Working with the Consumer Billing Dashboard

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The Consumer Billing Dashboard component of the AWARDS BillingBuilder enables users to create payment records for self-paying clients who make co-payments or full payments for services rendered.  Once payment is recorded, a receipt for that payment can then be printed for the client.  The Dashboard also provides users easy access to view demographics data, insurance/entitlements, diagnosis data, billing status, billing history report, payments/adjustments, and summary/statement information for the individual.

Each of these processes are described in detail in the sub-sections that follow:

Entering Co-Pay Amounts

Entering Self-Pay Amounts

Printing a Payment Receipt

Correcting an Error in a Payment Record

To view detailed information on these processes, click the name of the process above or scroll through the content below.  Please keep in mind that the Consumer Billing Dashboard feature can be accessed within AWARDS from the Calendar, Consumer Search, or the BillingBuilder.  The instructions provided here focus on accessing it from the BillingBuilder.

IMPORTANT! Prior to processing in person payments for self-paying clients using the steps discussed in this portion of Online Help, please ensure that the clients have entitlements records created for Self-Pay as an insurer, or a co-payment amount indicated in the client's entitlement records for another insurer.

Entering Co-Pay Amounts

In person payments can be used to enter full or partial co-pay amounts.  To do so, complete the following steps:

    1. From the AWARDS Home screen, click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Fiscal.  The Fiscal fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click BillingBuilder.  The BillingBuilder Menu page is displayed.
    3. Click Consumer Billing Dashboard.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Select Programs page is displayed.
    4. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the client for whom the co-pay is to be entered.
    5. If the client for whom the co-pay is to be entered is for a former (discharged) client, click the Roster Archives checkbox.
    6. Click CONTINUE.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Select Client page is displayed.
    7. Click the Client drop-down arrow and select the client for whom the co-pay is to be entered.
    8. Click CONTINUE.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard page is displayed.

This page contains a list of any previously entered in person payments for the selected client, as well as buttons to view additional client information, described here:

  Appointments/Calendar - Displays the calendar for the selected consumer in the selected program.  The calendar then shows a button to take you back to the billing dashboard.

  Demographics Data - Displays a read-only version of the demographics section of the face sheet for the selected client with a button for data entry and a button to return to the billing dashboard.

  Insurance/Entitlements - Displays the certified entitlements for the selected client with a button to return to the billing dashboard.

  Diagnoses Data - Displays a read-only version of the diagnoses section of the face sheet for the selected client with a button for data entry and a button to return to the billing dashboard.

  Billing Status - Displays the Billing Services Report, except that it is being run for the selected client in the selected program, rather than a program census.  If the billing type is fee for service or per diem, you can run the report for any date range needed.  There is also a button to return to the billing dashboard.

  Billing History - Displays the Consumer Billing History Report for the selected consumer in the selected program.  There is also a button to return to the billing dashboard as well as a button to return to payments/adjustments for the selected client.

  Payments/Adjustments - Displays the payments and adjustments of the selected consumer.  There is also a button to return to the billing dashboard, as well as a button to return to billing history for the selected client.

  Summary/Statement - Displays a summary/statement designed to be given to the consumer that is based on the information shown in the billing history report.  Clicking this button displays the Summary/Statement settings page, allowing users to set date ranges and report variables.  Once the desired date range has been selected, please ensure that the appropriate boxes has been checked for Client, Transaction Type, Type, Description, Program, Amount, Total Due, Posted Date, Employee, and Date of Service, as each checked box will produce a column of data in the report.

    1. Click Add New Payment.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Add new payment page is displayed.

    1. Configure the fields and options on this page as follows:

IMPORTANT! Some of the options on this page are dynamic, meaning that the selections they make available to you are based on other options you've set earlier in the page.  As a result, please configure the options in the order in which they are described here.

  Date Paid - In this field, type the date on which the payment was made (using mm/dd/yyyy format).  This is normally the date of service.

  Insurer - Click this drop-down arrow and select an insurer/payer for which a co-pay amount has been entered in the client's entitlement records. 

  Billing Types - Click this drop-down arrow and select the billing type.  The types available here are based on the selected insurer/payer.

  Procedures - Click this drop-down arrow and select the procedure.  The procedures available here are those associated with the selected billing type.

  Amount Paid - In this field, type the amount paid.  If this is a partial payment or a zero payment, the In Person Payment invoice (which is automatically generated) will maintain a balance.  An additional payment can be added to this invoice at a later time using Manual Payments/Adjustments.

  Memo - In this field, type an optional memo that will appear on the printed receipt for the consumer.

    1. Click SAVE.  The Payment Was Recorded Successfully! page is displayed, confirming that the payment you entered was saved, and providing read-only details regarding that payment.

To print a receipt for the payment from this page, click Printable Receipt.  To print a receipt at a later time, follow the steps under Printing a Payment Receipt.

When a co-payment is entered for a consumer, an invoice batch is automatically created with an invoice for that co-payment, so that the co-pay will have an associated invoice to be applied to for A/R purposes.  The invoice batch will automatically be posted to the fiscal period of the date entered under "Date Paid" (if the fiscal period is still open to entry, if not the current open fiscal period will be assigned).  Additionally, the invoice batch will be marked with the label Copay in the information heading and a (Co-payment) label will be inserted into the description column of the Consumer A/R History Report and the A/R Ledger Report for all invoices and payment ledger types that are created when a co-payment is entered within the Consumer Billing Dashboard > In Person Payments feature.

The process of entering a co-payment is now complete.

  TIP: When the payment is saved an invoice is created for the client for the amount owed. This invoice can be accessed using the BillingBuilder, Edit Invoices component.

Return to the top of the page.

Entering Self-Pay Amounts

The Consumer Billing Dashboard feature can be used to enter self payments.  To do so, complete the following steps:

    1. From the AWARDS Home screen, click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Fiscal.  The Fiscal fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click BillingBuilder.  The BillingBuilder Menu page is displayed.

    1. Click Consumer Billing Dashboard.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Select Programs page is displayed.
    2. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the client for whom the self pay is to be entered.
    3. If the client for whom the self pay is to be entered is for a former (discharged) client, click the Roster Archives checkbox.
    4. Click CONTINUE.  The In Person Payments - Select Client page is displayed.
    5. Click the Client drop-down arrow and select the client for whom the self pay is to be entered.
    6. Click CONTINUE.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Payments page is displayed.

This page contains a list of any previously entered in person payments for the selected client, as well as buttons to view additional client information.

    1. Click Add New Payment.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Add new payment page is displayed.
    2. Configure the fields and options on this page as follows:

IMPORTANT! Some of the options on this page are dynamic, meaning that the selections they make available to you are based on other options you've set earlier in the page.  As a result, please configure the options in the order in which they are described here.

  Insurer - Click this drop-down arrow and select "Self-Pay."

  Billing Types - Click this drop-down arrow and select the billing type.  The types available here are based on the selected insurer.

  Procedures - Click this drop-down arrow and select the procedure.  The procedures available here are those associated with the selected billing type.

  Date Paid - In this field, type the date on which the payment was made (using mm/dd/yyyy format).

  Amount Paid - In this field, type the amount paid.  If this is a partial payment, the balance is added to the read-only Outstanding Balance on this page after the payment record is saved (in step 11).

    1. Click Save.  The Payment Was Recorded Successfully! page is displayed, configuring that the payment you entered was saved, and providing read-only details regarding that payment.

To print a receipt for the payment from this page, click Printable Receipt.  To print a receipt at a later time, follow the steps under Printing a Payment Receipt.

The process of entering a self payment is now complete.

  TIP: When the payment is saved an invoice is created for the client for the amount owed. This invoice can be accessed using the BillingBuilder, Edit Invoices component.

Return to the top of the page.

Printing a Payment Receipt

To print a payment receipt for a co-pay or self payment, complete the following steps:

    1. From the AWARDS Home screen, click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Fiscal.  The Fiscal fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click BillingBuilder.  The BillingBuilder Menu page is displayed.

    1. Click Consumer Billing Dashboard.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Select Programs page is displayed.
    2. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the client for whom the receipt is to be printed.
    3. If the client for whom the receipt is needed is a former (discharged) client, click the Roster Archives checkbox.
    4. Click CONTINUE.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Select Client page is displayed.
    5. Click the Client drop-down arrow and select the client for whom the receipt is to be printed.
    6. Click CONTINUE.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard page is displayed.

This page contains a list of any previously entered in person payments for the selected client, as well as buttons to view additional client information.

    1. Click the Action radio button next to the payment for which the receipt is needed.
    2. Click Printable Receipt.  The Print dialog box is displayed.
    3. Configure the printer options as necessary, and then click OK to print the receipt.

The process of printing a payment receipt is now complete.

Return to the top of the page.

Correcting an Error in a Payment Record

Once payment records are in the system, you can correct them if they contain an error; specifically, if an error was made when entering a payment record, that record must be zeroed out and the associated invoice must be voided.  A new payment record must then be entered using the steps outlined earlier on this Online Help page.

To carry out the portions of this process for zeroing out the payment record and voiding the invoice, complete the following steps:

    1. From the AWARDS Home screen, click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Fiscal.  The Fiscal fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click BillingBuilder.  The BillingBuilder Menu page is displayed.
    3. Click Consumer Billing Dashboard.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Select Programs page is displayed.
    4. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program associated with the client for whom the payment record is to be worked with.
    5. If the client for whom the record is to be worked with is a former (discharged) client, click the Roster Archives checkbox.
    6. Click CONTINUE.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Select Client page is displayed.
    7. Click the Client drop-down arrow and select the client for whom the payment record is to be worked with.
    8. Click CONTINUE.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard page is displayed.

This page contains a list of any previously entered in person payments for the selected client, as well as buttons to view additional client information.

    1. Click the Action radio button next to the payment that needs to be zeroed out.
    2. Click Update.  The Consumer Billing Dashboard - Edit Payment page is displayed.
    3. Click the Void Payment and Invoice radio button.
    4. Click CONTINUE.  The payment record is zeroed out, the associated invoice is voided, and a confirmation is then displayed letting you know that the process is complete.

The process of zeroing out a payment and voiding an invoice is now complete.

Return to the top of the page.