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Once payment records are in the system, you can correct them if they contain an error, or you can add a payment to them or make a payment toward an outstanding balance.  Each of these data entry tasks are detailed below: 

Correcting an Error in a Payment Record

Adding a Payment or Making a Payment Toward an Outstanding Balance

Click a task to navigate directly to the instructions for that task, or scroll through the full content below.

Correcting an Error in a Payment Record

If an error was made when entering a payment record, that record must be zeroed out and the associated invoice must be voided.  A new payment record must then be entered.  To carry out the portions of this process for zeroing out the payment record and voiding the invoice, complete the following steps:

  1. From the AWARDS Opening Menu page, click Fiscal/Program.  The Fiscal/Program Reports Menu page is displayed.
  2. Click Billing Menu.  The Billing Menu page is displayed.

  1. Click In Person Payments.  The In Person Payments - Select Programs page is displayed.

  1. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the consumer for whom the payment record is to be worked with.
  2. If the consumer for whom the record is to be worked with is a former (discharged) consumer, click the Roster Archives check box.
  3. Click CONTINUE.  The In Person Payments - Select Consumer page is displayed.
  4. Click the Consumer drop-down arrow and select the consumer for whom the payment record is to be worked with.
  5. Click CONTINUE.  The In Person Payments - Payments page is displayed.

This page contains a list of any previously entered in person payments for the selected client.

  1. Click the Action radio button next to the payment that needs to be zeroed out.
  2. Click Update.  The In Person Payments - Edit Payment page is displayed.

  1. Click the Void Payment and Invoice radio button.
  2. Click CONTINUE.  The payment record is zeroed out, the associated invoice is voided, and a confirmation is then displayed letting you know that the process is complete.

The process of zeroing out a payment and voiding an invoice is now complete.

Adding a Payment or Making a Payment Toward an Outstanding Balance

If it is necessary to add a payment to an existing payment record, or if you need to record a payment toward an outstanding balance, those data entry tasks must be completed using the Payments/Adjustments component of the AWARDS A/R Menu feature.  To use that feature to carry out either task, complete the following steps:

  1. From the AWARDS Opening Menu page, click Fiscal/Program.  The Fiscal/Program Reports Menu page is displayed.
  2. Click A/R Menu.  The A/R Menu page is displayed.

  1. Click Payments/Adjustments.  The Payments/Adjustments program selection page is displayed.
  2. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the client for whom the payment is to be entered.
  3. If the client in question is a former (discharged) client, click the Roster Archives check box.
  4. Click CONTINUE.  The Payments/Adjustments client selection page is displayed.
  5. Click the Select Consumer drop-down arrow and select the client for whom the payment is to be entered.
  6. Click CONTINUE.  The Payments/Adjustments data entry page is displayed.

  1. Configure the fields and options on this page as follows:

Transaction Type - This option can be left at its default value - "Payment."

Fiscal Period - Click this drop-down arrow and select the fiscal period in which the payment was made.

Transaction Date - The transaction date defaults to today.  Make changes to that date as necessary (using mm/dd/yyyy format).

Transaction Amount - In this field, enter the payment amount.

Amount Applied - In the Amount Applied field next to the relevant invoice, enter the payment amount.

  1. Click CONTINUE.  A confirmation page is displayed.
  2. Click CONTINUE to post the transaction.  The outstanding balance is then reconciled.

The process of entering a payment for an existing record is now complete.