Calendar Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Calendar feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Can cancelled events be hidden?

Can I enter Calendar events for pending clients who are not fully admitted into a program?

Can I write a progress note directly from an appointment on the Calendar?

Can two events be scheduled for the same time and staff person?

How can I see which program appointments have corresponding progress notes?

How can the program appointment type list be customized?

How do I delete a program appointment with a date in the past?

How do I make changes to a recurring appointment/event?

How do I print the Calendar?

How do I view or work with appointments/events scheduled for former (discharged) clients?

How do I view or work with appointments/events scheduled for former staff members?

Should appointments/events I schedule for others be displayed on my Calendar?

What determines which locations I see in location selection lists?

What happens if I delete a program appointment that has an associated progress note?

What happens if I edit the notes on a recurring appointment?  Does it change them for all?

What happens to future program appointments scheduled for a discharged client?

What happened to the "reason for consultation" notes from my old program appointments?

Why do I get warnings about conflicting program appointments that aren't in the program I'm working with? 

Why do I see more provider appointments in client view than in staff view?

Why do I see staff events for programs of those other than the one I selected when using Program View?

Why do some appointment/event blocks show "(busy)" rather than details?

Why isn't a new appointment/event I scheduled displaying on the Calendar?

Why isn't a provider appointment showing up on my Calendar as expected?

Can cancelled events be hidden?

Not currently; however, cancelled events will be displayed with strikethroughs on the Calendar so that they are easily distinguishable.

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Can I enter Calendar events for pending clients who are not fully admitted into a program?

Yes.  When using Client View the Client Selection list contains individuals active in the selected program on the Date specified. If today's date or future date was selected, this includes the current program roster (including pending clients), while selection of a past date reflects the roster as of that date and may include discharged clients.

  NOTE: Once a client is admitted to a program, he/she cannot be scheduled for a calendar appointment until on or after his/her admission date.

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Can I prevent users from entering Calendar data for dates on which they're not scheduled to work?

No, Calendar access cannot be limited in that way.

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Can I write a progress note directly from an appointment on the Calendar?

If you've created a program appointment on the Calendar that has a date of today or earlier and that date is within the program's note editing window, you can write a progress note for it directly from the Calendar.  To do so, open the appointment in question from the Calendar by clicking the event block.  On the appointment details page that is then displayed, click the edit icon.  The appointment is then opened in data entry mode with an Add (or Edit) Progress Note button is located at the bottom.

After clicking that button you'll be taken to the Progress Notes Data Entry settings page, with the date, duration, and start time automatically filled in based on the appointment's details.  You then need only adjust the remaining settings, enter the note content, and save.  Once the note is saved you'll be taken to a read-only report mode of the note to allow for e-signing if needed.  Click the green Back to Calendar bar at the top of the page at any time to return to the Calendar.

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Can two events be scheduled for the same time and staff person?

By default, events scheduled for the same time and staff person as a previously created event will be flagged as a conflict.  When this default configuration is in place, the conflict error-checking is only ignored if an appointment/event has been designated as canceled (by client, staff, or provider) or "no show." In such instances another appointment will be allowed to be scheduled for the same staff person at that time.

If your agency's workflow allows for the scheduling of overlapping/conflicting appointments and you would like that to be allowed in AWARDS as well, we can accommodate that using behind-the-scenes optional settings.  Please contact the Help Desk for assistance with this request.

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How can I see which program appointments have corresponding progress notes?

The Calendar Events ReportBuilder provides you with the ability to see at-a-glance which appointments have corresponding notes.  The Documentation Present data variable available for inclusion in Calendar Events ReportBuilder reports displays "yes" or "no" in the report contents to indicate whether a progress note has been written for each appointment.

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How can the program appointment type list be customized?

If you are an AWARDS administrator and would like to set up the Program Appointment types list for the first time, or to make changes to the existing types list, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

  NOTE: In order to complete the steps outlined here you must have the ListBuilder permission assigned to you within the Permissions Maintenance feature.

    1. Before beginning the configuration process, work with your agency's leadership team to determine which Program Appointment types should be available for use in the Calendar.  Keep in mind that all programs at the agency will share the same list, so consensus and/or a list of shared guidelines for when to use each type may be helpful for staff once use of this list is rolled out.
    2. Once your list is set, click Administration from the left-hand menu in AWARDS, and then click Builders & Tools.  The Builders & Tools fly-out menu is displayed.
    3. Click ListBuilder.  The ListBuilder index page is displayed, showing all existing lists.

    1. Confirm whether or not there is an existing "Program Appointment Types" list available. If the list DOES exist, click it to open it for data entry.  If the list DOES NOT exist, click the add new icon from the action bar above the lists table.  In either instance the ListBuilder data entry page is displayed.

    1. Configure the fields/options on this page as follows.  Any fields/options not specifically referenced here can be left as is.

  Name - In this field type "Program Appointment Types" as shown in the screen shot above.  This name must match EXACTLY in order for this custom types to be applied.

  Category - In this field type "Calendar."

  Enabled - Click this drop-down arrow and select "Yes."

  Category - In this field type "Calendar."

  Value / Code / Enabled / Order - To add an item to this list, configure the following fields/options, and then click Add Item:


  Value - A unique program appointment type.  Displayed as a selection in the list. 

  Code - A code corresponding to the value.  Can be a placeholder but must be unique to this list item.

  Enabled - Must be set to "Yes" in order to be included in the Calendar's selection list.

  Order - A number representing the item's order in the list.  Auto-populated but can be changed.

IMPORTANT! When using this custom list for program appointment types, new appointments will default to the first type in the list.  Please keep that in mind when setting your list's order.

  Enable "Other" option - Click this check box if "Other" should be included as a list selection.

 To make changes to an existing list item, overwrite the current values in these fields, and/or make new selections as needed.  

To delete a list item, click the Remove check box to the right of that item.  When the record is saved the deletion will be applied.

  TIP: See ListBuilder for additional guidance on using this tool, including more in-depth descriptions of the available fields/options and frequently asked questions.

    1. Click Save to apply your changes.

The process of configuring the Program Appointment types list is now complete.

How do I delete a program appointment with a date in the past?

The delete button in program appointment records is available to users when the appointment data and time are still in the future.  Afterward, only users who have been assigned the "Delete Past Program Appointments" exception override permission (under System Setup > Permissions Maintenance) can delete them.  If it is not necessary to have the appointment deleted entirely, the appointment status can be set to "Canceled" instead.

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How do I make changes to a recurring appointment/event?

  Deleting a single event - To delete a single event in a recurring series, click the event to open the pop-up window, click the Trash icon, and then click OK to confirm the deletion. Only that event is deleted and the remaining events in the series remain.

  Deleting all future events - To delete all future events in a recurring series, click the first event to be removed to open the pop-up window, click the Trash icon, and then select Also delete all future events before clicking OK to confirm the deletion. That event and all future instances are deleted. 

  Editing a single event in a series - To edit a single event in a recurring series (i.e., update the date from a Tuesday to a Wednesday, update Start Time, Duration, Method, etc.), click the event to open the pop-up window, then click the Pencil icon to open the data entry form. Complete any updates needed, and then click SAVE. On the Edit Recurring Event pop-up that is then displayed, click This event, and then click OK

  Editing multiple events in a series - To make a change that carries forward into future events of a series, click the first of the events that is changing to open the pop-up window, then click the Pencil icon to open the data entry form. Complete any updates needed, and then click SAVE. On the Edit Recurring Event pop-up that is then displayed, click This and following events, and then click OK.  

  TIP: When editing recurring events changes to Status are exempt from the "this" or "this and following" selection.  Status information only ever applies to the single event being updated.

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How do I print the Calendar?

The Calendar can be printed in any View, though List View is recommended.  We encourage you to collapse the left-side settings menu pane once the correct Calendar details are displayed, and then use your browser's print option or the print option found in the AWARDS navigation bar in the user drop-down.

  TIP: In some instances using the print setting's Landscape mode may be beneficial and allow for more user-friendly printouts.

Alternately, the Calendar ReportBuilder can also be used to generate a list of events for a specific period of time and can be useful if you want to generate a printout for a time frame not allowed by the Calendar (for example, the quarter).

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How do I view or work with appointments/events scheduled for former (discharged) clients?

Client View includes any clients that were on the roster at any point during the range of dates displayed on the Calendar.  To view events scheduled for former (discharged) clients, adjust the Calendar time period before making your Client selection.

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How do I view or work with appointments/events scheduled for former staff members?

The Calendar's Staff View is limited to active staff members.  To view events scheduled for former employees, use an alternate view; for example, Client View for events that also have an active client assigned to them. The Calendar ReportBuilder also provides access the appointments/events of former staff members.

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Should appointments/events I schedule for others be displayed on my Calendar?

Appointments/events you schedule will only be shown on your Calendar if you have selected yourself as an attendee; however, you will be recorded as the "Author" of those events in all cases.  

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What determines which locations I see in the location selection lists?

The locations available for selection are those that have been configured using the System Setup module, Agency Program Information, Configure Locations feature.  If that feature has been used to create agency-wide locations, they are always included in the Calendar's Location drop-down lists.  If you are scheduling an appointment/event for a specific program to which you have chart access, the locations list also includes any locations configured for that program. 

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What happened to the "reason for consultation" notes from my old program appointments?

Reason for Consultation has been merged with other program appointment notes into a single "Notes" text box in the new Calendar available as of September 2020.

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What happens if I delete a program appointment that has an associated progress note?

You are not prevented from deleting a program appointment when there's a note written against it, nor are you prevented from going in through the progress note index (under Services-Individual > Progress Notes) and making changes (such as changing the date).  If any of these actions is completed, the note itself will not be removed, only the association with the Calendar appointment.  Conversely, if a corresponding program appointment is added AFTER a matching note, that appointment and note will be linked automatically.

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What happens if I edit the notes on a recurring appointment?  Does it change them for all?

Editing the Notes on a recurring appointment/event only affects the event in which you are saving the updated note.  Events previous to and/or following the edited event are NOT updated in these instances.  To make an edit that carries forward into upcoming events, a new recurring series should be created.  (You may need to remove the remaining event of the original series first.)

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What happens to future appointments scheduled for a discharged client?

When discharging a client, all future program appointments will be removed from the Calendar (recurring and non-recurring). For recurring appointments, the client's discharge date will be listed as the End Date of the recurring series. If, at a later time, the Undo Discharge feature is used, removed events will not be restored and will have to be manually re-entered, or the End Date of a recurring series edited as needed.

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Why do I get warnings about conflicting program appointments that aren't in the program I'm working with?

In this case, the conflicting program appointment is scheduled within another program. AWARDS checks for conflicting program appointments across all programs, not just the program selected when scheduling a new appointment. 

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Why do I see more provider appointments in client view than in staff view?

Provider appointments are only included on a staff member's Calendar when that individual has been set as the appointment's Staff Escort.  Staff members selected as the appointment's designated Provider but NOT the staff escort do not have the appointment included on their Calendar.  Because Staff Escort is not required but Provider is, you may see more provider appointments in Client View where the Staff Escort assignment is not a requirement for inclusion rather than in Staff View where it is.

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Why do I see staff events for programs other than the one I selected when using Program View?

Staff events are not associated with a particular program.  (The program selection made when scheduling staff meetings only determines which staff members are available for attendance purposes, it does not associate the events with that program.)  As a result, if you have the option to include staff events on the Calendar, they will display no matter which program you have selected.

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Why do some appointment/event blocks show "(busy)" rather than details?

Any time you see "(busy)" on the Calendar it is an indication that it is restricted in some way; specifically, it is either a private staff event that you are not able to access, or that it is for a client in a program to which you do not have chart access. 

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Why isn't a new appointment/event I scheduled displaying on the Calendar?

As with existing appointments/events, newly scheduled appointments/events will only be displayed on the Calendar if set to do so in your Calendar viewing options.  For example, if your viewing options are currently set to show only program appointments and you schedule a staff training, that training will not display when you return to the Calendar after completing the scheduling process.  In order for it to appear you would need to adjust your viewing options to include the staff training event type.

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Why isn't a provider appointment showing up on my Calendar as expected?

In order for a provider appointment to be included on your Calendar, you must have been set as a staff escort for that appointment.  Simply being the designated provider does not pull that appointment in.

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