April 2018 - Using Dynamic Filters on ReportBuilders

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Did you know...

...that the filter options in ReportBuilders are a great way to narrow down the scope of a report?  One of the most common uses for filters is to place limits on date fields; for example, if you want a report that shows you notes written since January 1st, you can add a filter that days “Contact Date is Greater Than or Equal to 1/1/2018.”  But what if you want that date to change?  For instance, you may want a report to show you all of the notes that were written in the last two weeks, regardless of when you choose to run that report; that's where dynamic date filters come in!

AWARDS allows you to add filter options on date fields that include keywords such as "days," "weeks," "months," and "years," as well as qualifiers such as "next" and "last."  AWARDS will also recognize days of the week and months of the year.  You can place a number in front of any of those keywords and use plus or minus signs to specify whether you want the filter to go in the future or in the past that many units.  

Here are some examples of filters you can use that take advantage of these dynamic options:

- Admission Date is Greater Than or Equal to "-2 Weeks" (will show all clients admitted in the past two weeks)
- Date Modified is Between "-30 Days" and "-7 Days" (will show notes modified more than 7 days ago, but less than 30 days ago)
- Contact Date equals "Last Tuesday" (will show you notes with a date equal to the previous Tuesday)

We encourage you to experiment with different filters and see what you can come up with - it has the potential to add a whole new "dynamic" to your use of ReportBuilders!
