April 2019 - It's All About the Extras:
Improve Your AWARDS Experience with Optional Enhancements

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Each month, Foothold Technology makes new and improved AWARDS functionality available to all users free of charge. Many of those enhancements are automatically deployed to all AWARDS databases, and are announced to users via the FootNotes Monthly Digest and FootholdConnect.

Other enhancements are not deployed automatically, and instead must be requested so that they can be turned on for you behind-the-scenes in AWARDS. These are optional features that may not be required for your agency, but may be useful to you in your service provision and documentation.

This month, we're highlighting optional features available for service contacts records, accessed under the Services - Individual and Services - Group modules. For instance, you can:

  Customize the Location drop-down list in progress notes, contacts logs, and group notes

  Configure a list of alert keywords that generates the Progress Note Nightly Keyword Alert Scan internal audit message

  Prevent users from entering future start times on progress notes, supportive services checklist, and group notes

  Apply services entered in a client's Supportive Services Checklist record to additional household members enrolled in the program (requires that the Household be turned on in your database)

  Auto-calculate Duration or End Time for progress notes, supportive services checklist, group notes, and daily checklist

  Add a co-leader option for scheduled group activities

  Enable identifiers, including the client's name, AWARDS ID, Medicaid ID, Chart ID, and any configured Client Identifiers, to print in the header of all client-specific records

To have these and many more options turned on for you behind-the-scenes - at no additional cost - click here and complete the Service Contacts Implementation Request Form. If you have questions about any of the features, please contact the Help Desk.

For more information on available enhancements in other areas of AWARDS, click here.
