Multi-Step Intake / Admission

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Within AWARDS there are several available intake processes and forms.  One version of the intake process, termed "multi-step," requires program staff to complete multiple steps between an applicant's screening and admission:

Step 1:  Creating a Referral Record

Step 2: Processing Consumer Intake

Step 3:  Processing Consumer Admission

Required Permissions

The multi-step intake/admission functionality is available to users with the following permissions:

Program chart access
Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Display Chart Records Intake/Admission Button
Referrals Data Entry
Program Admission/Discharge
Startup Period Backdating (only required to complete data entry for former clients or current clients without recent admission dates)
Discharged Application Evaluation Editing (only required to update the "Application Evaluation" portion of the intake/admission form after a client is discharged)

  NOTE:  Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need a permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Creating a Referral Record - Learn to create and fill out a consumer referral record, the first step in the multi-step intake process.

Updating a Referral Record - Learn to make changes to an existing referral record.

Processing Consumer Intake - Learn how to process intake to make a consumer "pending" in the system, the second step in the multi-step intake process.

Processing Consumer Admission - Learn how to fully admit the consumer into the program, the third and final step in the multi-step intake process.

Re-Processing Consumer Intake/Admission - Learn how to re-process consumer intake or admission in order to correct data entry errors.

Deleting an Un-Processed Referral Record - Learn how to remove a referral record from the system if it has not been used to process intake/admission.

Frequently Asked Questions

Multi-Step Intake/Admission Frequently Asked Questions

FootholdConnect Event Recordings

  NOTE:  Recordings marked with a red asterisk (*) were made prior to deployment of significant AWARDS enhancements and do not reflect those changes; however, the overall content is still relevant and useful.

Intake and Admission (1 hr 28 min) * - February 2015

Learn to monitor, improve, and ensure the accuracy of intake and admission data in AWARDS.  Find out how to properly admit clients returning to a program or admit clients into multiple programs, and review the processes of finding and merging duplicate clients and referral sources.

Multi-step Intake / Admission (1 hr 20 min) * - August 2014

Learn how to minimize duplicate clients during admission, how best to record client referral sources, and how to move a client through to a final admission decision. and find out about how an agency can create pending clients and why that can be a valuable option.  Designed especially for front line staff.

Related Documents

  NOTE:  * Documents in this list that are marked with a red asterisk describe functionality specifically configured to meet requirements for programs in a specific state.  While in most cases that functionality can still be used by programs in other states, it is not configurable.

Interoperability Center - RHIO Consents - Instruction Sheet

Multi-Step OASAS Admissions - Outpatient - Instruction Sheet * (NY - OASAS Programs)

Multi-Step OASAS Admissions - Residential - Instruction Sheet * (NY - OASAS Programs)

Room Reservations - Instruction Sheet

Enhancement Request Forms

Multi-Step Admission - Implementation Requests Form