Set the Timeout Value

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As part of its security functionality, the AWARDS system will "time out" a user after a set period of inactivity, causing him or her to "re-authenticate" (sign on to the application again).  The Set the Timeout Value feature is used to set or change the amount of time the system is inactive before it times out the user.

After the user is timed out, he or she is asked to login again when next clicking a button in AWARDS.  Once re-authentication is complete, the user is returned to the previous page with his or her data still intact.

Required Permissions

The Set the Timeout Value feature is available for use by users with the following permissions:

Data Entry / Access - In order to access the System Setup module in which the Set the Timeout Value feature is located, you must have the "Display Executive Administration Buttons" data entry/access permission AND either: a) be a member of the "Human Resources" or "Executive Officer" user groups, or b) have one of the "Permissions Data Entry" exception override permissions.

Exception Override - Unless you are in the "Executive Officer" or "System Administrator" user groups, you must have the "Business Rules Data Entry" exception override.

In addition, if you are working in a divisional database, you must be set up as Continuum staff in the Human Resources module in order to access and configure the timeout value.

Related Topics

This portion of AWARDS Online Help is intended to help guide you through the process of setting your database's timeout value.  Specific topics covered are:

* Setting the Application Timeout Value - Learn to view/update the number of minutes of inactivity before a user is timed out of AWARDS.