Maintaining Client Alerts Information

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To enter, update, or remove alerts information for a selected client, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click the Program drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner of the page and select the program associated with the consumer for whom alerts information is to be entered, updated, or removed.
    2. Click Charts from the left-hand menu, and then click Services - Individual.  The Individual Services fly-out menu is displayed.
    3. Click Client Alerts.  The Client Alerts Selection page is displayed.

    1. Click the Client drop-down arrow and select the client for whom the alerts information is to be entered, updated, or removed.

  TIP: If the alerts information to be entered, updated, or removed is for a former (discharged) client, first click the Roster Archives checkbox.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Alert data entry page is displayed.

    1. At this time, complete one of the following data entry tasks as needed:

  Place an alert for this client for the first time - To do so, type the alert information in the Alert text box, and then click PLACE ALERT.

  Update existing alert information for this client - To do so, make changes to the information in the Alert text box, and then click SAVE.

  Remove the existing alert for this client - To do so, click Remove Alert.

Upon completion of any of these tasks a read-only confirmation page is displayed.  To make changes to the alert information at that time, click Return to Data Entry to return to the Alert data entry page.

The process of entering, updating, or removing client alerts information is now complete.