Working with Job Placement Records

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To enter, update, or delete a job placement record, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner and select the program associated with the client for whom job placement records are to be worked with.
    2. Click Charts from the left-hand menu, and then click Employment.  The Employment fly-out menu is displayed.
    3. Click Jobs, and then click Job PlacementsThe Job Placement Menu page is displayed.

    1. Click the Client drop-down arrow and select the client for whom the job placement record is to be entered, updated, or deleted.

  TIP: If the job placement record to be worked with is for a former (discharged) client, first click Roster Archives beneath the client selection option.

    1. The job record to be worked with must be in effect (based on the hire date and termination date, if applicable) at any point within the date range entered in the From and To fields on this page.  If necessary, make changes to the default date range (using mm/dd/yyyy format).
    2. Click CONTINUE.  The Job Placement Data Entry selection page is displayed.

This page lists any existing job placement records for the selected client which were in effect at any point within the date range specified on the previous page.  It also provides the option to add a new placement record.

    1. To update/delete an existing record, click the Select radio button next to that record and click CONTINUE.  The Update a Job Placement page is displayed.  Continue with step 10.

To add a new record, click the Select radio button next to "Add New Job Placement" and continue with step 8.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Add a Job Placement employer selection page is displayed.
    2. Click the name of the Supervisor with whom the consumer was placed at the employer.  The Add a Job Placement page is displayed.

  TIP: If the appropriate employer or supervisor is not listed, use the Employers feature to create a new employer or supervisor record as needed.  Once that record has been created, return to the Job Placements feature where the new employer/supervisor will now be available for selection.

    1. When adding or updating a record, configure the fields/options on this page as necessary.  For more information on those fields/options, see the Job Placements Fields / Options.

When deleting a record, click the Remove? checkbox.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The job placement record is saved, updated, or removed as appropriate, and the updated Job Placement Data Entry selection page is displayed.

The process of entering, updating, or deleting a job placement record is now complete.