Updating / Responding to a ResourceTracker Ticket

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All users have the ability to update or delete tickets they created; however, only those with the appropriate permission can update (or respond to) tickets created by other users.

IMPORTANT! Ticket forms are highly configurable; as a result, labels mentioned in the instructions below may vary from those in AWARDS.

To update or respond to a ticket using the ResourceTracker, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Operations.  The Operations fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click Trackers, and then click ResourceTracker (which will have a label specific to your agency).  The Search Criteria page is displayed for users with the ability to respond to tickets, or for all users if it has been configured to do so. 

If you are taken to this Search Criteria page, continue with step 3.  Otherwise, you are taken to the Data Entry Index page and should continue with step 6.

    1. Click the Database drop-down arrow and select "Data Entry."
    2. The settings on the Search Criteria page allow you to filter which tickets are able to be accessed from the data entry page that follows.  To narrow ticket selection, configure one or more of the selection options on this page:

  Primary Sort Field - Click this drop-down arrow and select the field by which the tickets should be sorted on the data entry index page.

  Secondary Sort Field - Click this drop-down arrow and select the field by which the tickets should be sub-sorted on the data entry index page.

  Date Created - To filter the tickets by date, enter dates in these From and To fields.  Only those tickets created during the date range specified here will be available for data entry.  The default date range is three months in the past through today's date.

  Work Category - To filter the tickets by work category, click this drop-down arrow and select the appropriate work category.  The default value is "All."

  Requestor - To filter the tickets by requestor, click this drop-down arrow and select the appropriate staff member's name.  The default value is "All."

  Status - To filter the tickets by status, click this drop-down arrow and select the appropriate status.  The default value is "All."

  Priority - To filter the tickets by priority, click this drop-down arrow and select the appropriate priority.  The default value is "All."

  Requesting Site - To filter the tickets by requesting site, click this drop-down arrow and select the appropriate site.  The default value is "All."

  Scheduled Date for Work - To filter the tickets by the date for which work is scheduled, enter dates in these From and To fields.  Only those tickets whose scheduled work date falls within the date range specified here will be available for data entry.  The default date range is three months in the past through one month in the future.

  Date Work Completed - To filter the tickets by the date on which work was completed, enter dates in these From and To fields.  Only those tickets whose date of work completion falls within the date range specified here will be available for data entry.  The default date range is three months in the past through today's date.

  Responder - To filter the tickets by the assigned responder, click this drop-down arrow and select the appropriate staff member's name.  The default value is "All."

  Keyword Search - To filter the tickets based on a certain word or phrase, enter the applicable search criteria in this field.  The "Brief Description of Work Requested," "Description of Work Performed," and "Notes" sections of the tickets are searched for the keywords, and only those tickets with a match are included on the data entry index page.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Data Entry Index page is displayed.
    2. Click the Select checkbox next to the ticket to be updated or responded to.

  NOTE: In order to update or respond to a ticket created by another user, you must have the ResourceTracker Update permission, which will reflect the customized name of this feature for your agency in place of "ResourceTracker."

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Data Entry page is displayed.

    1. The fields and options on the Data Entry page vary based on how the ResourceTracker is configured, and on the type of resource being tracked.  Enter or update the information on this page as necessary, and then continue with step 9.

  TIP: Fields and options marked with red asterisks (*) are required, and any conditional components of the requirements are noted in red text next to the asterisks.

    1. The basic fields and options included on this form are as follows, though some may not be available for data entry based on user access and configuration settings:

Brief Description of Work Requested

Work Category



Requesting Site / Location

Scheduled Work Date

Date Work Completed

Responder and Additional Responder

Material Cost

Labor Hours

Description of Work Performed


  TIP: To DELETE an existing ticket rather than update or respond to it, click Delete at the bottom of the page.  A confirmation message is displayed.  Click OK to continue with the deletion, and the Data Entry Index page is then displayed.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The ticket information is saved and the Data Entry page is displayed, including the updated ticket.

  NOTE: At this time a system generated message for the ticket is sent to the requestor and all users with the ResourceTracker Messages internal audit message permission.

The process of updating / responding to a ticket is now complete.
