Viewing an LS3-6 Status Change Report
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To view an LS3-6 status change report, complete the following steps:

    1. From the AWARDS Home screen, click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Fiscal.  The Fiscal fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click LS3 Reports.  The LS3 Units Of Service Report Menu page is displayed.

    1. Click LS3-6 Status Change Report.  The report is displayed on the LS3-6 Admission/Discharge Report Settings page.

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program for which the report is to be viewed.
    2. Click the Month drop-down arrow and select the month for which the report is to be viewed.  The default value is the previous month.
    3. Click the Year drop-down arrow and select the year for which the report is to be viewed.  The default value is the current year.
    4. Click CONTINUE.  The report is displayed on the page that follows.

This read-only report includes sections for both LS3-6 Admissions and LS3-6 Discharges information for the selected OMH housing program(s).

The process of viewing an LS3-6 status change report is now complete.