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In this issue:

FootholdConnect Events
Highlights from the Project Pipeline
What's New in AWARDS
Tip of the Month - Combating Inbox Overload
Foothold News & Blog

FootholdConnect Events

For more information on upcoming FootholdConnect events, please go to FootholdConnect on the AWARDS Home screen's navigation bar, or visit the Upcoming Events page of the Foothold Technology web site.  And don't forget... If you've missed any recent FootholdConnect events, you can access the recordings for those in Online Help here!

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The Certification curriculum is a rigorous, three-level training program held in New York City for agencies aiming to turn staff members into true AWARDS experts. The AWARDS Certification Cumulative Exam on Basic User Skills is now available online for completion! There is no charge for this exam and no obligation to enroll in Certification upon successful completion of the exam.

In order to be eligible to enroll in the AWARDS Certification program, you must pass this qualifying exam with a score of at least 80%. The exam will be available through September 4th and must be completed during that time.

The exam contains 100 questions, which are multiple choice and true/false. Once you have passed the exam, we will contact you to confirm your enrollment in the program. To access the exam, click here.

Save the Dates for Certification in New York City:

  Level 1 (Basic) Certification - September 18th, 19th, and 20th 2018 

  Level 2 (Intermediate) Certification - January 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 2019 

  Level 3 (Advanced) Certification - April 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2019

For more information, click here or contact us at [email protected].

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Highlights from the Project Pipeline

Menu Fly-Outs - Administration

As part of the continued redesign of AWARDS, we are currently developing menu fly-outs for the Administration portion of the AWARDS Home screen. Along with easier data entry navigation and some system housekeeping, this will involve the introduction of a new module called Builders & Tools that will contain the FormBuilder, PlanBuilder, Referral Agencies features and more. Stay tuned for more details on this change, preceding a fall deployment. 

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What's New in AWARDS

As we have done in previous months, we are continuing to make available a new set of useful features and functions to users of AWARDS. As always, this round of upgrades is provided free of charge to all AWARDS users and is described below. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Help Desk. We hope these enhancements improve the way you use AWARDS and provide services!

Deployment Date:  8/1/18

BillingBuilder - Audit Trail Additions

New BillingBuilder actions have been added to the AWARDS Audit Trail ReportBuilder; specifically, the following BillingBuilder components will log the associated actions listed here:

  Payers - Adding a new payer, updating an existing payer and deletion of an existing payer.

  Configure Billing Types - Adding a new billing type, updating an existing billing type, and deletion of an existing billing type.

  Procedure Configuration/Setup - Adding a new procedure, updating an existing procedure, and deletion of an existing procedure.

  Generate Invoice Batch/Edit Invoice Batch - Generation of a new batch, updating an existing batch, and deletion of an existing batch.

BillingBuilder - Enhance COB Check

An enhancement has been made to how AWARDS controls COB (Coordination of Benefits) billing for configured billing.  Now, when a consumer's primary payer and secondary payer do not bill using the same CPT/HCPCS code, AWARDS will recognize that the two codes are in fact the same service code.  This is controlled by a new Equivalent Code Procedure Configuration/Setup field.

BillingBuilder - New NPI Field in Human Resources

To help control which payers a note writer's NPI is not credentialed with, we have added a new setting under Human Resources > Staff Information called NPI not valid for the following payers.  When a payer is checked within this new setting of the note writer's HR record, their NPI will not be assigned to any invoices generated from notes they wrote.  The Rendering/Attending NPI for their invoices will need to be reported from either the Configure Procedure setting called Incident To NPI or from the Program Billing Info screen > Default Medical Providers Info NPI.

Client History Report - Now Accessible from the Reports Module

Previously the Client History Report was only accessible from an icon in the Client Search results.  Now this report is also accessible from within the Reports module.

HMIS - Changes to Annual Update Reminders

To make it clearer that the HMIS Annual Updates are due on the anniversary of the Head of Household's admission date into a program for everyone in the household, we have altered the language on the internal audit message reminder, and this message will now only be sent for Heads of Household. 

HMIS - Date of Relevant Anniversary

To make it clear as to when a client's HMIS Annual Update is due, we have added a new field to the Face Sheet in the HMIS Info section labeled Date of Relevant Anniversary.  This new field automatically populates with the Head of Household’s anniversary of admission. This information has also been added to the HMIS ReportBuilder in the HMIS Info Updates section, where it is called Date of Relevant Anniversary (Update)

ReportBuilders - Enhancements

As part of our ongoing efforts to make the ReportBuilders across AWARDS more comprehensive and user-friendly, we've made the following enhancements:

  Agency Programs ReportBuilder - Label Changes - The current HMIS Zip Code data variable within the "HMIS Settings" section of the Agency Programs ReportBuilder Options page will be relabeled as Project Zip Code

  Demographics ReportBuilder - Label Changes and New Data Variables - The current Length of Stay within Date Range variable counts nights, along with Length of Complete Stay and Length of Program Stay. Going forward, these variables will be relabeled as Length of Complete Stay (in nights)Length of Program Stay (in nights),and Length of Stay within Date Range (in nights). In addition, Length of Complete Stay (in days)Length of Program Stay (in days), and Length of Stay within Date Range (in days) data variables have been added to the "Program History" section of the Demographics ReportBuilder Options page. 

  Hospitalization Episodes ReportBuilder - New Data Variables - Diagnosis Codes During Hospital Stay and Diagnosis Text During Hospital Stay have been added as data variables within the "Hospital Episodes Information" section of the Hospital Episodes ReportBuilder Options page. These variables will pull in the information of any diagnosis active within the Hospital Episode Dates range set on the ReportBuilder Settings page.

  Service Referrals ReportBuilder - New Data Variable - For agencies set to use the Service Referrals feature within the Services module, Most Recent Note Status has been added as a data variable within the "Service Referral Information" section of the Service Referrals ReportBuilder Options page. 

Restricted Census Access - New Feature!

Have you ever needed to create an auditor login to view only a select number of client records? Would case workers benefit from only seeing their assigned caseload in a particular program? If the answer to either of these questions is "yes," the new Restricted Census Access feature is for you! 

Restricted Census Access is an optional database enhancement (available upon request) that is used to configure client chart access for users with the "Restricted Census Access" permission.  This permission restricts users in ALL programs they have access to so  they will not see any client charts unless they are specifically granted access to those clients within this feature.  An additional permission called "Restricted Census Access - Configuration" allows users with this permission to set up users to only view specific clients within a particular program.

  NOTE: Users with Restricted Census Access do not see the Client Search tool on the AWARDS Home screen, but are able to access the Client History Report from within the Reports module.

Additional information on Restricted Census Access can be found in Online Help here.  

To request that the Restricted Census Access feature be turned on in your AWARDS database, please contact the Help Desk.

Rolodex and Population Trends Report - Now Retired

As previously announced, the following features are being retired from AWARDS as of August 1st:

  Rolodex - previously located under Administration

  Population Trends Report - previously located in the Reports and Outcomes modules

SSH Quarterly Level of Service Report - Updates

The SSH Quarterly LOS Report and SSH TANF Quarterly LOS Report are being updated with some new features; specifically:

  On the report settings page there is now a Send in Messages option which will send a copy of the report to your AWARDS inbox. 

  There will now be a table on the report itself, listing all of the programs included in the report.  

  The name of the user running the report has been added to the header of the report.  

  There is a new Total row which gives total counts for each of the report columns.  

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Tip of the Month - Combating Inbox Overload

Inbox overload?  Five ways to manage your AWARDS messages so they don't manage you!

A constant flow of inbox messages can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here are five ways you can manage your AWARDS inbox more effectively so you don't miss what's most important.

1.  Check your permissions - Most messages in your inbox are likely to be auto-generated system messages. These are controlled by Internal Audit Messages permissions, set up under System Setup > Permissions Maintenance. Check with your supervisor or local Help Desk to see how these permissions can be configured for you to cut down on unnecessary system messages.

2.  Use filters - Using the various filters located in the top bar of the AWARDS Messages feature will help you narrow inbox results and locate messages more quickly. You can filter messages by status (based on whether they are AWARDS- or user-generated), messages received within a specific date range, and by sender or subject line keyword. For more information on locating and viewing messages, click here.

3.  Add a star - You can “bookmark” messages by clicking the star icon, located in the far right column next to each message. Starring messages (as explained here) makes them extra easy to find by using the “Show” filter and selecting “Starred Messages.” This is especially useful for messages that require a follow-up action.

4.  Create folders - Another great way to organize your messages is by creating sub-folders by topic, department, caseload, action needed, or upcoming deadlines, to name a few. Sub-folders can be added to the inbox, or to another inbox sub-folder, allowing for layers of nesting folders. For tips on creating and organizing folders in your AWARDS inbox, click here.

5.  Don’t be afraid to delete - Because AWARDS is an Electronic Health Record (EHR), messages are never actually deleted. When they are moved to the trash folder, they stay there indefinitely. If you move a message to the trash and later realize you need it, you can always click on the Trash folder, use the filters to locate the message, and move it back into the inbox.

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Foothold News & Blog

Check out the latest in Foothold news and recent entries from the Foothold blog!

More on Mr. Bucciferro's Visit to Washington: Collaboration Continues

Preparing for the Future: Highlights from User's Conference 2018

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