Level of Service Report Data

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Below is a detailed list of the questions reported on in the PATH QCMR Level of Service Report and the data they contain.  To jump directly to the information for a specific question, press <Ctrl+F> to access your browser's search field and enter the name or number of the question you'd like to view.

IMPORTANT! When reviewing this information, please keep in mind the following:

Data Used in the Report - The QCMR Reports look at the following data elements.  Those noted with an asterisk (*) are turned on using Configure Data Elements.

- Client ID
- Household ID
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Admission Date
- Disabling Condition
- Mental Health Problem
- Substance Abuse
- Currently Enrolled in PATH
- Reason Not Enrolled in PATH
- PATH Status Date
- Referral From Hospital *
- PATH Enrollment Status *
- Medicaid (Health Insurance type at admission or update)
- Medicaid (Certified Entitlement record)
- Discharge Date
- Destination (discharge)
- Consumer transferred to another program within your agency? (discharge)

In addition, under Services the report looks at the following data from Contacts Log entries, Progress Notes, and Group Notes:

- Contact Date
- Face-to-Face
- Location
- Service Type
- Duration

And under Service Referrals the report looks at the following data:

- Referral Date
- Purpose/Need
- PATH Referral Status
- Disposition

Definition of PATH Enrolled and PATH Eligible - The QCMR Reports are designed to look at PATH-enrolled clients; as a result, almost all of the questions are limited to clients who are PATH Eligible and PATH Enrolled as defined below.

A client is considered PATH Eligible if the following is true:
- Disabling Condition = Yes
- Mental Health Status = Yes

A client is considered PATH Enrolled / Enrolled In PATH if the following is true:
- Client Became Enrolled in PATH = Yes
- Date of PATH Status Determination is on or before the end of the reporting period
- Disabling Condition = Yes
- Mental Health Status = Yes

If the individual detail table is included in the report, it will include columns to help identify whether each client is PATH Eligible and/or PATH Enrolled.

Individual Detail - If individual detail has been included in the report, it is displayed in a special table at the bottom of the page.  Every client included in the report has his/her own row in the individual detail table, and each question from the report is shown in a separate column to indicate whether the client was counted for that question or not.  Further, questions related to Units/Contacts will show how many units were counted for each client in each question.  There are also columns indicating whether the client is PATH Eligible and/or PATH Enrolled as defined above.  Keep in mind that individual details are provided for troubleshooting purposes, and not every question will apply to every client.

Report Header

The header of the Level of Service Report contains information about the project and settings for which the report was generated.  Specifically, the top-right corner displays the reporting quarter and reporting year selected when generating the report.  And on the top-left the following information is listed:

  USTF Project Code - Pulled from System Setup > Agency Program Information > PATH Information.  Note that if the report is run for a set of PATH projects within a single division, AWARDS will use information from the PATH Outreach project.

  Name of Agency - The division associated with the project for which the report was generated.

  Name of Program - The project for which the report was generated.

  Person Completing Form/Phone No. - A blank space that can be filled in manually if the report is printed.

  Date Submitted - A blank space that can be filled in manually if the report is printed.

  Check Agency Reporting Quarter - Shows the agency's reporting quarter in relation to the reporting quarter selected for the report.  For example, if the PATH Information shows that the agency's reporting year starts in July and you run the report for July-September, this will show "1" to mean that this is the agency's first fiscal quarter. 

Question 1 - Medicaid / Familycare Enrollment

This question looks at PATH Enrolled clients who were active in the project on the last day of the reporting period.  This question is broken down into two parts.  Each part is prefaced by asking "Of the ending caseload how many individuals are:"        

  1A. Medicaid/Familycare Enrolled - Counts the total number of PATH Enrolled clients active at the end of reporting period where "Medicaid" = "Yes" under "Health Insurance Types" at admission or at update (HMIS Info updates with an effective date before the end of the reporting period), or who have a Certified Entitlement record in effect for Medicaid during the reporting quarter.

  1B. Medicaid/Familycare Non-Enrolled - Counts the total number of PATH Enrolled clients active at the end of the reporting period where "Medicaid" = "No" or is blank under "Health Insurance Types" at admission and was not updated on the HMIS Info section or in the Certified Entitlements records during the reporting period.

The sum of 1A and 1B should be equal to the ending caseload (which is reported in the Client Movement Report).

Question 2 - Total Number of Unduplicated Homeless Individuals Outreached in this Quarter

This question counts all clients in a PATH Outreach project with an "Initial Outreach Contact Date" that falls within the reporting period, plus all clients in a PATH Services project with an "Outreach" service that falls within the reporting period.  This question is designed to only count new outreach contacts, so PATH Services clients with any "Outreach" services recorded before the start date of the report should be excluded.  Note that on ReportBuilders the "Initial Outreach Contact Date" is the same as the client's "Admission Date." 

Question 3 - Total Number of Newly Enrolled Clients who are MICA (Dually Diagnosed)

This question counts all PATH Enrolled clients where "Substance Abuse" at admission = "Alcohol Abuse," "Drug Abuse," or "Both Alcohol and Drug Abuse."  (MICA stands for "Mentally Ill & Chemically Addicted.")

Question 4 - Number of face-to-face On-Site Contacts with enrolled clients

This question counts the number of contacts given to PATH Enrolled clients; specifically, the number of on-site face-to-face contacts that took place with PATH Enrolled clients during the reporting quarter.  On-site contacts are those where the "location" was set to "This Program Site," as well as those where no location selection was made.

This question's data is divided into two columns reporting on a number of units/contacts calculated using the "duration" of each note.  A duration of 15 continuous minutes is counted as a single unit. Each additional 15 minute period constitutes another unit.  Durations of less than 15 minutes are ignored.

  Individual - Counts the number of units meeting the relevant criteria from progress notes or contacts log entries.

  Group - Counts the number of units meeting the relevant criteria from group notes, where the number of units is the duration in 15 minute increments, multiplied by the number of participants in attendance for that group).  The "duration" of each note is used to calculate the number of units/contacts.   

Question 5 - Number of face-to-face Off-Site Contacts with enrolled clients

This question counts the number of contacts given to PATH Enrolled clients; specifically, the number of off-site face-to-face contacts that took place with PATH Enrolled clients during the reporting quarter.  Off-site contacts are those where the "location" was not blank and was set to anything other than "This Program Site."

This question's data is divided into two columns reporting on a number of units/contacts calculated using the "duration" of each note.  A duration of 15 continuous minutes is counted as a single unit. Each additional 15 minute period constitutes another unit.  Durations of less than 15 minutes are ignored.

  Individual - Counts the number of units meeting the relevant criteria from progress notes or contacts log entries.

  Group - Counts the number of units meeting the relevant criteria from group notes, where the number of units is the duration in 15 minute increments, multiplied by the number of participants in attendance for that group).  The "duration" of each note is used to calculate the number of units/contacts.   

Question 6 - Number of non-face-to-face contacts with enrolled clients

This question counts Telehealth contacts.  For individual contacts, it counts any non-face-to-face contacts.  For group contacts, they must be marked with a location of "Telehealth."

Question 7 - Units of Service (Sum of 4, 5, and 6)

This question simply adds up the number of units reported in questions 4, 5, and 6.  As with those questions, there is one column for individual contacts, and one column for group contacts. 

Question 8 - Aggregate Number of Telephone Minutes with or on behalf of enrolled clients

This question provides an aggregate number of minutes by counting the duration of any phone call contact recorded in a contacts log entry or progress note for PATH Enrolled clients during the reporting period. On the Supportive Services Checklist (contacts log), only contacts with "Phone Call" selected as the service type - and no other service types checked off - are counted.  In progress notes, only notes with a note type of "Collateral Contact" with "Phone Call" selected as the service type are counted.

Question 9 - Of the Total Number of Face-to-face contacts how many are provided to individuals who are...

This question is split into two columns:

  A. Medicaid/Familycare Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "Individual" column for questions 4 and 5 that involved clients counted in question 1A.  

  B. Medicaid/Familycare Non-Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "Individual" column for questions 4 and 5 that involved clients counted in question 1B.  

Question 10 - Of the Total Number of Group Face-to-face contacts how many are provided to individuals who are...

This question is split into two columns:

  A. Medicaid/Familycare Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "group" column for questions 4 and 5 that involved clients counted in question 1A.  

  B. Medicaid/Familycare Non-Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "group" column for questions 4 and 5 that involved clients counted in question 1B.  

Question 11 - Of the Total Number of Non-Face-to-face contacts how many are provided to individuals who are�

This question is split into two columns:

  A. Medicaid/Familycare Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "Individual" column for question 6 that involved clients counted in question 1A.  

  B. Medicaid/Familycare Non-Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "Individual" column for question 6 that involved clients counted in question 1B.  

Question 12: Of the Total Number of Non-Face-to-face group contacts how many are provided to individuals who are�

This question is split into two columns:

  A. Medicaid/Familycare Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "group" column for question 6 that involved clients counted in question 1A.  

  B. Medicaid/Familycare Non-Enrolled - Counts the number of contacts counted in the "group" column for question 6 that involved clients counted in question 1B.  

Question 13 - Total Number of Enrolled Clients Linked to Programs/Services in the following areas

This question looks at the Service Referrals that have been recorded for PATH Enrolled clients during the reporting period.  Only referrals with a "PATH Referral Outcome" value of "Attained" OR a "Disposition Status" set to "Accepted-Admission" are counted.  Additionally, only the first referral of each type provided in the reporting year (going back to the "First Contract Reporting Quarter" as entered under PATH Information) is counted.  For example, if a grant starts in July and a client received Financial Assistance in August and the following January, only the first financial assistance received during that fiscal year, in August, would be counted. 

This question is broken down into seven sections, each representing different types of Service Referrals:

  A. Financial - Service Referrals with a purpose/need selection of "PATH Referral for Income Assistance" or "Benefits/Entitlements."

  B. Long-term Housing - Service Referrals with a purpose/need selection of "PATH Referral for Permanent Housing."

  C. Temporary Housing - Service Referrals with a purpose/need selection of "PATH Referral for Temporary Housing."

  D. Drug/Alcohol Program - Service Referrals with a purpose/need selection of "PATH Referral for Substance Use Treatment."

  E. Medical/Dental - Service Referrals with a purpose/need selection of "PATH Referral for Primary health/dental care."

  F. Mental Health - Service Referrals with a purpose/need selection of "PATH Referral for Community Mental Health."

  G. Habilitation/Rehabilitation Services - Service Referrals with a purpose/need selection of "PATH Referral for Job Training," "PATH Referral for Employment Assistance," "Employment Training," "PATH Referral for Educational Services," or "Habilitation/Rehabilitation Services."

Question 14 - Number of Enrolled Clients for whom funds were expended for housing services this quarter

Counts the number of PATH Enrolled clients in the project for whom program funds were expended for housing services during the contract quarter.  Housing services include contacts recorded on the Supportive Services Checklist where one of the following service types have been selected:

  PATH Housing minor renovation        

  PATH Housing moving assistance        

  PATH Housing eligibility determination        

  PATH One-time rent for eviction prevention        

  PATH Residential supportive services        

  PATH Security deposits

Question 15 - Number of Enrolled Clients receiving Supportive/Supervisory Services this Quarter in a residential setting

Counts the total number of PATH Enrolled clients with contacts log entries, progress notes, group notes, or service plan data recorded during the reporting quarter where the service type is "PATH Residential supportive services."
