Organizing Messages

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The AWARDS Messages module offers users a variety of tools for organizing their messages.  These tools include the ability to create and sort messages into inbox sub-folders, as well as the ability to mark messages as read or unread, and to star them to indicate importance or the need to follow up.  Click one of the tools in the list provided here to see detailed instructions on its use:

Creating, Renaming, and Deleting Folders

Moving Messages Into Folders

Changing the Status of Messages

Creating, Renaming, and Deleting Folders

To create, rename, or delete an inbox sub-folder, complete the following steps from within the Messages module:

    1. In the folders portion of the page, right-click the folder to which a sub-folder is to be added, or the folder which should be renamed or deleted.  A folders menu is displayed.

  TIP: If at any time you need to close the folders menu, click outside of it.

    1. At this time, complete any of the following tasks as needed:

  Rename the folder - Select Edit folder name.  A folder name dialog box is displayed.  Make the name changes as necessary, and then click OK to apply those changes.

  NOTE: The main inbox cannot be renamed. 

  Create a new folder - Select Add new folder.  A folder name dialog box is displayed.  Enter the name of the new folder, and then click OK to complete the creation process.

  TIP: Sub-folders can be added to the inbox, or to another inbox sub-folder, allowing for layers of nesting folders.

  Delete a folder - Select Delete this folder.  A confirmation dialog box is displayed.  Click OK to complete the deletion process.  The folder is then removed from the folders list, and all messages it contained are moved to the trash.

  NOTE: The main inbox cannot be deleted. 

The process of creating, renaming, or deleting a folder is now complete.  For details on moving messages into your folders, see Moving Messages Into Folders.

Moving Messages Into Folders

Messages can be moved into folders for organizational purposes in either of the following ways:

  From the inbox or another messages folder - While viewing the contents of the inbox or another messages folder, click the checkbox to the left of the message(s) to be moved, or use the red "Select" options at the bottom of the page to select a group of messages.  Next, using the "select action" option at the bottom of the page, choose the appropriate folder, and then click Go:

The message is then moved, and the messages index is updated to reflect that change.

  From within an open message - To move a message that you are currently viewing, use the "Move to" option at the bottom of the page to select the appropriate folder, and then click Go:

The message is then moved, and the next message in that folder is displayed.

Changing the Status of Messages

A message's status can be changed in either of the following ways in the AWARDS Messages module:

  NOTE: Both of these processes require you to be viewing the messages index rather than an individual message.

  Marking a message as read/unread - While viewing a folder's messages index, click the checkbox to the left of each message to be marked as read or unread, or use the red "Select" options at the bottom of the page to select a group of messages.  Next, using the "select action" option at the bottom of the page, choose "Mark as unread" or "Mark as read," and then click Go:

- OR -

Click the envelope icon next to a message in the messages index to change its status to the opposite of what it's set to currently:

The change in status is then applied and can be seen in the messages index.

  NOTE: When viewing a message, envelope icons indicate the status of that message for each recipient.  A closed envelope indicates that the message is unread, while an open envelope indicates that it has been opened and viewed.  When the read/unread status of the message is changed using either of the processes above, it also affects your status envelope for that message.  This type of change can be viewed by all other recipients of the message, as well as the message sender, in their copy of the message.

  Starring a message - While viewing a folder's messages index, click the star icon to the right of each message as needed - starred messages will become unstarred, and unstarred messages will become starred:

- OR -

Click the checkbox to the left of each message to be starred or unstarred, or use the red "Select" options at the bottom of the page to select a group of messages.  next, using the "select action" option at the bottom of the page, choose "Add star" or "Remove star," and then click Go:

The star change is then applied and can be seen in the messages index.