Using Other Digital Rx Features

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Has your agency transitioned to the new AWARDS E-Prescribing, available as of February 2020?  If so, please click here instead!

In addition to sending prescriptions to pharmacies, several other features are available in the Digital Rx system.  Click one of those features from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding portion of this page for more information, or scroll through the full list of features and their details below.

Confirming Prescriptions

Editing / Canceling Prescriptions

"On Behalf Of" Prescribing


Rx Alerts



Confirming Prescriptions

The New Prescription tab (shown here) provides access to several features in addition to the Send to Pharmacy and Send And Print features discussed under Sending a Prescription to a Pharmacy.

Specifically, the following additional actions can be taken from this tab:

  Back or Edit - Returns you to the new prescription where you can review the entered prescription information.

  Adverse Affects - Opens a pop-up window containing an "Adverse Drug Effect Report" for the selected medication.

  Drug to Food Interactions - Opens a pop-up window containing a "Drug-Food Interaction Report" for the selected medication.

  Patient Education - Opens a pop-up window containing detailed information on the selected medication that can be printed for the patient.

  Remove - Removes any selected prescriptions from the patient's record.

  View Rx - Opens a pop-up window containing a summary of the prescription.

  Save - Saves the selected prescriptions to the patient's record without sending them to a pharmacy.  Saved prescriptions can then be edited and sent to a pharmacy at a later date.

  Print - Opens a printable PDF of the prescription without sending it to a pharmacy.  Click Back to return to the prescription confirmation page after printing.  This option is designed for situations where the patient would prefer to hand a printed prescription to the pharmacy rather than having the prescription sent electronically.

  Add to Medication History - Adds the selected prescriptions to the patient's history on record without sending them to a pharmacy.  This may be used to back fill some medical information.

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Editing / Canceling Prescriptions

Canceling Prescriptions

Digital Rx has a feature that enables users to cancel prescriptions that have already been submitted.  This feature must be activated for you by Digital Rx.  To request activation, please contact Digital Rx directly at [email protected].  Once this feature is activated, please click here to view instructions on canceling a prescription, provided by Digital Rx.

If the Cancel feature is not activated, or if your pharmacy is not enabled to accept electronic cancellations, then you must contact the pharmacy by phone to cancel the prescription.  (Pharmacy phone numbers are included in the pharmacy information on the prescription.  Alternately, users can conduct a pharmacy search to view the contact information for a specific pharmacy.)  The incorrect prescription should also be made inactive within the Digital Rx system.  To do so, click the Medications History tab, click the checkbox for the incorrect prescription, and then click Inactive drugs.

Editing Prescriptions

Editing a prescription that has already been sent to a pharmacy involves two steps:

    1. First, the prescription should be edited within Digital Rx and resent to the pharmacy.  To do so, click the Medications History tab, check the checkbox for the incorrect prescription, and then click Confirm Prescription(s).  The next page displays a chart with the selected prescription.  Click Edit within the chart and the prescription pad will then open in data entry mode.  Within Digital Rx two unique prescriptions will then appear in the patient's medication history.  The incorrect prescription should be made inactive automatically.  To confirm that this happened, click the Medications History tab, and then click Complete History.  The incorrect prescription should display "N" in the "Active" column.  When the user then closes the Digital Rx system, the AWARDS medication index page reloads and the inactive prescription is displayed with an "End Date" of the day it was made inactive.  Any new (correct) prescription is also displayed on the medications page.
    2. Finally, the pharmacy should be contacted via phone to confirm the cancellation of the first (incorrect) prescription.

  NOTE: Essentially, editing a prescription does not overwrite the existing information on the prescription.  Instead, it creates a new, unique prescription to replace the one that was previously sent.  Both prescriptions will remain in the patient's medication history.

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"On Behalf Of" Prescribing

Each prescriber can designate certain Digital Rx users to create prescriptions on his/her behalf.

Designating Someone to Prescribe on Your Behalf

To set up a designate, complete the following steps:

    1. Enter the Digital Rx system from a patient's record in AWARDS.
    2. Click the My Profile link in the upper-right corner of the page.  Your prescriber's profile is displayed.
    3. Click Staff Authorization from the left-hand menu.  The screen refreshes and displays all enrolled users in the practice with checkboxes for OBN and OBR.

  NOTE: These checkboxes are grayed out for users who already have prescribing rights within their own profiles.

    1. Locate the user who is being given access to prescribe on your behalf.  You may have to click the Next page link at the top of the table to tab through the full list of users.
    2. If the user will only be sending refills on your behalf, click the OBR checkbox.  If the user will be sending both new prescriptions AND refills on your behalf, click the OBN checkbox instead, and both will be enabled.
    3. Click Update

The designate setup process is now complete and you can exit the Digital Rx system.

Prescribing on Behalf of Someone Else

To prescribe on behalf of another prescriber, complete the following steps:

    1. Enter the Digital Rx system from a patient's record in AWARDS.
    2. On the electronic prescription pad, click the On Behalf link in the upper-middle section of the page, above the patient information.  A pop-up window appears listing the names of the prescribers you can prescribe on behalf of. 
    3. Click the name of the prescriber you are prescribing for.  The electronic prescription pad is re-displayed, with the prescriber's name listed next to the On Behalf link.
    4. Continue with the prescribing process and the confirmation page will display all usual options, including Send to Pharmacy.  Complete the prescription as needed.

The on behalf of prescribing process is now complete.

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The Refill functionality must be requested on an individual prescriber basis, at which time it will be turned on at no additional cost.  However, there are some requirements set by Surescripts that must be met in order to gain access to, and keep access to, this feature.  First, the prescriber must write at least five new prescriptions before this feature can be enabled for them. Second, once access to this feature is received prescribers are expected to respond to refill requests within 24 hours preferably, but no later than 48 hours after the request has been submitted.  Prescribers with longer response times may lose access to this feature, from Surescripts.  If you are a prescriber who is interested in gaining access to the Refill feature, please contact the Help Desk with that request. 

For users with access to this feature, next to the physician's name at the top of the page is an alert that will notify you if a patient has requested a refill.  To address these requests, click the Pending Refills link, and then click on the patient's name.  You can then make a selection from the Action drop-down - "Approve," "Deny," or "Denied with New Rx to follow." Once you have chosen your action, click Send to Pharmacy at the bottom of the page. 

The Pending Refill Alert link, also located at the top of the screen, notifies the prescriber that a refill request has been made from a pharmacy, but some piece of patient data does not match what is in the system

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Rx Alerts

The Rx Alert link, located at the top of the screen, notifies the prescriber that the pharmacy has questions regarding the prescriptions they have received.  To review and respond to these alerts, click the link.  A listing of patient information is displayed, including the drug description and alert type.  Click the circle next to the name of the patient, or click View Alert at the bottom of the page.  The prescription information page is then displayed, including the patient's personal information, prescription detail, a drop-down list of denial reasons, substitutions, and pharmacy code and name, and the following actions can be taken:

  To authorize the prescription, click Approved.

  To deny the request, click Denied or Denied next Rx to follow to alert the pharmacy that a new Rx will be forthcoming.

  If a printed prescription is desired to be taken to an authorized pharmacy, click Print at Front Desk.

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Several reports are available for viewing within the Digital Rx system, including the following:

  Benefit Source History - This report displays read-only information provided by the selected patient's pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), including drug, source, date, physician, pharmacy, formulary status, and copay.  Some information may not be available for all patients depending on their coverage.  For more information, visit

  Prescription Report - Located on the left-hand menu of the Rx Pad, this report displays a patient's prescription history, including pharmacy information, allergies, and active and inactive prescriptions.

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For greater assistance when prescribing medications, patient allergies can be stored within the Digital Rx system.  When prescriptions are entered for a client, Digital Rx checks for allergy interactions with those listed for the patient in the system.  For more information on the Allergies feature in AWARDS, click here.

To enter patient allergies within Digital Rx, complete the following steps:

    1. Click Patient Profile on the left-hand menu, or if you are starting from the Rx Pad, skip to step 2.
    2. Click the Allergies tab.
    3. Click Add New Allergy at the bottom of the page.
    4. In the Name text box type the allergen and partial search results will display in a drop-down menu.  Select the correct allergen from the list.
    5. Complete the other fields and options as needed, including reactions, onset date, and notes.
    6. Click Add.

The process of adding an allergy is now complete.  If needed, it can edited by selecting the allergy and clicking Update.

IMPORTANT! Allergies entered in the Digital Rx system are automatically synced to the Allergies feature in the AWARDS Medical module once the Digital Rx screen is closed.  (These allergies appear in read-only mode in AWARDS with an "(Rx)" notation indicating that they were originally entered in the Digital Rx system.)  The opposite is NOT true; allergy records entered in AWARDS are NOT displayed in Digital Rx.

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