Using Emergency Access (Break the Glass)

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The Emergency Access feature, located within the Client Search tool, is an optional database enhancement that enables users to break the glass and access client records in emergency situations even when the user in question does not have the program chart access that would typically be necessary.

Required Permissions

Because the Emergency Access feature is optional, it is not automatically available in all databases.  When requested, it is turned on behind-the-scenes in AWARDS.  (Contact the Help Desk to make this functionality available in your AWARDS database.)  In order to use this feature once it has been turned on, staff must have the following permissions:

Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Emergency Access

IMPORTANT! The Emergency Access exception override permission expires 24 hours from the time it is assigned.

  NOTE: Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need the permission listed here, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

Click-by-Click Instructions

Accessing a Client's Records in an Emergency - Learn how to break the glass to access client records without chart access in the event of an emergency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Emergency Access Frequently Asked Questions

Enhancement Request Forms

As noted above, the Emergency Access feature is optional.  To request that it be turned on in your AWARDS database, download and complete the following request form, fill in the "Emergency Access" section, and then submit the form to [email protected].

Various Optional Enhancements Request Form