Working with Toxicology Information

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To enter, update, or delete toxicology information, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the client for whom toxicology information to be entered or worked with.
    2. Click Charts from the left-hand menu, and then click Services - Individual.  The individual services fly-out menu is displayed.
    3. Click Toxicology Information.  The Toxicology Records Settings page is displayed.

    1. Click the Client drop-down arrow and select the client for whom toxicology information is to be entered or worked with.

  TIP: If the toxicology information to be worked with is for a former (discharged) client, first click the Roster Archives checkbox beneath the client selection option.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Complete Toxicology Records index page is displayed.

This page contains an index of any existing toxicology records for the selected client, along with the option to add a new record.

    1. At this time, complete one of the following tasks as needed:

  Add a new toxicology information record - Click the Select radio button next to "Add New."  Continue with step 7.

  Update an existing toxicology information record - Click the Select radio button for the record to be updated.  Continue with step 7.

  Delete an existing toxicology information record - Click the Select radio button for the record to be deleted, and then click Delete.  A confirmation dialog box is displayed.  Click OK to proceed with the deletion; otherwise, click Cancel to return to the records index.  The deletion process is now complete and the remaining steps do not apply.  Repeat step 6 as needed.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Complete Toxicology Records data entry page is displayed.

    1. Configure or make changes to the data in the fields/options on this page as necessary:

  Date Sample was Taken - In this field, type or make changes to the date on which the toxicology sample was taken using mm/dd/yyyy format or selecting the date with the available date picker icon.

  Drug Type - Click the checkbox next to each drug tested for.

  Test Type - For each drug type tested, click this drop-down arrow and select the test type.  The default value is "Urine."

  Results - For each drug type tested, click this drop-down arrow and select the test result.  If alcohol has been tested for, type in the blood alcohol content level.

  Comments - In this text box, type or make changes to any comments regarding the tests.

    1. Click CONTINUE. The toxicology information record is saved and the Complete Toxicology Records index page is re-displayed.
    2. Repeat steps 6 through 9 as needed.

The process of working with toxicology information is now complete.