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The Configure Locations feature is used to set or update the locations list used in various places throughout AWARDS; for example, within the Calendar.  This feature is also used to view read-only location reports.   

Required Permissions

The Configure Locations feature is available to users with the following permissions:

Program Chart Access (not required if you are in the "Executive Officer" or "System Administrator" user group)
Agency Program Information  (not required if you are in the "Executive Officer" or "System Administrator" user group)

In addition, unless you are in the "Executive Officer" or "System Administrator" user groups, you must have ONE of the following permissions:

Display Executive Administration Buttons
Permissions Data Entry
Permissions Data Entry for All Staff and Layers

  NOTE: Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need a permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Maintaining the Locations List - Learn to access and make changes to the list of locations used throughout the AWARDS system.

Viewing a Locations Report - Learn to view a read-only report of the locations available for selection in AWARDS.

Frequently Asked Questions

Configure Locations Frequently Asked Questions

Training Films & Demonstrations

  NOTE: Films marked with a red asterisk (*) were made prior to deployment of significant AWARDS enhancements and do not reflect those changes; however, the overall content is still relevant and useful.

Configure Locations (4 min) *