Viewing a Run Schedule

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To view a read-only transportation run schedule report for viewing and/or printing purposes, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Operations.  The Operations fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click Rides, and then click Ride Sheets.  The Transportation Run Schedule settings page is displayed.
    3. In the Run Number Range from and To fields, enter the range of run numbers to be included in this report; for example, 1 to 5.  To limit the report to one run number, enter that number in both fields; for example, 1 to 1.
    4. Click the Ride Date Range from and to drop-down arrows and select the range of dates for which ride information is to be included in this report.  Only those rides scheduled for a date falling within that range, and for the run number(s) entered will be included in the report.  The default date range is the next 7 days.

  TIP: The number of runs entered in the Run Number Range fields multiplied by the number of days in the Ride Date Range fields, cannot exceed 1000.

    1. Click the Database drop-down arrow and select "Report."
    2. Click the Sort By drop-down arrow and make a selection to indicate how the report information is to be displayed.  Available options are "Date-Run Number-Pickup Time" and "Rider-Date-Pickup Time."
    3. Click CONTINUE.  The report is displayed on the Transportation Run Schedule report page.

The contents of this read-only report include: ride date, run number, ride status, rider, pickup from, transport time, transport to, and appointment time information.

  TIP: Click the Rider link to view detailed information on that ride and to make additions and/or updates to that information as necessary.

The report also includes the following links at the top of the page:

  Batch Printing File - Click this link to download the file used to batch print this report information.

  Get Batch Printing Program - Click this link and follow the instructions on the screen to download and install the batch printing program needed to batch print this report information.

  Setup Instructions - Click this link to view setup instructions for the batch printing program needed to batch print this report information.

The process of viewing a transportation run schedule is now complete.