Progress Note E-Signatures Configuration Hierarchy

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IMPORTANT! The e-signatures configuration hierarchy described here applies only when configuring signatures for progress notes under Builders & Tools > E-Signatures Configurations > Progress Notes.  It does NOT apply to Monthly Checklist e-signature configuration.

There are three layers that operate in a hierarchy to control what a user sees when he or she signs a progress note.  These layers, in order of how they are checked when determining which electronic signature set is used are as follows:

  All Note Types Default - The default signature set used at the database-wide level that every user will see when he or she writes a progress note, regardless of the note type or program they select. The "All Note Types Default" option is applied to all note types that do not have any configurations set, and all program types that do not have a configuration or default set for a note type. Only one "All Note Types Default" signature set can be created.

  Selected Note Type Default - If a note type has a default signature configuration set in place, this is the signature set AWARDS uses unless it finds an explicit signature set enabled for a particular note type/program type combination. Only one default signature set can be created for each note type.

  Selected Note Type / Program Type Combination - Within a particular note type any number of signature sets can be created for use in one or more program types. A program type can only be enabled for one signature set for the same note type.

The following diagram provides a visual representation of how these layers are checked for progress note e-signature configurations, working from the bottom up:

THIRD (if needed):  Assuming one has been created for the agency, the user will see the "All Note Types Default" signature set configuration when writing the progress note if no other signature sets were found for the selected note type on the first or second layers.

SECOND (if needed):  If a signature set for the specific note type exists, that is the signature set configuration the user will see when he/she writes the progress note, and the other layers are not checked.  If this type of set DOES NOT exist, the third and final configuration layer is checked.

FIRST:  When a user selects a program in which to write a progress note, AWARDS looks for a signature set that has been created for the specific note type and program type combination.   If such a set exists, that is the signature set configuration the user will see when he/she writes the progress note, and the other layers are not checked.  If this type of set DOES NOT exist, the second configuration layer is checked.

Before Getting Started!

Before getting started with the progress note e-signatures configuration process, we recommend you not only have an understanding of the hierarchy detailed above, but that you also review the following questions.  They are designed to guide you through some important points of consideration regarding how your progress note e-signatures should be set up.

  How will the bulk of your progress notes need to be signed?  For example, does every progress note - regardless of program type or note type - need to have a psychiatrist's signature?  If so, you'll want to configure a signature set on the All Note Types Default layer to reflect that requirement.

  Are there specific note types that need to be configured differently from the "All Note Types Default" standard, across all program types?  For example, does every General Chart Note note type require a Program Director signature, regardless of the program in which it's written?  If so, you'll want to configure a signature set on the Selected Note Type Default layer for General Chart Notes in order to reflect that requirement.

  Are there signing requirements for a specific note type and program type combination?  For example, does the Collateral Contact note type require a parent/guardian signature for the Clinical Case Management program type but not other program types?  If so, you'll want to create a signature set for the Collateral Contact note type and enable it for the Clinical Case Management program type.  (This would be a great example of using the Selected Note Type / Program Type Combination layer of the hierarchy.)  If you need to create multiple signature sets for a note type based on the program type it applies to, you can do that too.