Monthly Allowances

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The Entitlements module Monthly Allowances feature is an optional database enhancement used by Community Residence programs to create pending checks using certified entitlements, work with entitlements check data, fees, and personal need allowance amounts, view allowance reports, and view monthly statements.  

Required Permissions

Because the Monthly Allowances feature is optional, it is not automatically available in all databases.  When requested (by contacting the Help Desk) it is turned on behind-the-scenes in AWARDS by Foothold Technology, and is available to users with the following permissions:

Program Chart Access
Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Display Chart Records Entitlements Button
Entitlements Data Entry - Income-Generating / Miscellaneous / Bank Accounts / Income Adjustments (required only if working with the named entitlements)
Entitlements Data Entry - Insurance Eligibility / Authorizations (required only if working with the named entitlements)

  NOTE:  Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need a permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Creating Pending Checks - Learn to issue pending entitlement credits for a selected month.

Working with Entitlements Checks Data - Learn to maintain consumer entitlements checks data.

Viewing an Allowances Report - Learn to view monthly allowances reports for program consumers.

Maintaining Housing Fee & PNA Amounts - Learn to enter and update the housing fees and PNA amounts of a selected program.

Viewing a Monthly Statement - Learn to view monthly income, fee, and allowance statements for selected program consumers.