Entering / Updating an Initial Plan

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To enter or update an initial plan, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the consumer for whom the initial plan is to be entered or updated.
    2. Click Charts from the left-hand menu, and then click Services - Individual.  The Individual Services menu fly-out is displayed.
    3. Click Service Plans.  The Service Plan Consumer Selection page is displayed.
    4. Click the Consumer drop-down arrow and select the consumer for whom the initial plan is to be entered or updated.

  TIP: If the initial plan is to be entered or updated for a former (discharged) consumer, first click the Roster Archives checkbox.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Individual Service Plan Index page is displayed.  This page contains a list of existing plans scheduled for the selected consumer.

If an initial plan schedule record must be entered or updated, continue with step 6.  If an existing initial plan is to be worked on and it is not necessary to enter or update a schedule record, continue with step 9.

  NOTE: In most cases an initial plan will have been scheduled for the consumer during the intake/admission process.

    1. Click Update Schedule.  The Individual Service Plan Review Schedule page is displayed.
    2. To update an existing schedule record, make changes to the information in the review schedule fields and options as necessary.  To enter a new schedule record, configure the blank NEXT or BACK FILL review schedule fields and options.  Available fields and options are:

  Due Date - In this field, type the date on which the initial plan must be done (using mm/dd/yy format).

  Plan Type - Click this drop-down arrow and select "Initial Plan."

  Reviewer - Click this drop-down arrow and select the worker responsible for completing the initial plan.

  Done - Click this drop-down arrow and select "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether the initial plan has been completed.

  Done Date - If "Yes" was selected for the Done option, In this field, type the date on which the initial plan was completed (using mm/dd/yy format).

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The schedule record is saved, and the updated Individual Service Plan Index page is displayed.
    2. Click the Selected radio button next to the initial plan.
    3. Click CONTINUE.  The Initial Service Plan page is displayed.
    4. If necessary in the First Review Due Date field, make changes to the date on which the first periodic review must be done for this consumer.  The default value is the admission date plus 90 days.
    5. Configure or make changes to the functional assessment fields, options, and/or text boxes as necessary.
    6. Enter or make changes to the information in the Consumer Strengths, Consumer Limitations, Staff Responsible for Service Delivery, and Criteria for Discharge text boxes.
    7. Click UPDATE & CONTINUE.  The Individual Service Plan Goals, Objectives and Methods/Services page is displayed.
    8. If applicable, in the Completion Date field, type the date on which the initial plan was completed.
    9. In the Goal field, make changes to the default goal as necessary.
    10. If your program is configured to display the Target Date for Transition field, type or make changes to the target date for this goal/the consumer's transition.
    11. In the Assessment Statement/Rationale for Goal text box, type or make changes to the reason(s) why the goal is being set.
    12. In the Collateral Input field, type or make changes to any input from the other individuals in contact with the consumer; for example, other service providers such as a therapist/psychiatrist, caseworkers from other programs, or family/significant other.
    13. Set an initial plan objective and methods by configuring or making changes to the following objective/method fields and options:

  NOTE: The fields and options available are based on whether the ISP has been updated previously and whether notes have been linked to this plan.

  TIP: An objective and its methods cannot be updated at the same time.

  New Objective Start - Click this drop-down arrow and select the start date for the objective to be set.

  NOTE: Once an objective has been saved, the start date cannot be changed.

  Category / New Objective Category - Click this drop-down arrow and select the goal type.  In the corresponding text box, type or make changes to the objective description.

  Target Date / Objective Target Date - In this field, type or make changes to the target date for the objective (using mm/dd/yy format).

  Delete Objective - Click this checkbox to delete the corresponding objective.  The objective and any associated methods are deleted after UPDATE is clicked.

  NOTE: This option is only available after the objective/method has been saved at least once and no progress notes have been written against the objective.

  New Method / Add Method / Method - Click this drop-down arrow and select the method type.  In the corresponding text box, type or make changes to the method.  Up to four methods can initially be entered for each new objective, after which additional methods can be added by clicking on UPDATE, then DATA ENTRY to return to the Individual Service Plan Goals, Objectives and Methods/Services update page.  New methods can also be added to existing objectives.

  Delete Method - Click this checkbox to delete the method.  The method is deleted after UPDATE is clicked.

  NOTE: This option is only available after the objective/method has been saved at least once and no progress notes have been written against the objective.

  Method Start - Click the drop-down arrow and select the date on which the corresponding method began.  The default value is the plan date.

  NOTE: This option is only available after the objective/method has been saved at least once.

  Group Linkage - Click the drop-down arrow and select the group to which the method should be linked.  When this linkage is made, a group note is written and that client has an individual addendum, the text entered into the service/method on the service plan will display in the group note when viewed in report mode.

    1. Click UPDATE.  The initial plan information is saved, any objectives or methods marked for deletion are removed, and a read-only report version of the initial plan is displayed on the Initial Service Plan page.

  TIP: To make additional changes to the initial plan at this time, such as adding additional objectives or editing existing plan information, click DATA ENTRY to return to the Individual Service Plan Goals, Objectives and Methods/Services update page.

The process of entering or updating an initial plan is now complete.
