The Incident Reporting Process

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In AWARDS, incident reporting is a multi-step process in which two separate data entry forms are completed:

  Initial Report - The initial report is designed for the purposes of recording basic incident information, and is meant for use by general staff.

  Incident Review - The incident review (or follow-up report) is designed to be used by the incident review committee, and includes areas for recording assessments / findings for action and review committee comments, questions, and recommendations. 

Typically, the steps in the incident reporting process as they relate to the completion of these forms will include the following five steps.  Click one of the steps listed here to view detailed information regarding that step, or scroll through the page to view details on the reporting process in its entirety.

  Step 1:  Entering an Initial Incident Report 

  Step 2:  Reviewing / Commenting on an Initial Incident Report

  Step 3:  Locking / Filing an Initial Incident Report

  Step 4: Completing an Incident Review

  Step 5:  Closing the incident

Step 1:  Entering an Initial Incident Report

During the first step in the incident reporting process a staff member begins an incident report by filling out an initial report.  Anyone with program chart access who sees the Incident button on their AWARDS Home screen can create an initial incident report for their program.

For detailed instructions on completing step 1, see Entering an Initial Incident Report.

Step 2:  Reviewing / Commenting on an Initial Incident Report

Once an initial incident report is created, it can be viewed in its entirety by:

  The person who originally entered it

  Users with the "Incident Review Data Entry" permission

  Individuals designated as the Program Director and Deputy Director(s) under System Setup

  TIP: You can restrict the viewing of an incident record for users by granting them the Restrict Incident View data entry access permission under Permissions Maintenance.  For more information on this permission and incident rules, see Permission Descriptions and Incident Reporting Rules.

Of those individual users, only the person who originally entered the initial incident report and the program director and deputies can edit it.  Other users, whose view of the incident is limited if they don't have the "Incident Review Data Entry" permission, can add comments to the initial report describing their version of the incident in a comments text box. 

For detailed instructions on completing step 2, see Updating an Initial Incident Report.  For additional information on which users can complete which data entry tasks in regard to an existing initial incident report, see the Incident Reporting Rules.

Step 3:  Locking / Filing an Initial Incident Report

Once the initial incident report has been completed, it is filed for administrative review, thereby locking it from further changes.  This step in the process can only be completed by the user who originally created the report, or by the program's director or deputies.

Once locked/filed, the second of the two incident data entry forms - the incident review - becomes available to the incident review committee (users with the "Incident Review Data Entry" permission).

For detailed instructions on completing step 3, see Updating an Initial Incident Report.

Step 4:  Completing an Incident Review

On the incident review form, the incident review committee makes recommendations regarding the incident and sets follow-up actions.

For detailed instructions on completing step 4, see Completing an Incident Review.

Step 5:  Closing the Incident

When the incident review is finished, it is closed by a user with the "Incident Review Data Entry" permission, thereby ending the incident reporting and review process.  Once the incident is closed, no further changes can be made to it.

For detailed instructions on completing step 5, see Completing an Incident Review.