Working with the Providers Directory

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To add to or make changes to the providers directory, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen: 

    1. Click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Builders & Tools.  The Builders & Tools fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click Providers Directory.  The Providers Directory index page is displayed.


IMPORTANT! If your agency is in the process of transitioning from Support Services Contacts to the new Providers feature, the Providers Directory can be turned on for the purposes of starting to collect the provider names; however, in such instances client records will still pull in the existing support services contacts information until the transition is complete.  During this transition period the following message is included on the index page: 

  TIP:  When working on the index page, provider records are easily accessible using the following tools and navigation features:

"Show Records" display options - By default the index displays all provider contacts; however, the default display can be limited by clicking one of the following "Show Records" options in the left-hand menu:

-- Available for Deletion - Limits the display to only those records that can be deleted (those not assigned to any clients).

-- Active - Limits the display to only those records with a status of "Active," indicating that they are available for selection during Providers data entry.

-- Inactive - Limits the display to only those records with a status of "Inactive," indicating that they are not available during Providers data entry (but may already be saved on client records and still display on reports in those instances).

-- Not Shared - Limits the display to only those records that are not yet shared on the agency-wide list of provider contacts.  This view displays provider contacts that were added using the "Add New" option under Providers.  Those additional contacts are not automatically added to the global list unless the user entering them has the "Referral/Provider Agencies Data Entry" permission; otherwise, they must be approved by a user with that permission in order to be added to the global list for data entry moving forward. 

-- Employee Providers - Limits the display to only those records that are linked to employees of the agency; specifically, works who have a staff information record in the Human Resources module, who have also been set up as a provider using the procedure outlined below. 

Sorting options - By default, records in the index are sorted alphabetically by provider last name.  Click a column header in the data table to sort the index by a different type of data.  Click the heading again to reverse the sort.   

Navigation options - 10 records are displayed on the page by default. To access records on subsequent pages of the index (when applicable), click the arrows in the bottom-right corner of the table.  To display 25 or 50 records at a time, click the Show drop-down to the left of the record count, also in the bottom-right corner, and make a selection.

Once you select records on the index, a count of how many total records are selected is displayed in the action bar. Selections are maintained while moving from one page of the index to the next; meaning, you can select records on the first page (showing records 1-10 by default) and move to the next page (displaying records 11-20) without losing the selections made on the first page. Links for Show all selected records and Uncheck All are available beneath the index table for easy navigation.

Search and filtering options - Search field is available on the action bar along with a corresponding Filter by drop-down list.  To search the contents of the index (including those records not currently displayed on the page), enter a value in the Search field.  The index is automatically updated as you type.  To further narrow your search, use the Filter by selection to indicate whether the search should look at data in "All Columns" (the default) or a specific column.

ReportBuilder access - The Providers Directory ReportBuilder link on the left-hand menu bar provides a shortcut to access the ReportBuilder for this feature.  For instructions on using that ReportBuilder, click here.  

    1. At this time, complete one or more of the following tasks as needed:  

   Add a new provider - To do so, click the add new icon from the action bar above the providers table.  A new data entry page is displayed.  Configure the fields and options on this page as necessary, and then click Save.  The provider is saved, and a confirmation page is displayed.  Once a provider is saved, "Practices/Agencies" and "Contact Method" subsections of the record become available for data entry.  These subsections can be shown/hidden for data entry as needed using the left-hand menu.  Keep in mind that each subsection has its own sub-index and Save button for data entry purposes.

  TIP:  For more information on each field/option available on the data entry page and its subsections, see Providers Directory Fields / Options

  TIP:  The index page lists records alphabetically by provider last name.  As a result, the newly added provider contacts may not be visible when the index is displayed after your data entry.  Click the arrows below the bottom-right corner of the table to navigation between index pages. 

   Update an existing provider - To do so, click the record to be updated, or click the checkbox to the left of that record and then click the edit icon from the action bar above the providers table.  The data entry page is displayed.  Make changes to the information on this page as needed, and then click Save.  The provider is saved, and a confirmation page is displayed.

  TIP:  For more information on each field/option available on the data entry page and its subsections, see Providers Directory Fields / Options

IMPORTANT! Changes made to providers information and/or practices/agencies will affect all existing client provider records associated with that provider.

   View or print an existing provider - To do so, click the checkbox to the left the record to be viewed/printed, and then click the view icon from the action bar above the providers table.  A read-only version of the record is displayed and can be printed as needed using your browser's print option.

   Delete an existing provider - To do so, click the checkbox(es) to the left of the record(s) to be deleted, and then click the delete icon from the action bar above the providers table.  A confirmation message is displayed.  Click OK to proceed with the deletion.  The selected provider(s) are deleted and the updated index is displayed.

IMPORTANT! Provider contacts that have been assigned to a client (under Medical > Providerscannot be deleted and will not have the delete option available for them.  Records that are available for deletion can be viewed using the Available for Deletion filter on the left-hand menu bar. 

  TIP:  When a provider is not available for deletion but you no longer want it to be available for use, consider changing the providers Status to "inactive" instead; doing so will hide the provider from view during data entry, but will still allow the provider to appear on reports when it was previously assigned to a client's records. 

    Merge duplicate provider records - To do so, click the checkboxes to the left of the records to be merged/combined, and then click the Merge icon from the action bar above the providers table.  The Merge Records page is displayed.  Click the Keep radio button to the left of the record to be kept (or retained), and then click Save.  A confirmation message is displayed.  Click OK to proceed with the merge.  The selected provider records are merged and the updated index is displayed, with the kept record selected.

WARNING! Merging records CANNOT be undone.

  TIP:  When merging, keep in mind the following:

The "kept" record inherits any Agency and Contact Methods sub-records that belonged to the records being merged into it.  In other words, they are all merged onto the "kept" record, except when an exact match already exists on that record.

If a merged provider record was previously saved for a client provider, used in a provider appointment, encounter, service referral, or as a contact in a referral agency, the provider on the record is automatically updated and replaced with the "kept" provider's name and information.  Updates are also reflected on the Referral/Provider Agencies index, where applicable.

If a merged provider record was previously saved on a medication record as a Prescribing Physician or as a referral source contact on an intake/admission (or referral) form, those records are NOT automatically updated with the "kept" provider details.  If needed, those records can be updated manually (with the exception of digitally prescribed medications).

   Return to the Providers Directory index - To do so, click the To Index icon from the action bar while working in a record to return to the index page.  You can also return to the index page at any time by clicking Providers Directory from the breadcrumbs trail below the AWARDS navigation bar.

The process of working with the providers directory is now complete.