Notifications Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Notifications feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Is there a delay or lag time between an AWARDS message being sent and an external email notification being sent?

Why aren't I receiving external email notifications when I receive Internal Audit messages in AWARDS?

Is there a delay or lag time between an AWARDS message being sent and an external email notification being sent?

No.  The email notifications are sent at the same time as the AWARDS messages.  If the message is sent in AWARDS immediately following an action (such as an update to a face sheet) the external email is also sent immediately.  Any messages sent within AWARDS overnight have external emails sent overnight as well.  However, local delays may exist based on Internet service providers.

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Why aren't I receiving external email notifications when I receive Internal Audit messages in AWARDS?

If you have the "Receive External Email Notifications" permission and are not receiving external emails, please check to confirm that you have an email address of an allowable type entered for yourself (under Notifications or Password & Security).  Allowable type information - Work Email, Personal Email, or Either - will have been specified by your AWARDS administrator under the External Email Functionality business rules and the set rule will be displayed on the External Notifications Settings page for your reference.

Also, not every type of Internal Audit message is eligible to trigger an external email.  Only those notifications that have a corresponding Internal Audit message permission are available in the Notifications feature for selection.  For example, since there is no permission associated with the message sent when a Calendar event is created, no external emails can be sent for those messages.  Also, for AWARDS Certified Edition agencies, the CDS Internal Audit messages are not eligible for Notifications.

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