Encounter Fields / Options

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Below is an alphabetical list of the fields and options located on the Encounters - Data Entry page.  To jump directly to the information for a specific field or option, press <Ctrl+F> to access your browser's search field and enter the name of the field/option in question.

  NOTE: A gear icon  next to a field or option in this list indicates that it is either optional (and therefore not automatically available in all AWARDS databases), or that some aspect of it (for example drop-down selections) is configurable.  To request adjustments to these configurable items, please contact the Help Desk.

Agency Location

The following fields/options apply to the agency associated with the provider with which the encounter occurred:

  Address, Address 2, City, State, Zip - Read-only values reflecting the address of the selected Practice/Agency.  This information is automatically pulled from the practice/agency record under Referral/Provider Agencies if an address has been recorded there.

  Contact Information - Read-only information reflecting contact information for the selected Practice/Agency.  Click the expand/collapse icon to the right of the label to display the contact details (if any).  This information is automatically pulled from the practice/agency record under Referral/Provider Agencies if contact details have been recorded there. 

  Use This Location for Encounters - Click this radio button if this provider address should be used for the encounter, as opposed to the Provider Location.  When selected the provider address is pulled in and displayed as read-only.

  TIP: If this option is not selected, the equivalent option must be chosen under Provider Location.


In this text box type or make changes to the assessment details for this encounter.

Diagnosis | No Diagnosis?

Click the Diagnosis drop-down arrow and select the diagnosis (as pulled from the client's Diagnoses records) related to this encounter; otherwise, click the No Diagnosis? checkbox.

Encounter Date

In this field, type or make changes to the date on which the encounter occurred (using mm/dd/yyyy format), or select the date using the available date picker.

Encounter Source

Click this drop-down arrow and select the encounter source.  Available options are "New," "Transitioned," and "Referred."

Encounter Type

Click this drop-down arrow and select the encounter type.  

- OR - 

If your AWARDS database has been configured to use the optional fee-based IMO service, as indicated by an IT icon to the right of the field, search for the type by typing the first few letters of the type description, and then clicking the IT icon.  A search results box is displayed from which the correct encounter type can then be selected.  (Click here for more detailed information on how to complete an encounter type search using the IMO tool.)

End Time

In this field type the time at which the encounter ended (using HH:MM AM/PM format).


In this text box, type or make changes to information regarding any goals resulting from the encounter.

Health Concerns

In this text box, type or make changes to any health concerns noted during the encounter.

Next Appointment Date        

In this field, type or make changes to the client's next appointment date (using mm/dd/yyyy format), or select the date using the available date picker.

Plan of Treatment

In this text box, type or make changes to the client's plan of treatment.

Practice / Agency

In this searchable field, type the first few letters of the name of the practice/agency with which the encounter occurred.  As you type, partial matches are displayed in the results drop-down below the field.  Click the name of the appropriate practice/agency from the list.

If a Provider has already been selected for this record, the Practice/Agency option will instead display as a drop-down, listing the agencies to which the selected provider is assigned.  In that case, click the drop-down arrow and select the name of the appropriate practice/agency.  If the selected provider is assigned to just a single agency, that agency name is displayed in this field automatically.

  NOTE: Practices/agencies available for selection are those recorded within the Referral/Provider Agencies feature (with the provider agency option selected).


In this searchable field, type the first few letters of the name of the provider with which the encounter occurred.  As you type, partial matches are displayed in the results drop-down below the field.  Click the name of the appropriate provider from the list.

  NOTE: Providers available for selection are those recorded within the Providers Directory, or within the Referral/Provider Agencies feature (with the provider agency option selected for the practice/agency and the provider option selected for the contact).

If a Practice/Agency has already been selected for this record, the Provider option will instead display as a drop-down, listing the providers assigned to the selected practice/agency.  In that case, click the drop-down arrow and select the name of the appropriate provider, or select "Add New" from the bottom of the list to record a new provider contact. 

  NOTE: If "Add New" is selected, a secondary data entry window is displayed on top of the page.  Enter the provider contact information, and then click Save.  If it's later necessary to update provider contact information recorded in this way, use the Providers Directory feature.  That feature can also be used to "approve" the new provider record for inclusion on the master agency-wide providers list used throughout AWARDS.  The approval process is necessary if the individual who added the new provider using "Add New" did not have the "Referral/Provider Agencies Data Entry" permission; otherwise, it will be added to the global list automatically.  

Provider Location

The following fields/options apply to the provider being added to the client's record:

  Address, Address 2, City, State, Zip - Read-only values reflecting the address of the selected Provider.  This information is automatically pulled from the provider record under Providers Directory if an address has been recorded there.

  Contact Information - Read-only information reflecting contact information for the selected Provider.  Click the expand/collapse icon to the right of the label to display the contact details (if any).  This information is automatically pulled from the provider record under Providers Directory if contact details have been recorded there. 

  Use This Location for Encounters - Click this radio button if this provider address should be used for the encounter, as opposed to the Agency Location.  When selected the provider address is pulled in and displayed as read-only.

  TIP: If this option is not selected, the equivalent option must be chosen under Agency Location.

Reason for Referral

In this text box, type or make changes to any information regarding the reason the client was referred for this encounter.

Reason for Visit

In this text box, type or make changes to a description of the reason for the client's visit.

Referral Provider

In this searchable field, type the first few letters of the name of the referring provider.  As you type, partial matches are displayed in the results drop-down below the field.  Click the name of the appropriate provider from the list.

  NOTE: Providers available for selection are those recorded within the Providers Directory, or within the Referral/Provider Agencies feature (with the provider agency option selected for the practice/agency and the provider option selected for the contact).

Start Time

In this field type the time at which the encounter started (using HH:MM AM/PM format).

Summary of Care

Click this drop-down arrow and select "Available" or "Unavailable."
