Working with Signature Sets

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Want a walk-through of the signature set editing process?  Check out this FootholdConnect recording!  (4 min)

The entirety of a record's signature section configuration is referred to as a "set."  The first step in the process of configuring e-signatures is to create a set.  Once created, you'll use subsequent steps to add one or more order levels, along with one or more signature lines within each of those order levels.

To create a signature set, or to make changes to or delete an existing set, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Builders & Tools.  The Builders & Tools fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click E-Signatures Configurations, and then click the type of record for which signature sets are to be configured:

  Progress Notes The Electronic Signatures Sets page is displayed.  Continue with step 3.

  Monthly Checklist The Electronic Signatures Sets page is displayed, listing any existing monthly checklist signature sets.  Continue with step 4.

    1. Click the Note Type drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner of the page and select the note type for which the signature set is to be created or worked with.

  NOTE: The Note Type selection list includes all note types configured for your database across all programs, listed in alphabetical order, along with an "All Note Types Default" selection option at the top of the list.  That option will be applied to all note types that do not have a configuration set, and all program types that do not have a configuration or default set for a note type.  For more information, see the E-Signatures Configuration Hierarchy details page.

IMPORTANT! Each agency must create its own "All Note Types Default" signature set.  Foothold Technology is not responsible for creating or maintaining that default signature set.

The page is automatically refreshed to display any existing signature sets for the selected note type.

    1. At this time, complete one or more of the following tasks as needed:

IMPORTANT! If any portion of an existing signature set to which you are making a change has been used on a saved record, AWARDS must inactivate the entire set (as of today's date).  When you click a signature set radio button and click an action bar icon in these instances, a confirmation pop-up is displayed.  To proceed with inactivating the signature set and creating a new duplicate set in which changes can be made, click Yes, and then click OK to acknowledge that your new set has been created.  (The index is refreshed and you can then proceed with your edits.)  To inactivate the entire signature set WITHOUT creating a duplicate copy of that set, click No.  Note that in all instances the inactivated version of a set is kept as part of already saved records, while moving forward the new active version of the set (if you have chosen to create one) is applied to all new records using this signature configuration.

Exceptions to the above rule are made at the signature line level.  Most changes at that level are allowed without the need to inactivate.

   Add a new signature set - To do so, click the Add New icon from the action bar above the signature sets table.  A new data entry page is displayed.  Configure the fields and options on this page as necessary, and then click Save.  The signature set is saved, and a confirmation page is displayed.

  TIP: For more information on each field/option on the data entry page, see Signature Set Fields/Options below.

  NOTE: Once a signature set is saved, a "Signatures" subsection of the record becomes available for data entry and can be used to add order levels and/or signature lines. This subsection can be accessed for data entry as needed using the left-hand menu.  Keep in mind that the subsection has its own sub-indexes and Save button for data entry purposes.

   Update an existing signature set - To do so, click the set to be updated, or click the checkbox to the left of that set and then click the Edit icon from the action bar above the signature sets table.  The data entry page is displayed.  Make changes to the information on this page as needed, and then click Save.  The set is saved, and a confirmation page is displayed.

  TIP: For more information on each field/option on the data entry page, see Signature Set Fields/Options below.  

   View or print an existing signature set - To do so, click the checkbox to the left the set to be viewed/printed, and then click the View icon from the action bar above the signature sets table.  A read-only version of the set is displayed and can be printed as needed using your browser's print option.

   Delete an existing signature set - To do so, click the checkbox(es) to the left of the sets(s) to be deleted, and then click the Delete icon from the action bar above the signature sets table.  A confirmation message is displayed.  Click OK to proceed with the deletion.  The selected set(s) are deleted and the updated index is displayed.

  TIP: A signature set is only available for deletion if its status is set to "Active," and no notes have yet been saved using that signature set even if those notes have not yet been explicitly signed.

  TIP: Prior to selecting records to be deleted, click the Available for Deletion radio button from the left-hand menu.  The index is automatically refreshed to show only those records that can be deleted.

   Preview a signature set - To do so, click the checkbox to the left of the set to be previewed, and then click the Full Signature Set Preview icon from the action bar above the records table.  A secondary window is opened, displaying the selected set so that you can see how it will look on progress notes. 

  NOTE: Preview is available only for the Progress Notes component of E-Signatures Configurations, not for the Monthly Checklist.

  TIP: To save time and clicks, leave the secondary preview window open and refresh it after making a configuration change to see the latest version of the signature set you are working with.

   Return to the Signature Sets index - To do so, click the To Index icon from the action bar while working in a signature set to return to the index page.  You can also return to the index page at any time by clicking Progress Notes or Monthly Checklist from the breadcrumbs trail below the AWARDS navigation bar.

  TIP: When working on the signature sets index page, sets are easily accessible using the following tools and navigation features:

"Show Records" display options - By default the index displays all active signature sets for the selected record type (or note type in the case of progress notes).  In this context, active sets are those for which the status has been set to "Active."  To toggle between viewing active and inactive signature sets, click Inactive under "Show Records" in the left-hand menu.  To limit the display to only those signature sets that can be deleted, click Available for Deletion.  (A signature set is only available for deletion if its status is set to "Active," and no records have yet been saved using that signature set even if those records have not been explicitly signed.)

Sorting options - By default the index is sorted alphabetically by set name.  To adjust the sorting click a column header in the table to sort by that data.  Clicking a column heading a second time reverses the sort order.

Navigation options - 10 records are displayed on the page by default.  To access sets on subsequent pages of the index (when applicable), click the arrows in the bottom-right corner of the table.  To display 25 or 50 records at a time, click the Show drop-down to the left of the sets count, also in the bottom-right corner, and make a selection.

Once you select records on the index, a count of how many total records are selected is displayed in the action bar. Selections are maintained while moving from one page of the index to the next; meaning, you can select records on the first page (showing records 1-10 by default) and move to the next page (displaying records 11-20) without losing the selections made on the first page. Links for Show all selected records and Uncheck All are available beneath the index table for easy navigation.

Search and filtering options - A Search field is available on the action bar along with a corresponding Filter by drop-down list.  To search the contents of the index (including those sets not currently displayed on the page), enter a value in the Search field.  The index is automatically updated as you type.  To further narrow your search, use the Filter by selection to indicate whether the search should look at data in "All Columns" (the default) or a specific column.

ReportBuilder access - The Electronic Signatures Configuration ReportBuilder link on the left-hand menu bar provides a shortcut to access the ReportBuilder for this feature.  Click here for instructions on using that ReportBuilder.

The process of working with signature sets is now complete. 

IMPORTANT!  When working with progress notes e-sign configuration, repeat the above steps for as many note types as necessary.

Signature Set Fields / Options

As noted above, when a signature set is added or updated, the signature set data entry page is displayed:

Configure the fields/options on this page as needed (listed here in order of their appearance on the page), and then click Save to complete the data entry process.  The new/edited signature set is then saved, and a confirmation page is displayed.


  NOTE: This option is only available for saved signature sets; it is not displayed for new sets.

By default all signature sets are "Active," meaning that they are in use for the record type being worked with.  Specifically, progress note signature sets are "Active" when they are in use for the selected program type and/or note type.  Monthly checklist signature sets are "Active" when they are in use for the selected program type.

If this signature set is no longer in use and should not be available on records moving forward, click this drop-down arrow and change the status to "Inactive."

IMPORTANT! Inactivated signature sets are kept as a part of any client records that were saved while the set was active.  If you choose to create a new signature set, that set is applied to all new client records using this signature configuration moving forward. 

WARNING! Once inactivated, signature sets cannot be re-activated.

Should this set be default for this note type?

  NOTE: This option is only available when configuring progress note signature sets.

Click this drop-down arrow and select "Yes" if the signature set for the selected note type is to be the default for all program types.  The default value is "No."

Do you want to create the new set as a clone of another set?

  NOTE: This option is only available when other active signature sets exist for the selected note type (when working with progress note signature sets) or the selected program type (when working with monthly checklist signature sets).

By default this option is set to "No" so that the new signature set is created from scratch, with no details pulled from other existing signature sets.  To instead clone the signature set you are creating from another set that already exists, click this drop-down arrow and select "Yes" instead. 

When "Yes" is selected, two additional options are available on the page to specify which note type and set should be used as the basis of your new set:

  Select a note type to clone from - Only available when configuring signature sets for progress notes.  Lists all note types for which there are active signature sets.  Click this drop-down arrow and select the appropriate note type.

  Select a set to clone from - Lists all signature sets available for cloning.  Click this drop-down arrow and select the specific signature set to be cloned.

Set Name

In this field, type or make changes to the name of the signature set.

Program Type

Click this drop-down arrow and select the type of program to which this signature set applies.  The page is refreshed to list your selection, along with the date added, as shown in the following example:

The name of the Program Type option is also refreshed once you've made a selection to Program Type (Select More).  Additional program types can be selected as needed by choosing them one at a time from the drop-down list.  

  TIP: When working with progress note signature sets - Each program type can only have one active signature set of each note type assigned to it at a time.  Once a program type has been assigned a signature set, it is grayed out in the Program Type drop-down list for other signature sets for the same note type.

When working with monthly checklist signature sets - Each program type can only have one active signature set assigned to it at a time.  Once a program type has been assigned a signature set, it is grayed out in the Program Type drop-down list for other signature sets.

For each program type applied to the signature set, the following additional configuration options are also available and can be used to adjust the program types as needed:

  Disable - By default, each program type selected automatically has the signature set enabled for it.  To disable the signature set for a program type at any time, click the corresponding Disable link.  The end date is then updated to reflect "Disabled," followed by the date on which the signature set was disabled for that program type.

  TIP: If it is ever necessary to re-enable the signature for a disabled program type in the future, you would do so by re-selecting it from the Program Type list. 

  Delete - A program type can be removed from a signature set entirely if no signatures have yet been recorded (under Progress Notes or Res / Day Hab Daily Checklist) for that program type (AND note type in the case of progress notes).  To do so, click the corresponding Delete link.