Payroll Status

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The Human Resources module Payroll Status feature is used to maintain payroll group status records, as well as to view read-only payroll status reports.

Each employee must have at least one payroll group status record.  The initial record will have been entered during the process of entering the employee's staff information record.  Subsequent payroll group status data entry (including the addition of another payroll group status record when/if the employee changes payroll groups) can be done using the Human Resources module Payroll Status feature as detailed in this section of Online Help.  Payroll group data entry can also be completed from within the employee's staff information record.  For more information, click here.

Required Permissions

The Payroll Status feature is available to users with the following permissions:

Which of the three human resources permissions you have will determine what tasks you can complete using this feature.  For more information on which HR permissions allow which level of access, click here.

Click-by-Click Instructions

A Closer Look @ Fields & Options

Frequently Asked Questions