Activities Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Activities feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

How do I enter activities for dates earlier than those on the date selection list?

How do I generate an unduplicated count of activity attendees?

How do I include records for all scheduled clients in the Group Activity Attendance ReportBuilder?

What do the letters in a "Record ID" mean in services-related ReportBuilders?

What is the relationship between group activities and group notes?

Who displays as the group leader on ReportBuilders containing data from scheduled group activities?

Why is an activity attendance record displaying in report mode when I opened it in data entry mode?

Why is there group activities attendance data for a date nothing was entered for using the Activities feature?

How do I enter activities for dates earlier than those on the date selection list?

Backdated group activities data entry is controlled by the "Backdated Reception Desk Log Data Entry" permission assigned under System Setup > Permissions Maintenance.  If you have this permission but are still unable to select the required date, use System Setup > Business Rules > Service Records Editing Rules to verify that the backdating window is set back far enough to include that date.  (If you do not have access to the Business Rules feature, please contact your supervisor for assistance.

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How do I generate an unduplicated count of activity attendees?

The fastest way to get this type of information is to use the Excel file link located at the bottom of the Activities report.  From within Excel, sort the report by "Participants," then delete any duplicate client names.  You will then be left with a report containing an unduplicated list of clients that  have activities attendance data for the program and date range specified in the report settings.

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How do I include records for all scheduled clients in the Group Activity Attendance ReportBuilder?

By default the report is limited to records for clients who were recorded as "Present" for a given activity.  To include records for all scheduled clients, including those with a status of "No Show" or "Canceled,"  click the Include No Shows/Canceled checkbox on the Group Activity Attendance ReportBuilder Settings page.  In addition, be sure to check off the Attendance Outcome data variable for inclusion in the report; it will display "Present," "No Show," or "Canceled" for each record as specified in the group activity record.

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What do the letters in a "Record ID" mean in services-related ReportBuilders?

The Record ID data variable available for inclusion in services-related ReportBuilders includes a unique ID for each record.  As part of that ID there is a preceding letter code that also identifies the type of each services record; specifically:

P = Progress Note
C = Contacts Log Record
S = Supportive Services Checklist
G = Group Note
A = Group Attendance Record

  NOTE: In the event that there is a combined Contacts Log/Progress Note record included in the report data, the Record ID reflects the Contacts Log ID/Progress Note ID.  Similarly, a combined Group Attendance/Group Note record reflects the Group Attendance ID/Group Note ID.  When a record ID has both A and G codes, it means that the group was scheduled (using the Group Schedule Setup functionality), the individual was an expected attendee in that group, and he/she was present.  (Keep in mind that if a record ID only has a G code, it does not mean that there is no attendance record; it only means that the group was not scheduled using Group Schedule Setup, and therefore there are no expected attendees though this individual did attend.)

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What is the relationship between group activities and group notes?

The relationship between group activities attendance records and notes is as follows:

  If a group activity attendance record is created (using either the Services - Group module's Activities feature, or the Reception Desk module Group Activities feature) the activity record remains editable in data entry mode until a corresponding group note is written.  Once a group note is written, the attendance records contained in the note will sync with the corresponding activity record and lock it from further editing.  In order to edit attendance information for the record, the group note must be updated by the note writer.  If the group note is deleted at any point, the activity attendance record is automatically unlocked and becomes available for editing.

  Once a group activity record is entered with individual clock times noted for participants, when a group note is written for the same group the individual clock times entered on group activity records will carry forward into the note as long as the individual clock times fall within the group note's Start and End times.  If adjustments are made to the group note Start and End times to accommodate early arrivals or late departures, the page will refresh and any early/late individual clock times from the group activity will be displayed on the note's data entry page.

  If a group note is written before a corresponding activity attendance record has been created for the group, an activity attendance record is automatically created and locked when the group note is saved (and can be found using either the Services - Group module's Activities feature, or the Reception Desk module Group Activities feature).  To edit the attendance information for the record, the group note must be updated.  If the group note is deleted at any point, the activity attendance record is also deleted.

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Who displays as the group leader on ReportBuilders containing data from scheduled group activities?

The name of the ReportBuilder data variable used to report on a group's leader, as well as where the group leader information is pulled from, varies based on whether a group note has been written.  Specifically:

  In the Service Contacts ReportBuilder - The "Leader" data variable displays the scheduled group leader (set under Services > Group Schedule Setup > Group Schedules), unless there has been a group note written for the group.  In such cases the Leader data variable will reflect the writer of the group note.

  In the Group Activity Attendance ReportBuilder - The "Leader" data variable displays the scheduled group leader (set under Services > Group Schedule Setup > Group Schedules), unless there has been a group note written for the group.  In such cases the Leader data variable will reflect the writer of the group note.

  In the Group Notes ReportBuilder - There is no data variable for "Leader" because AWARDS assumes that the writer of the group note is the group leader.  Activities entered without group notes are not included in the report.

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Why is an activity attendance record displaying in report mode when I opened it in data entry mode?

If an activity attendance record displays in report mode instead of data entry when the data entry mode is used, it indicates that the activity attendance has been locked from editing because a corresponding group note has been written for the activity.  In order to edit the attendance information for the record, the group note must be updated by the note writer.  Any attendance edits made in the note will then sync with the activity attendance located here.

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Why is there group activities attendance data for a date nothing was entered for using the Activities feature?

If a group note is written before a corresponding activity record has been created for the group, an activity attendance record is created and locked when the group note is saved (and can be found using either the Services - Group module's Activities feature, or the Reception Desk module Group Activities feature).  To edit the attendance information for the record, the group note must be updated.  If the group note is deleted at any point, the activity attendance record is also deleted.

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