Scheduling a Provider Appointment

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To schedule a provider appointment for a client from within the Calendar, complete the following steps:

  TIP: In order to schedule provider appointments, you must have the following permissions:

Display Any Chart Records Buttons
Display Chart Records Medical Button -or- Display Chart Records Profile Button

    1. From the navigation bar at the top of any AWARDS page, click Calendar.  The Calendar is displayed.
    2. Click the green + icon in the top-right corner of the page, or click a Calendar block directly.

The scheduling pop-up is displayed.

    1. Click the Event Type drop-down arrow and select "Provider Appointment."
    2. Click the program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the client for whom the event is to be scheduled.
    3. Click CONTINUE.  The new provider appointment data entry page is displayed.

    1. Configure the fields/options on this page as necessary.  For detailed descriptions of each, see Provider Appointment Fields/Options.
    2. Click SaveThe provider appointment record is saved, and a confirmation page is displayed.
    3. If necessary, click Calendar from the navigation bar to return to the Calendar.

The process of scheduling a provider appointment is now complete.