Referrals Out

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The Referrals Out feature in the AWARDS Discharge module is an optional database enhancement that provides a secondary point of access to the Services  - Individual module's Service Referrals feature.  Using Referrals Out/Service Referrals, case managers and counselors can quickly and easily record outgoing referrals being made for a consumer, and view reports on those referrals.

Required Permissions

Staff in programs for which the Referrals Out feature has been turned on must have the following permissions in order to use it:

Program Chart Access
Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Display Chart Records Discharge Button
Display Chart Records Services - Individual Button (only required in order to also access service referrals from within the Services - Individual module)

  NOTE: Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need the permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

  NOTE: The topics below reference accessing the Referrals Out feature from within the AWARDS Services - Individual module's Service Referrals feature rather than from within the Discharge module. Regardless of the point of access, the Referrals Out/Service Referrals feature works the same. 

Working with Service Referral Records - Learn to enter, update, and delete service referral records.

Using the Service Referrals ReportBuilder - Learn how to generate customized reports of service referral information along with basic client demographics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Referrals Out / Service Referrals Frequently Asked Questions 

Enhancement Request Forms

As noted above, access to service referrals using the Referrals Out feature in the Discharge module is optional.  If it is not currently turned on in your AWARDS database and you would like it to be, download the following request form, complete the "Discharge Menu: Referrals Out" portions, and then submit it to [email protected].

Discharge - Implementation Requests Form