Calendar Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Calendar feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Can I enter Calendar events for pending clients who are not fully admitted into a program?

Can I prevent users from entering Calendar data for dates on which they're not scheduled to work?

Can I write a progress note directly from an appointment on the Calendar?

Can staff personal appointments be deleted?

Can two events be scheduled for the same time and staff person?

How can I see which program appointments have corresponding progress notes?

How do I change who is on a "Counselors" or "Worksites" list?

How do I delete a program appointment with a date in the past?

How do I figure out who's in my supervisory tree?

How do I run a staff training report?

How do I schedule an appointment/event outside of the default time frame when using "Show Hourly Schedule?"

How do I update the group leader assigned to a scheduled group?

Is information captured about who enters or updates calendar appointments/events?

Should appointments/events I schedule for others be displayed on my Calendar?

What determines which locations I see in location selection lists?

What do the colors in Availability view mean?

What do the letters next to some appointments/events mean?

Why are some appointments listed for "client" instead of a specific person?

Why do I see staff meetings for programs of those other than the one I selected when using Program view?

Why do some consumers have another name in parentheses next to their names on the calendar?

Why do some staff have "(off)" next to their names in Program view's "all available staff" scope selection?

Why is my program appointment no longer displaying the name of the correct client?

Why isn't a new appointment/event I scheduled appearing on the Calendar?

Can I enter Calendar events for pending clients who are not fully admitted into a program?

Yes.  When using Client view, the client selection list includes current, pending, and former clients.  By selecting a pending client from that list you can schedule appointments/events for him/her.

  NOTE: Once a client is admitted to a program, he/she cannot be scheduled for a calendar appointment until on or after his/her admission date.

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Can I prevent users from entering Calendar data for dates on which they're not scheduled to work?

No, Calendar access cannot be limited in that way; however,  when using Program view the scope selection list includes an "all available staff" selection.  When that is chosen an available staff list is included for each day shown on the Calendar.  Use of that selection would help assist users in easily seeing when staff are working so that they don't schedule someone for a day on which they aren't available.

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Can I write a progress note directly from an appointment on the Calendar?

If you've created a program appointment on the Calendar that has a date of today or earlier and that date is within the program's note editing window, you can write a progress note for it directly from the Calendar.  To do so, open the appointment in question from the Calendar by clicking the client's name in the appointment listing.  On the appointment page that is then displayed, click Add Progress Note.  You'll then be re-directed to the Progress Notes Data Entry settings page, with the date, duration, and start time automatically filled in based on the appointment's details.  You then need only adjust the remaining settings, enter the note content, and save.

After writing and saving the note in this way, you'll be taken back to the Progress Notes Editing Index page, where you'll see a Calendar button at the bottom of the page.  Click that button to return to the program appointment, where the new note will be displayed.  At that time you can make any necessary updates to the appointment information (for example, changing the status to "kept"), before clicking UPDATE to save the appointment record.

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Can staff personal appointments be deleted?

Yes, users with the ability to edit staff personal appointments can also delete them by clicking the Delete button at the bottom of the data entry page.

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Can two events be scheduled for the same time and staff person?

By default, events scheduled for the same time and staff person as a previously created event will be flagged as a conflict.  When this default configuration is in place, the conflict error-checking is only ignored if an appointment/event has been designated as canceled (by client, staff, or provider) or "no show." In such instances another appointment will be allowed to be scheduled for the same staff person at that time.

If your agency's workflow allows for the scheduling of overlapping/conflicting appointments and you would like that to be allowed in AWARDS as well, we can accommodate that using behind-the-scenes optional settings.  Please contact the Help Desk for assistance with this request.

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How can I see which program appointments have corresponding progress notes?

To see a summary table that lists each program appointment on the calendar along with information on whether each has been documented with a corresponding progress note, click Show Progress Note Summary in the top-right portion of the calendar page, and then click DISPLAY/REFRESH CALENDAR.  Within the summary table that is then displayed, a "Documentation" column displays "yes" or "no" to indicate whether a progress note has been entered for each program appointment listed.  "Yes" is only shown when a progress note has been entered by the listed staff person for the exact program, client, date, and time of the program appointment; otherwise, it displays "no."

  TIP: To sort the progress note summary table by one of the included data variables, click the corresponding column heading.  Clicking the heading a second time reverses the sort order.

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How do I change who is on a "Counselors" or "Worksites" list?

The counselor and worksite distribution lists found in selection drop-downs within the calendar are built-in and cannot be changed.

Users are included on the counselor list for a particular program if they have chart access to the program as well as a caseload there, or if they are setup as the program director for the program using the Configure Administration component of the System Setup module's Agency Program Information feature.  They must also have logged into AWARDS within the last 30 days.

Users are included on the worksite list for a particular program if they are scheduled to work at that site within their work schedules, as entered in the Human Resources module or using the Work Schedules module or Attendance module Work Schedules feature (when available).  They must also have logged into AWARDS within the last 30 days.

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How do I delete a program appointment with a date in the past?

The delete button in program appointment records is available to users when the appointment data and time are still in the future.  Afterward, only users who have been assigned the "Delete Past Program Appointments" exception override permission (under System Setup > Permissions Maintenance) can delete them.  If it is not necessary to have the appointment deleted entirely, the appointment status can be set to "Canceled" instead.

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How do I figure out who's in my supervisory tree?

Some Calendar views have a "My Supervisory Tree" selection.  If you have supervisees, you can easily determine who is in your supervisory tree by scrolling through the full staff selection list in which the "My Supervisory Tree" selection is located.  Each of your supervisees will have "(supervised)" next to their names.

If you have access to the Organization Chart feature, either via the Human Resources module or the AWARDS Home screen, that can also be used to view your full supervisory tree.

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How do I run a staff training report?

Staff training reports are not available from within the Calendar.  Instead, you'll need to use the Human Resources module Staff Training feature, or the Reports module located on the AWARDS navigation bar.

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How do I schedule an appointment/event outside of the default timeframe when using "Show Hourly Schedule?"

By default the "Show Hourly Schedule" option uses a timeframe of 8am to 6pm.  That timeframe expands if existing appointments are scheduled for times outside of those hours.  To schedule a new appointment/event for an hour not currently shown on the Calendar, double-click in any timeslot and change the time during the scheduling process that follows.

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How do I update the group leader assigned to a scheduled group?

Opening the group appointment from the Calendar opens the Group Activity Attendance Data Entry page, which does not allow for the group leader to be updated.  Instead, use the Services - Group module, Group Schedule Setup, Group Schedule feature to update the group leader. 

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Is information captured about who enters or updates calendar appointments/events?

No, user activity in the Calendar module (such as who initially entered an appointment/event or who may have updated it) is not captured in the appointment/event Calendar record itself, or in the audit trail.

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Should appointments/events I schedule for others be displayed on my Calendar?

Appointments/events you schedule will only be shown on your Calendar if you have selected yourself as an attendee, or if there were no attendees specified.  (Note that you are always considered an attendee when scheduling a staff personal appointment.)

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What determines which locations I see in the location selection lists?

The locations available for selection are those that have been configured using the System Setup module, Agency Program Information, Configure Locations feature.  If that feature has been used to create agency-wide locations, they are always included in the Location drop-down lists.  If you are scheduling an appointment/event for a specific program to which you have chart access, the locations list also includes any locations configured for that program.  For more information, see Configure Locations.

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What do the colors in Availability view mean?

In Availability view the Calendar grid is displayed with dates and staff names across the top, and rows for time slots (in 15 minute intervals).  The colors of those slots are designed to help you determine whether or not a staff member is available at a given time.

  Green time blocks - Calendar time blocks are shaded green if the staff person is scheduled to work during that slot (as determined by his/her work schedule).  Hovering your mouse over a green block displays the worksite set for that time in the employee's work schedule.

  Red time blocks - Calendar time blocks are shaded red if the staff person has an appointment/event scheduled during that slot.  Hovering your mouse over that a red block displays basic details about the event, including event type, program, and times.

A legend for this information can be viewed by clicking the Legend plus sign above or below the Calendar display. 

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What do the letters next to some appointments/events mean?

The letter codes on the Calendar represent the following:

  The appointment/event has been canceled.  (For some event types where you can specify who did the cancelling - the client or staff - that information will be listed alongside the canceled icon.  For other event types there is only a general canceled status.)

  (K) - The appointment/event was kept.

  (E) - The attendee was excused from the staff training.

  (A) - The attendee was added after the appointment/event was initially scheduled.

  (NS) - The attendee was a no show.

  (T) - The staff member has been terminated, and the termination date precedes the appointment/event.  (A strikethrough also appears through the staff name.)

This key can also be viewed automatically on printable versions of the Calendar, or by clicking the Legend plus sign above or below the Calendar display when in viewing mode.

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Why are some appointments listed for "client" instead of a specific person?

If you are using Staff view, have selected a specific program for the scope and "All Staff" for the selection, and a staff member has a program appointment with a client in a program other than the one selected, the appointment is listed with "Client" instead of the client's actual name.

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Why do I see staff meetings for programs other than the one I selected when using Program view?

Staff meetings and staff personal appointments are not associated with a particular program.  (The program selection made when scheduling staff meetings and personal appointments only determines which staff members are available for attendance purposes, it does not associate the events with that program.)  As a result, if you have the option to include staff meetings/personal appointments on the calendar, they will display no matter which program you have selected.

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Why do some consumers have another name in parentheses next to their names on the calendar?

When using the Calendar's Consumer or Program views and checking off Consent End Dates under "Included Events," the Calendar will display the consumer's name and, in parentheses, the name of the content whose consent expires within the Calendar Period specified.  If more than one contact consent expires on the same date, the consumer's name and the contact names are displayed on separate lines, both in the Calendar itself and when Show Appointment Summary is checked off.  To update consent information, use the Medical module Contacts feature.

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Why do some staff have "(off)" next to their names in the Program view's "all available staff" scope selection?

All available staff are users who have a work schedule placing them in the program on a given day.  If a staff person is scheduled to work based on his or her work schedule but has approved time off, he or she is still listed under available staff, but "(off)" is placed next to his or her name to denote that he or she will be (or was) out.

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Why is my program appointment no longer displaying the name of the correct client?

If the client for whom a program appointment was scheduled has had a status change, the calendar instead displays the name of the first client (when sorted by last name) of those that are currently active in that program.  For example, if the client was a pending client on the date of the appointment but is now admitted, going back into the appointment from the pending time period does not display the client's name in data entry mode.  Likewise, if a client was discharged and you open the appointment for data entry, the client's name does not display.  This is expected behavior.

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Why isn't a new appointment/event I scheduled appearing on the Calendar?

As with existing appointments/events, newly scheduled appointments/events will only be displayed on the Calendar if set to do so in your Calendar viewing options.  For example, if your viewing options are currently set to show only program appointments and you schedule a staff training, that training will not automatically appear when you return to the Calendar after completing the scheduling process.  In order for it to appear you would need to adjust your viewing options to include the staff training appointment/event type.

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