Blocking User Login Access

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To block a user's login access to AWARDS by removing the password from his or her login information, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click System Setup.  The System Setup fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click Login Maintenance, and then click Block Login Access.  The Block Login Access page is displayed.

  TIP: To see a list of already blocked users, click the + icon next to "Existing Blocked Users" at the top of the page. Click again to hide the list.

    1. Click the User Login drop-down arrow and select the name of the individual(s) whose login access is to be blocked.

  NOTE: This list contains the names of all current AWARDS users - both employee and consumer (when applicable) - whose access is not already blocked. Next to each user's name in the list is his/her AWARDS username to help you identify the correct individual.

  TIP: To block access for multiple consecutive users in the available selection list, press <SHIFT>, click the first name in the series, and then click the last name in the series. To block access for multiple non-consecutive users in the available selection list, press <CTRL> and click each name.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  A Block User? confirmation pop-up is displayed.
    2. Click OK to proceed with blocking the selected user; otherwise, click Cancel.  The user's access is blocked and the updated Block Login Access page is displayed with the user's name now included in the "Existing Blocked Users" list.
    3. Repeat steps 4 through  6 to block other users if necessary.

The process of blocking login access is now complete.  The blocked user's login will remain in place in AWARDS until such time as he or she is officially terminated under Human Resources; however, his or her AWARDS password will no longer be valid, preventing access to AWARDS until such time as the password is reset using the Password tool.