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ReportBuilders are powerful reporting tools, located throughout AWARDS, that can be used to generate customized data reports.  Each ReportBuilder can be set to contain a variety of data variables relevant to the portion of AWARDS in which that ReportBuilder resides, and can be configured to display included data in a variety of ways in order to meet your unique reporting needs.

This portion of Online Help is intended to provide you with helpful ReportBuilder "basics" that will give you the foundation to successfully use ReportBuilders in all of their various locations.

Required Permissions

Use of ReportBuilders requires the following permissions:

Program Chart Access
Save ReportBuilder Formats For All Staff (optional - required only when necessary to save ReportBuilder formats for all users rather than for just oneself)

IMPORTANT! Which ReportBuilders are accessible to you throughout AWARDS is based on your permissions for various components of system functionality.  For example, you will not have access to the  Progress Notes ReportBuilder if you do not have access to the Progress Notes functionality.

  NOTE: Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need the permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Generating a ReportBuilder Report - Learn to use ReportBuilders to create customized reports and to save report formats for future use.

Managing the ReportBuilder Queue - Learn to monitor and manage queued AWARDS processes - including ReportBuilder generation - via a Queue ReportBuilder.

A Closer Look @ ReportBuilders

ReportBuilder Configuration Options - Learn how to customize reports using a standard set of ReportBuilder tools.

ReportBuilder Report Contents - Learn tips and tricks on how to work with the content of ReportBuilder reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

ReportBuilder Frequently Asked Questions

Related Documents

Data Quality Reports - Information Sheet

To make it easier to monitor data quality at your agency, Foothold Technology has created several saved report formats in the Demographics, HMIS, HMIS History, Intake/Admission, and Service Contacts ReportBuilders.  This PDF information sheet walks you through the purpose of function of each of those saved report formats so that you can take advantage of them to make sure the data you are collecting in AWARDS is as complete and accurate as possible.

FootholdConnect Event Recordings

  NOTE: Recordings marked with a red asterisk (*) were made prior to deployment of significant AWARDS enhancements and do not reflect those changes; however, the overall content is still relevant and useful.

iKnow - ReportBuilders (1 hr 20 min) * - July 2018

Intended for users at agencies currently in the AWARDS implementation process to help familiarize them with the ReportBuilder functionality found throughout AWARDS, and to take them through the ins and outs of using ReportBuilders to generate custom reports for the purposes of meeting a variety of data generation needs.

Review & Refresh - ReportBuilder Basics (1 h 45 min) - January 2021

In this webinar we will be reviewing the basics of using ReportBuilders to look at your data in AWARDS.  ReportBuilders are powerful reporting tools, located throughout AWARDS, that can be used to generate customized data reports.