Waiting List Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Waiting Lists feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Are clients automatically dropped from a waiting list if they no longer meet that list's criteria?

Can a client's form data be copied automatically when he/she is placed into a program from a Waiting List?

Does a client have to be admitted to a source program in order to be placed onto a waiting list?

How do I remove a client from a waiting list without placing him/her?

Why does it say "No Waiting List Found" when I select a program and go to Profile > View Waiting List and click the list drop-down arrow?

Are clients automatically dropped from a waiting list if they no longer meet that list's criteria?

No, clients are never automatically added to or removed from waiting lists - all data entry must be done manually.  To remove a client from a waiting list for which he/she is no longer eligible, see Working with Existing Waiting List Records.  In particular, note the bullet regarding deleting existing records toward the bottom of the page.

  TIP: For instructions on generating a report of all clients on a particular waiting list associated with a selected source program, click here. Generating this report can be particularly useful for determining whether any waiting list clean-up is necessary as it includes clients who are no longer be eligible.

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Can a client's form data be copied automatically when he/she is placed into a program from a Waiting List?

When a placement is made from a Waiting List, the most recent FormBuilder forms filled out in the client's source program - the program that placed the client onto the Waiting List - can be copied to the destination program.  Form data will automatically be copied from the source program to the destination program only when ALL of the following are true:

  The "Allow option to copy over pre-existing form data" option available during FormBuilder configuration is set to "Yes" - This drop-down must be set to "Yes" for the form in order for form data to be automatically copied from one program to another.

  TIP: If the source and destination programs are in different divisions (when working in a divisional database), the optional Copy Across Divisions? form setting must also be set to "Yes."

  The location is set to intake, face sheet, as a charting event, on the Services fly-out, the Medical fly-out, or the Employment Jobs fly-out - Form data does not copy over when the forms are located anyplace other than the following:

- Intake/Admission
- Profile
- Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out
- Listed as a Charting event, available under outcomes
- Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out
- Employment Jobs - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

  The location and form are the same for both the source program and the destination program - For example, if both programs have the same assessment form located on the face sheet, data will copy over.  If that same form is located under intake in one program and the face sheet in the other, data will not copy over.

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Does a client have to be admitted to a source program in order to be placed onto a waiting list?

No.  Clients of all statuses can be placed onto a waiting list from a source program; for instance, clients with referrals, clients who were rejected/not admitted, and even clients who have been discharged from a source program can all be added to a waiting list from that program.  Keep in mind that making additions to a waiting list can generally happen from within the Intake/Admission module or the Face Sheet feature; however, when working with rejected referrals you are limited to making additions from Intake/Admission.

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How do I remove a client from a waiting list without placing him/her?

To remove a client from a waiting list without placing him/her, follow the process for Viewing a Destination Program Waiting List Report.  In particular, see the note following the last step in that procedure.  Using the tools referenced in that note there are two options for removing the waiting list record:

  Close out the waiting list record without deleting it - To do so, click the Edit icon for the corresponding client record.  The Waiting List Client Records index page is displayed, listing any waiting lists to which the client is currently assigned.  Click the waiting list in question, or click the radio button to the left of that list and then click the Edit icon.  The record data entry page is displayed.  Enter a value in the End Date field, and then click Save.  The client is now removed from the waiting list, but his or her record of having been on that list is retained.

   Delete the record entirely - To do so, click the Delete icon for the corresponding client record.  The client is immediately deleted from the waiting list and the updated list is displayed.  

Alternately, waiting list records can also be deleted by following the process for Working with Existing Waiting List Records.  In particular, note the bullet regarding deleting existing records toward the bottom of the page.

  NOTE: Placing an end date on or deleting a waiting list record requires the "Waiting Lists - Delete/Remove Client data entry/access" permission.  Permissions are assigned using the Permissions Maintenance feature.  If you do not have access to that feature and need this permission, please contact your supervisor or your local Help Desk for assistance.

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Why does it say "No Waiting List Found" when I select a program and go to Profile > View Waiting List and click the list drop-down arrow?

The Profile menu's View Waiting List feature will list the Waiting Lists for which the selected program is a source program. If this program is not a source program for any Waiting Lists, then the drop-down will instead say "No Waiting List" found.  You can use the Waiting List Configurations ReporBuilder to see which programs are source programs for all of the Waiting Lists.

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