Working with External Housing Records

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To enter, update, or delete an external residence housing record, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the page and select the non-residential program associated with the consumer for whom external housing records are to be worked with.

  TIP: External housing data entry is also available for residential programs if you have access to AWARDS E-Prescribing and/or the Merge Duplicate Consumers permissions.  This exception allows for record updates necessary in some instances for E-Prescribing purposes.

    1. Click Census from the left-hand menu, and then click Housing.  The Housing fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click External Housing The Current External Housing Information Data Entry Settings page is displayed.


    1. Click the Consumer drop-down arrow and select the consumer for whom an external housing record is to be entered, updated, or deleted.
    2. Click CONTINUE.  The External Housing Information page is displayed.


This page contains any existing external housing records for the selected consumer.  If the consumer is/was in a housing program, this page also contains read-only internal agency housing history information for that consumer. 

    1. Complete one or more of the following data entry tasks on this page as needed:

  To delete an existing external housing record - Click the corresponding Delete This Record? checkbox.

  To update or add a housing record - Make changes to the information in any existing housing records as necessary, and/or add a record by configuring the fields and options on this page as necessary:

  Type - Click this drop-down arrow and make a selection to indicate the type of external housing the record is being entered or updated for.

  Move In / Move Out - In these fields, type the dates on which the consumer moved into this residence, and if applicable, the date on which he or she moved out (using mm/dd/yy format).

  TIP: If the exact move-in date is not known, enter the first known date when the person was in residence; for example, his/her admission date to the program in which he/she is currently enrolled. 

  Facility - In this field, type the name of the facility in which this external residence is located.

  Street Address - In this field, type the street address of this external residence.

  City State Zip - In these fields, type the city, state, and zip code of this external residence.

  Phone - In this field, type the consumer's phone number at this external residence (using (nnn) nnn-nnnn format).

  Residence County - In this field, type the county of this external residence.

  Electronic Order Address - Click this checkbox if this address should be transmitted when electronic prescriptions or lab orders are submitted for this consumer.

  TIP: This option is only available for agencies that have subscribed to the optional AWARDS e-prescribing and/or e-labs functionality.  When the Electronic Order Address option is displayed, keep in mind the following rules regarding its use: 

- Only one external housing record can have this option checked for it at any given time.
- Housing records can be selected regardless of whether they have a Move Out date specified.
- If this option is not checked for any record, prescriptions and/or lab orders are transmitted with the address/phone number currently displayed on the consumer's face sheet. 

    1. Click UPDATE.  The housing information is saved, any records marked for deletion are deleted, and the updated External Housing Information page is displayed.

The process of entering, updating, or deleting an external residence housing record is now complete.