Processing Consumer Intake

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The second step in the multi-step intake/admission process is to process consumer intake.

  TIP: It is not always necessary to process consumer intake. This step in the intake/admissions process should be completed if it is necessary to begin entering data outside of the referral record prior to the consumer's admission; for example, within the face sheet. Programs using this step will see a Process Intake button near the Process Admission button on the Referral Information Form page.  If this step is not required, skip ahead in the intake/admissions process to the third step - Processing Consumer Admission.

To process consumer intake, complete the following steps:

    1. From the AWARDS Home screen, click Census from the left-hand menu, and then click Intake/Admission.  The Intake Records Search page is displayed.


    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the consumer for whom intake is to be processed.
    2. Click the Database drop-down arrow and select "Data Entry."
    3. Intake is processed from within the consumer's referral record.  In order to access referral records, a search must be performed from this page.  Limit the results of this search in one of the following ways:

  By Name - To limit referral record selection by consumer name, type his or her name, initials, and/or alias into the First Name, Last Name, and/or Alias fields, respectively.

  NOTE:  Some agencies may also be able to search by other identifying information, such as social security number.

  By Screening Date - To limit referral record selection by date range, make adjustments to the default values in the "from" and "to" Date Range fields.  Only those referrals with screening dates in the range entered here are included in the search results.

    1. Click the Limit Search Results drop-down arrow and select the number of referral records to be displayed in the search results.
    2. Click SEARCH/CREATE.  The Referral Search Results page is displayed.

  TIP: Click the heading of any column in the results table to sort the contents by that variable.

    1. From the "Applicant" column, click the name of the consumer for whom intake is to be processed.  The Referral Information Form page is displayed.
    2. Review the applicant's referral, and verify that: 

  Referral source information has been entered - Referral source information must be entered before intake can be processed.

  The correct referral status has been selected - The referral Intake Status must be set to an unresolved status selection in order to process intake.  (Resolved status selections are "Accepted," "Withdrawn," and "Rejected."  Any other status setting can be used for intake processing.)

    1. Click Process Intake.  The Process Intake page is displayed.

  NOTE:  If a consumer record already exists for this applicant, information from that record defaults to the fields on this page. If a consumer record does not exist, information such as first and last name defaults from his or her referral record.

    1. Configure the fields and options on the Process Intake page as necessary.  Required fields are noted with a red asterisk (*).
    2. Click UPDATE.  The consumer's intake is processed.  The page that is displayed after intake varies based on how the program is configured in AWARDS; specifically, you will automatically be taken to one or more of the following as you progress through subsequent post-intake data entry:

  Entitlements collection - If the program is set to collect entitlements information at admission.  From here you can enter entitlement information for the consumer.

  Household Composition - If the program is set to collect household information.  From here you can place the consumer into a new or existing household.  For more information on adding a consumer to an existing household, click here.  For more information about households functionality more generally, click here.

  The Consumer's Face Sheet

The intake process is now complete. 

  NOTE:  Once intake has been processed for an applicant he or she is listed as "*pending" in consumer drop-down selection lists throughout AWARDS, and is available for data entry in several areas:  face sheet, reception desk, charting timetable, and the Calendar (for individual consumer events).  Group notes and progress notes may also be written for a pending consumer if an option has been set behind-the-scenes in AWARDS to allow for it.  Pending consumers are also available for inclusion in ReportBuilder reports.