to a data file instead of displayed on the screen?

If the amount of data contained in a report's results exceeds 5,000 records it exceeds what can easily be processed and displayed by AWARDS; instead, the data is pulled from the previous night's database backup and is exported to a data file rather than displayed on the screen.  Note that in such instances any changes made to records between the time of the backup and when the report was run will not be reflected in the report data.

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Why does the total for a multiple value field when using the grouping option exceed the number of records in the summary tables?

A record may be counted more than once, depending on how the table is set up; for example, if you have a table showing entitlements by service provided and a consumer has two entitlements, those two entitlements will each get credit for the service.  In such instances the service will count twice towards the "service" total.

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Why doesn't anything happen when I click a link to download a file or attachment from AWARDS?

Clicking a link in AWARDS to download a report/export file, message attachment or file cabinet document is designed to generate a "PHI Download Alert" pop-up notification to inform you that the content of the download may contain confidential or protected information and should be handled accordingly.  If you have a pop-up blocker turned on in your browser's settings and have not exempted * so that it is always allowed to open pop-ups, it will seem as if nothing is happening when the AWARDS link is clicked.  Please see the instructions for your browser to adjust the settings related to the pop-up blocker.

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Why doesn't my report yield any results when I apply a date filter?

When filtering on a date, be sure that the date is entered using mm/dd/yyyy format.  If a different format is used the report filter will not work properly.

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Why don't I see the "add additional filters" link?

If the add additional filters link is not displayed, it is an indication that you have reached the maximum number of filters for a given report - eight.  No additional filters can be added in such cases, and so the link is hidden.

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Why don't I see the "Hide Detail Rows" option when configuring a ReportBuilder?

The Hide Detail rows option is only available when the Display Record Numbers option has NOT been checked off; the two settings are incompatible.

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Why is a change I made to a client's record not immediately reflected in a ReportBuilder report?

There are two possible causes when ReportBuilder reports are not immediately displaying information updated in the same database login session.  First, it may be indicative of a memory cache issue.  To get around this, press <CTRL+R> while viewing the report page, or click your browser's refresh icon.

Second, when using some ReportBuilders (such as the HMIS or Demographics ReportBuilders) if the report's results include fewer than 5,000 records, the data comes from the live database and should reflect what's currently in records.  If the report's results include more then 5,000 record though, the data comes from the previous night's database backup, and it is exported to a data file rather than displayed on the screen.  As a result, any changes made to records between the time of the backup and when the report was run will not be reflected in the report data.

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Why is text being cut off for some ReportBuilder data variables?

ReportBuilders are limited to displaying the first 300 characters of a cell on screen so, for example, things like progress note content may be cut off, as will any longer descriptive text field.  To view the full text, use the ReportBuilder's Excel File link; Excel files include full untruncated detail.

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Why isn't individual detail or summary table sorting I do on the report page reflected in the Excel version of a report?

Changing the sort order of an individual detail or summary table on the report page overrides any sorting for those tables specified in the report settings or in a saved report format.  However, the functionality is designed so that such changes do not impact the contents of the Excel file version of report data, nor are they saved when a report format is saved.  If it is necessary to sort the data in the Excel file, Excel has extensive sorting functionality for that purpose.

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Why isn't there always a "Program" report variable when running a ReportBuilder for a group of programs?

In areas that share data records across programs (for example, allergies and medications), no specific program history is attached to a record.  Instead, records are attached to the client, regardless of program assignment.  As a result, a "Program" variable is not available for inclusion in the report contents when working with such records.

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