Audit Trail ReportBuilder Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Audit Trail ReportBuilder feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Can discharged consumers be included when using the Audit Trail ReportBuilder?

Yes, when not limited by a specific consumer, the ReportBuilder will include all audit records for activity captured during the Audit Record Date Range, regardless of whether the activity was related to a current or discharged consumer.  To limit the report content to only those records for a specific discharged consumer, use the Limit by Consumer/Worker option on the initial settings page.  Set the corresponding date range back to overlap with the consumer's history in an agency program, and then select that individual from the Consumer selection list.  Lastly, adjust the Audit Record Date Range to look at a specific timeframe within the discharged consumer's history.

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Can reports be generated for former employees?

Yes, when not limited by a specific worker, the ReportBuilder will include all audit records for activity captured during the Audit Record Date Range, regardless of whether the activity was completed by a current or former worker.  To limit the report content to only those records for a specific former employee, use the Limit by Consumer/Worker option on the initial settings page.  Set the corresponding date range back to overlap with the employee's time at the agency, and then select that individual from the Worker selection list.  Lastly, adjust the Audit Record Date Range to look at a specific timeframe within the employment period.

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Does the audit trail capture activity for "pending" consumers?

Yes, in programs using the multi-step intake process activity is captured in the audit trail once intake has been processed even if the consumer is not fully admitted into the program. 

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Does the audit trail capture everything done in AWARDS?

No, not all data entry and report viewing activity in AWARDS is captured by the audit trail, though all key consumer-related actions are included, such as services data entry and report viewing, face sheet work, and much more.  Many actions not related to consumers are also captured; for example, permissions changes.

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Does the audit trail capture information about who enters or updates calendar appointments/events?

No, user activity in the Calendar module (such as who initially entered an appointment/event or who may have updated it) is not captured in the appointment/event Calendar record itself, or in the audit trail.

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What does the "impersonating" data variable look at?

The "impersonating" data variable tracks use of the Surrogate Data Entry permissions for group note, progress note, and contacts log data entry.  If an individual with one of those permissions works with a record of one of those types in data entry mode with a worker other than him/herself selected, it is tracked here.

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Why are employee information data variables blank for some records?

The "Employee Information" data variables will only be populated on the report if the worker in question is an employee.  If the worker is a consumer with an AWARDS login, those data variables will be blank.

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Why are there duplicate entries in a client's records, but only one entry in the audit trail?

The audit trail is set up so that if the same user does the same data entry within two minutes, it will not be captured as separate rows in the report.  For example, if two progress notes are entered in rapid succession, you will only see a single audit trail entry for them.

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Why does a consumer with an AWARDS login have a "Worker ID"?

For consumers with AWARDS logins the Worker ID is populated with his/her consumer ID.

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Why isn't a former employee available for selection in the Worker list?

When adjusting the Consumer/Worker date range for the purposes of viewing audit information for a former employee, keep in mind that the To date must be ON or BEFORE the staff member's last date of employment.

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Will opening and refreshing something be captured twice on the audit trail?  What are the rules for when things are captured?

Opening something and refreshing will not be captured as multiple items on the audit trail report - just one.  In data entry mode, simply opening an item will not be recorded unless the user actually does something with it.  There are a couple of exceptions to this rule.  First, if you open a client's face sheet and view only the main page on which all of the update section buttons are located, the audit trail will record this as "Face Sheet Data Entry Viewing."  Second, if you open a face sheet section and click UPDATE (regardless of whether or not you actually alter data) the audit trail will record this.  If, however, you open a face sheet section and then jump back without clicking UPDATE, it will not be recorded in the audit trail.

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